Murkhana City

Murkhana City existed as a city situated on the planet of Murkhana, a stronghold world controlled by the Separatist Alliance. Argente Tower once stood as the city's tallest structure, but it suffered immense damage during the Clone Wars. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire took control of Murkhana City. The Sith Lord Darth Vader and Moff Wilhuff Tarkin embarked on a mission of significance within the city in 14 BBY.


Positioned on the Outer Rim planet of Murkhana, Murkhana City was a coastal settlement. Imposing, spiraling buildings defined the city's architecture, many displaying damage from acid rain, a consequence of the environmental destruction caused during the Clone Wars. Murkhana City possessed at least two spaceports, one being a hexagonal Corporate Alliance landing field near the sea, and an older spaceport located at the base of the hills. The Corporate Alliance landing field was elevated by substantial piers and linked to the city via four bridges, each spanning ten kilometers. By 14 BBY, the Corporate Alliance landing field was gradually sinking into the oceans of Murkhana.

During the early years of the Imperial Era, the hillside spaceport of Murkhana City was in a dilapidated state. Its guidance systems and terminal were non-operational, and the spaceport's immigration and customs functions had been relocated to the city center. Due to Imperial sanctions, the local government of Murkhana City lacked the resources to reconstruct the damaged structures and revitalize the economy. The city's streets remained filled with the wreckage of military droids, AT-TE walkers, turbo tanks, and warships. The impoverished inhabitants of Murkhana City relied on smugglers and the black market to obtain essential goods and resources. Stray animals, driven by hunger, also wandered the city's streets.

During the Imperial era, Murkhana was garrisoned by the Twelfth Army. The Empire also maintained a secluded Imperial compound that served as the residence of the Imperial Ambassador. The city's population included Koorivar, Aqualish, Gossams, Sugi, and humans.


During the Clone Wars, Murkhana City accommodated several Corporate Alliance facilities, including Argente Tower, a landing field, and a Corporate Alliance medcenter. The city also served as a hub for Separatist Shadowfeed propaganda broadcasts, making it a target for Republic forces throughout the Clone Wars. Nine months after the First Battle of Geonosis, Captain Wilhuff Tarkin commanded the 12th Sector Army in a successful invasion that disabled the Shadowfeed broadcasts and inflicted significant damage on the city and the planet. Republic orbital bombardments devastated Murkhana's environment and marine life, leaving much of Murkhana City in ruins.

Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader undertook a mission to the city, culminating in the execution of a Black Sun racketeer. This event enabled the Sugi crime lord Faazah to seize control of Murkhana City's criminal underworld. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire, the successor state to the Republic, imposed sanctions on Murkhana. With the local government lacking the capacity to rebuild the city's infrastructure and economy, Murkhana City experienced a population decline, with the remaining residents depending on smugglers and the black market to acquire essential goods and resources.

Resistance to the Imperial occupation and taxation manifested in acts of vandalism against Imperial LAAT/infantry gunships and the defacement of Imperial propaganda posters. In 14 BBY, Moff Tarkin and Lord Vader embarked on a mission to Murkhana City to investigate the discovery of a mysterious communications cache at the former Corporate Alliance hospital. While Tarkin was interrogating Bracchia, the local Korrivar Imperial Security Bureau informant, at the Ambassador's residence, the insurgent leader Berch Teller and his rebel cell stole Tarkin's personal starship Carrion Spike with the assistance of Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, the Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency.

Teller then initiated a brief insurgency, involving attacks on Imperial facilities throughout the galaxy. In response, Vader and Tarkin eliminated Faazah and his followers before commandeering his starship Parsec Predator, which they used to pursue the Carrion Spike.

Behind the scenes

Murkhana City made its initial appearance in Star Wars canon within Luceno's 2014 novel, Tarkin. Prior to this, the city was featured in James Luceno's 2005 Star Wars Legends novel, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader.

