Greez Dritus, a male Latero, existed during the decline of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Imperial Era. Serving as the captain of the Stinger Mantis, a luxury yacht modified for piloting with his four arms, he was quite the sight. He was hired by the former Jedi Cere Junda, who was on a mission to bring back the Jedi Order, to be her pilot and occasional cook. His gambling problem brought him into conflict with the Haxion Brood crime organization while traveling with Junda.
In 14 BBY, after receiving information that the Inquisitorius was headed to Bracca, Dritus piloted Junda there. They got there in time to rescue Cal Kestis, a former Padawan, from the Second Sister. Following that, they traveled to Bogano, where they welcomed BD-1 into their crew and learned that Eno Cordova, Junda's Jedi Master, had concealed a holocron containing information about Force-sensitives throughout the galaxy. They also picked up a "stowaway", who was actually a bogling, that Dritus was determined to find and remove from his starship.
While Kestis was on Zeffo as part of his search, Haxion Brood bounty hunters apprehended him, partly because of his connection to Dritus, and made the Jedi compete in an arena. Dritus expressed regret for the effects of his actions on Kestis and Junda. After Kestis returned to Dathomir, Merrin, a Nightsister who Dritus saw as a witch because of her magick, joined their group. As time passed, the crew developed into a family.

Pyloon, his great-grandmother, raised Greez Dritus, a male Latero, on the planet of Lateron. Dritus's parents were frequently absent as he grew up, but he picked up his penchant for risk-taking from them. He later remarked that Pyloon would have tried to kill him had she known the extent of the trouble he had gotten himself into.
Dritus learned how to cook from his great-grandmother at a young age. He fondly recalled her numerous dishes, especially her stew, which she prepared on the farm they lived on. He said it was unique because she patiently slow-cooked the braised Shaak roast the night before, let the broth simmer all day, and used fresh ingredients from their farm.
Dritus grew up in a low-income family, and he and his friends frequently looked for inexpensive activities, which is how he learned the fundamentals of Sabacc. They frequently wagered with food or oddly shaped rocks in place of credits. He later enrolled in the Lateron Space Academy, where he studied piloting and thought of himself as the academy's hero. He learned how to fly fighters, freighters, and vehicles with both short and long ranges, and he managed to fly circles around the other cadets, though all they really let him do was fly freighters in circles.
During the Galactic Republic's time, Dritus traveled to Coruscant and secretly joined a tour group that was visiting the Jedi Temple. Dritus, dressed in disguise, planned to rob the Temple, but he became too afraid to actually try it while he was there, though he would brag that he had broken into one of the Republic's most secure buildings.
Dritus took out a sizable loan to buy the Stinger Mantis and leave Lateron before 14 BBY. He had fond memories of his homeworld, but he bemoaned the Empire's exploitation of it. As he traveled, he saw himself as a thrill seeker, pursuing female company, fast ships, and gambling in order to experience a high that inevitably crashed down to feeling nothing. Dritus believed himself to be a big shot while on Coruscant and paid to enter one of the most exclusive pazaak tournaments available. Dritus, however, vowed never to return to the planet following the event's outcome. His gambling eventually put him so far in debt to the Haxion Brood crime syndicate that they pursued him throughout the galaxy while he avoided them.
Cere Junda, a former Jedi Knight, hired Greez Dritus following Order 66 and during the Great Jedi Purge to help her in her efforts to restore the Jedi Order. This included piloting the Mantis as needed, keeping an eye on Imperial communications, providing lodging, and preparing meals. The Latero enjoyed the latter task because he valued the social significance of meals and being reminded of his ancestry. Greez was told by Junda that she hired him because he was inexpensive, had no reservations about breaking the law, and that she had a hunch he wouldn't betray her. Dritus informed Junda in order to get the job that the Mantis was the best luxury cruiser in that region of the galaxy, calling it a real steal and that only he knew how to operate such a magnificent machine. He later admitted that he had exaggerated a little, but he needed the job because it wasn't easy to find work at the time.
Dritus and Junda traveled to Nar Shaddaa at some point and went to the Slag Pit cantina. Dritus was ambushed there by a group of smugglers, forcing him to fight back and causing both he and Junda to be ejected from the cantina. Dritus ended up drinking lum from Junda's flask in the alley outside the cantina. Junda told him she couldn't believe she used to drink that stuff but that it was the best night she would had in years, to which Dritus happily agreed. Dritus claimed that this was the turning point in his relationship with her.
After Dritus had worked for Junda for a while, the Haxion Brood caught up with him. Junda sold the valuable kyber crystal from her lightsaber in order to pay off Dritus' debt. It still wasn't enough for the Brood, but Dritus was deeply touched by her gesture and felt guilty that she was without a lightsaber for him.
Dritus and Junda had a near encounter with Imperials on Todola while keeping an eye on Imperial communications for any leads on Jedi survivors. They traveled there after Junda learned that a Jedi was supposedly hiding on the planet, confident that the operation would be simple. They were unaware, however, that Todola was an Imperial-occupied system and the location of a covert, off-the-record Imperial walker production outpost. Dritus was flying at a low altitude when the Imperials announced they were about to fire on the Mantis. Junda took the initiative and responded via comms. She apologized and told the Imperials that they were unaware of their location, bluffing that the ship's sensors were malfunctioning and that her co-pilot was ill. The deception worked, and they got away. At that point, the Empire was unaware of their identities, and the two would later laugh at the memory.
The pair was once stopped by Imperials who mistook them for smugglers. Dritus informed them that they were delivering a shipment of Kaadu ribs and, in order to divert and confuse the Imperials, he listed eighteen distinct methods of preparing the meat, from smoked to raw. The scheme was successful, and Dritus was also able to sell the Imperials his list of recipes, turning a profit before fleeing.
Dritus and Junda were still looking for any remaining Jedi in 14 BBY. While monitoring Imperial communications, the pair discovered that Imperial Inquisitors were en route to Bracca, a junkyard planet in the Mid Rim. They traveled to the planet in the Mantis after hearing this information in the hopes of success. The information they had been monitoring turned out to be accurate when they saw former Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis escaping Imperial forces on the roof of a high-speed transport train. Dritus destroyed a LAAT/le patrol gunship that was about to fire at Kestis, and Junda yelled to him that they were there to help and would pick him up as soon as they could. The Ninth Sister in her TIE/rp Reaper attack lander pursued the Mantis as it continued forward.
As Kestis made his way to the front of the train, the Ninth Sister arrived and destroyed the track in front of the transport, sending it plummeting into the depths below. Kestis was able to slide through debris and doors toward the Mantis, which was waiting for him as he exited. Junda stood on the landing ramp and told him to jump, but a blast from a passing ship caused Kestis to lose his grip on the ramp and land on a section of the vast scrapyard far below, where he then dueled the Second Sister for the first time. The Mantis arrived, firing at the Second Sister and distracting her long enough for him to jump across to the Mantis landing ramp, allowing Dritus to fly away, saving Kestis, who was overpowered and in danger.
Dritus told a confused and frightened Kestis to turn off his lightsaber and take a seat. He informed Kestis that while he was the captain of the Mantis, Junda was the one the Jedi would need to listen to. Dritus was unimpressed by Kestis' lack of gratitude after he implied that the pair had extracted him in order to collect the bounty on his head because he was a rogue Jedi. Junda explained to Kestis that he was safe with them, for the time being, and that their ultimate goal was to rebuild the Jedi Order. Dritus then set a course for Bogano at Junda's direction. Kestis took advantage of the opportunity to rest in one of the Mantis' bunks while en route to Bogano. Dritus was standing over him when he awoke. He informed Kestis that he was talking in his sleep and called him a weirdo for doing so.

Dritus remained on board the Mantis while Kestis traveled to the Vault, which Junda claimed held the key to rebuilding the Order. When Kestis returned, he brought with him BD-1, a BD unit droid whom Junda had intended for him to meet. Dritus scolded the boisterous droid and demanded that he get off the ship's semi-circular sofa, saying the crew had no idea how difficult it was to remove oil stains from potolli-weave fabric. He also informed Kestis that he hoped he had discovered something superior to BD-1 on the planet. Kestis informed them that the Vault was a sacred temple constructed by an ancient civilization known as the Zeffo and that a Jedi named Eno Cordova had previously placed a holocron in the archive containing the location of every known force-sensitive child in the galaxy. When Dritus exclaimed that he was unaware of what a holocron was, Junda retrieved hers as an example. Cordova instructed whoever was looking for the holocron to seek out the hidden tombs of the Three Sages in order to perceive the mysteries of the Force as the Zeffo once did and to begin their journey on Zeffo. Dritus mentioned that he had wanted to prepare some food before they left, but ultimately did not, after hearing this from Kestis.
Dritus was certain that a stowaway animal had boarded the Mantis while they were traveling to Zeffo. Dritus immediately blamed the unconfirmed stowaway after Junda inquired as to whether he had seen her missing datapad. He claimed to have heard strange noises, smelled strange odors, and had things go missing. Dritus vowed to find out what was going on and, once he did, the crew would hear all about it. It turned out that Kestis had actually saved a bogling from the planet and smuggled her on board.
The crew traveled to Zeffo, and Dritus immediately noticed the angry-looking storm that was afflicting the planet and interfering with the ship's comms upon exiting hyperspace. He said that it might not be the best time to land, but Kestis told him that Cordova had mentioned finding peace in the eye of the storm. Dritus began navigating the harsh winds and rain after Kestis located a settlement in the middle of the storm. Kestis appeared nervous as they descended through the adverse weather conditions, but Dritus assured him that a few bumps wouldn't kill him. Dritus told BD-1 to keep his opinions to himself when he stood up for his new master. The Mantis eventually made a safe but heavy landing on a landing pad adjacent to the Derelict Hangar, though Dritus referred to it as a perfect landing, congratulating himself with the phrase “Greezy money, baby”. Dritus and Junda remained on board the Mantis to investigate ways to resolve the issue and perform general maintenance on the vessel while Kestis followed Cordova's lead despite the heavy Imperial presence on the planet, as the winds were still wreaking havoc with the ship's comms.
While the pair awaited Kestis' return, an All Terrain Scout Transport spotted the Mantis and began firing on it. Junda urgently radioed Kestis to hurry back to the ship because their weapons were down, and Dritus joined in with the hurrying before being cut off. Kestis successfully destroyed the AT-ST and its driver, and Dritus complimented his moves as he returned on board. Kestis then informed the crew that he had discovered the tomb of a Zeffo sage and revealed that the civilization had traveled to the planet Kashyyyk before disappearing. Dritus groaned upon hearing this. Kestis, unperturbed, mentioned that Cordova had a Wookiee friend named Tarfful and that they should try to find him. Dritus retorted that things were bad on Kashyyyk because the Empire had muscled in on the Wookiees big time, but Kestis replied that the Empire had better get ready for a fight in that case.
Dritus told Junda as the crew left Zeffo for Kashyyyk that he didn't understand why some people have droids after being unable to understand BD-1 binary sounds. Junda replied that he should tell that directly to BD-1 as the droid could understand him, which surprised Dritus as he was unaware of this point. He attempted to backtrack somewhat saying that he did not mean anything by it and that droids just freak him out. Junda challenged him as to what did not scare him and compared the Latero to Imperials who deactivated droids simply because they could. She finishes by stating that BD-1 was part of the crew. Dritus relented, calling the treatment that droids received a tough break and stating that BD-1 was alright by him. Junda also told Dritus that BD-1 obviously likes him as the droid was not as friendly to her when she first met him. Dritus said the droid was probably just happy to see someone other than a boggling, but Junda states that he has made a new friend. Dritus reiterated softly that he was not a droid guy as he found them oily, greasy, and hard to understand, to which Junda replied that he could also be describing himself.
The crew immediately noticed the large Imperial blockade stationed over Kashyyyk when the Mantis arrived. Dritus maintained a low power signature for the ship and acted as if they belonged, to which he replied that it felt like the mission to Bracca all over again. Dritus annoyedly told the Jedi that he didn't need another set of hands piloting when Kestis attempted to co-pilot the ship, and he told him to keep an eye on the scanner for any incoming ships. After Kestis confirmed that he couldn't see anything untoward on the scanner, Junda confirmed that something was happening on the planet that was preoccupying the Empire. Dritus took advantage of the distraction and began descending into the planet's atmosphere.
When the ship was close enough to the planet's surface, the crew saw that the Empire was devouring Kashyyyk for its natural resources, and knew that Wookiees were being enslaved or displaced. Their monitoring of the planet was disturbed when a TIE/IN interceptor raced past the Mantis, closely followed by an attacking Low Altitude Assault Transport. A startled Dritus exclaimed annoyance at the close call and berated Kestis for not noticing the incoming ships on the monitors. Kestis replied that guerilla fighters, comprised of Wookiees and off-worlders, were attacking an Imperial convoy on the surface. Junda confirmed that All Terrain Armored Transports were approaching the convoy, and Kestis worried that Tarfful could be down there with them. Hearing this, Dritus responded that Tarfful could be anywhere or he could be dead like the crew would be if they got caught up in that battle down there. When Kestis planned to sabotage and jack a walker, Dritus chortled at Kestis’ plan saying the kid thought he was back in the Clone Wars. Junda, however, told Dritus to position the ship near the walkers. Dritus obliged and told them it was time for No-Freeze Greez to work his magic. Kestis then proceeded to jump from the Mantis into the vast oceans below. After Kestis successfully commandeered a walker and aided the resistance fighter Saw Gerrera in taking down an Imperial landing pad whilst also disrupting their supply lines, Dritus was able to land the Mantis on a pad in the wreckage to reunite with Kestis.
Dritus was introduced to Gerrera upon leaving the ship, but the Lateron replied bluntly to the lead. Gerrera informed the crew that the landing pad they were situated on supported an Imperial refinery that ran on Wookiee slave labor. Kestis stated that he should help liberate them as one of them could provide information on locating Tarfful. Dritus interrupted the planning telling Kestis and Gerrera that whilst the Mantis could work wonders, as it was a great ship with an excellent pilot, it was not built for close support. Junda agreed and said that she and Dritus would stay with the ship and monitor for Imperial transmissions and distress calls. After Gerrera had left, Dritus said that he thought Kashyyyk was a dump. When Junda then said she believed that Kestis following Gerrera was a risk, Dritus was bemused, stating that he had flown his ship into the middle of a battlefield and only then were they mentioning risks.
Kestis successfully liberated the imprisoned Wookiees and guerilla fighters and returned to the Mantis. As the Empire was close to locating a second Zeffo tomb, the crew made Zeffo their next destination. The decision frustrated Dritus as he had heard about an upcoming high-stakes game from one of Gerrera's fighters and thought it was a pity that they had to travel to Zeffo instead. Junda hit back telling the Latero to to use his head as at some point the Haxion Brood would catch up to him. Dritus was nonplussed saying that he would hear those "schlubs" coming from a parsec away. Junda continued by stating that they did not need his gambling habits causing them further trouble with murderous criminal syndicates. He said he needed to blow off stress every once in a while but as his gambling was all in the past, he did not see it being a problem going forward.
After the crew landed on Zeffo, Kestis embarked on his mission to locate the second tomb. While exploring the planet's ancient ruins, Kestis encountered the Second Sister near the Tomb of Miktrull, who revealed to the Jedi that she was Cere's former padawan, Trilla Suduri. After escaping the Inquisitor and locating the tomb, Kestis was captured by a Haxion Brood bounty hunter due to Dritus' large gambling debt to the syndicate. The Jedi was taken to the Brood's headquarters on Ordo Eris and imprisoned. After he escaped his cell and reunited with BD-1, he was forced to fight in the Haxion Fight Pit before syndicate leader Sorc Tormo, who told Kestis he had "Greezy Four Arms" to thank for his current predicament. Kestis fought and defeated each hunter and creature Tormo pitted him against and was saved when Dritus crashed the Mantis into the arena to retrieve him.
Kestis informed Dritus that he was well-known among the Brood while in the cockpit of the Mantis. An embarrassed Dritus could only respond that they were a repulsive group that smelled like used droid oil. Junda stated that it was a complication that they could have avoided. Kestis informed them that they had another complication because the Empire was aware of Cordova's holocron's existence. He then revealed to Junda that he spoke with the Second Sister, who told him that Junda betrayed her to the Empire. Dritus was forced to interrupt and inform them that an encrypted message from Kashyyyk had been received when the pair began to argue. The message was from Mari Kosan, Gerrera's lieutenant, who confirmed to Kestis that they had located Tarfull and that the Wookiee was willing to meet with the Jedi. Junda and Kestis agreed to continue their discussion at a later time because they now had a lead, and Dritus quietly told himself that everything would be fine on board.

Kestis, exhausted from his recent trials, sought refuge in his quarters aboard the ship for some much-needed rest. Upon waking, he found Dritus standing over him once more. Dritus admitted he was unsure of the dynamic between Kestis and Junda, assuming it was some sort of Jedi matter, but stressed that now was not the appropriate time to address it. Kestis retorted, asserting that it was none of Dritus' concern. Dritus countered, stating that he considered it his business since they were all united in the struggle. He then confessed to Kestis that he had made a mistake that nearly resulted in his death and offered an apology. He urged Kestis to be lenient with Junda, not necessarily for his sake, but because Kestis and Junda were the best things to have happened in his life. He revealed to Kestis that before their arrival, his sole focus was on maintaining a firm grip on his blaster. He clarified that this was a gaming reference, which Kestis already understood. Dritus emphasized to Kestis that life was not a game and that he previously only cared about himself, but that his perspective had shifted.
Subsequently, Dritus piloted the Mantis towards Kashyyyk. En route, Dritus shared with Kestis and Junda that despite the high-stakes situations they encountered, nothing excited him more than watching two slubs compete against each other for entertainment. He was quick to clarify that he only enjoyed watching the games and did not participate in gambling. Junda expressed her concern, stating that she found his enthusiasm for such a barbaric activity unsettling.
While Kestis ventured to meet with Tarfful and ascend the Origin Tree as instructed by the Wookiee, Dritus and Junda remained with the Mantis on Kashyyyk. Kestis discovered that Cordova had previously located a Zeffo Astrium there and that another might be found in the Tomb of Kujet on Dathomir. Before he could return to the Mantis, Kestis engaged in a battle with the Ninth Sister, ultimately defeating her. Kestis returned to the ship and informed Dritus and Junda that Cordova believed the key to the Vault was located on Dathomir.

Later, the crew shared a dinner during which Junda recounted to Kestis her capture and torture by the Empire, as well as the loss of Suduri. Dritus attempted to appear disinterested by liberally applying salt to his meal while the two engaged in their intense discussion. Following the heavy salting, BD-1 began scanning Dritus' food, prompting him to yell at the droid to keep its lasers away from his lunch.
Following Cordova's directions, Dritus and the crew set a course for Dathomir. Before their arrival, Junda explained to Dritus that the planet was once the home of the Nightsisters, a formidable group of Force users who were eradicated during the Clone Wars. She explained that their powers revolved around deception, illusion, and manipulation, which led Dritus to comment that the description reminded him of someone he once knew. After landing the Mantis on the planet's surface, Dritus inquired with Kestis about the state of his relationship with Junda. Kestis responded that he was unsure, but that it was not the priority at the moment. Dritus informed Kestis that Junda had faith in him, adding that while he himself was initially skeptical of Kestis, he admitted that following the Jedi to the most terrifying place in the galaxy had to mean something. He expressed his hope that they could resolve their issues so that the crew could complete their mission and find peace somewhere. He told Kestis that he knew of a great castle on Takodana that made the best Bloody Rancors.
Kestis' initial visit to Dathomir proved to be pivotal. While exploring the planet in search of the tomb, he encountered a Nightsister named Merrin, who believed that the Jedi were thieves and liars who only brought death. She subsequently instructed the native nightbrothers to attack Kestis and resurrected her murdered sisters to fight him as well. Her belief that the Jedi were her enemies was instilled in her by a wanderer on the planet, who was later revealed to be Taron Malicos, a former Jedi General who had turned to the Dark Side of the Force after escaping the Jedi Purge and settling on Dathomir. Kestis also encountered Malicos while he was disguised as a wanderer, and the former Jedi warned Kestis not to enter the temple, claiming that he would succumb to its darkness, a warning Kestis disregarded. Upon entering the tomb, Kestis experienced a flashback of Order 66 and the death of his master, Jaro Tapal. The trauma of reliving this event caused him to severely damage his lightsaber. When he exited the temple, Merrin returned to threaten both him and Malicos, and she resurrected more of her sisters, who chased the weaponless Jedi back to the waiting Mantis.
Kestis contacted Junda and instructed her to have Dritus prepare the ship for immediate departure, but Dritus overheard and was unhappy that Kestis was leading the Undead Nightsisters to the Mantis. Upon Kestis' return, a panicked Dritus quickly launched the ship into the air and managed to shake off the dead witches who were swarming the exterior of the ship. Kestis explained to Junda what had transpired in the tomb, and she in turn explained to Kestis why she had severed her connection to the Force years earlier. She informed the Jedi that he needed to construct a new lightsaber and that they would need to travel to Ilum to do so.
Dritus remained on the Mantis while Kestis ventured into the Jedi Temple to find a new kyber crystal and rebuild his lightsaber. After the Jedi returned to the Mantis following a revelatory experience in the caves of Ilum, he told the waiting Dritus and Junda that the hopes of the Jedi Order rested on the shoulders of a gambler, a fallen Jedi and a failed padawan. He described them collectively as a bunch of screw-ups, an assessment Dritus agreed with. Kestis thanked them both for being willing to sacrifice everything and to keep going when everything seemed impossible. Kestis informed both that they would need to travel back to Dathomir for him to face his past.
Dritus piloted the crew back to Dathomir and was immediately uneasy upon landing. Before Kestis left the ship, Dritus pondered what horrible things would happen to the crew whilst they were there. He speculated giant spiders or killer plants would be their biggest threat, and Junda posited that maybe the Haxion Brood would come for him on the planet. Dritus enquired as to whether Kestis and Junda were both still mad with him and stated that he had paid them back in thrills, telling them not many people make it onto the Brood's most wanted list. Junda retorted that if Dritus was not such a good pilot, she would have handed him over herself. Kestis did not take Dritus' worries seriously to which the Latero said he was glad his fear of a painful death by zombie witches made Kestis feel a little bit more at ease. He then urged him to hurry up and do what he needed to do.
As Kestis carried out his mission, Dritus felt terrified merely being on the planet. He was preparing drinks for himself and Junda when Kestis returned to the Mantis. However, the Jedi was not alone. He had acquired the Astrium that Cordova had mentioned on Bogano after defeating Malicos in combat, and he had also brought Merrin with him. The Nightsister had spent years waiting for an opportunity to avenge her sisters but decided that she had finished waiting and told Kestis she would join him and fight by his side. When Dritus encountered Merrin aboard the Mantis, his fear returned and he asked who she was, calling her a witch. Merrin corrected Dritus, identifying herself as a Nightsister and assuring him that his fear was unnecessary, as she was joining them. Dritus reluctantly instructed her to find a seat, while Junda informed her that she would need to earn the crew's trust but welcomed her aboard.
Junda inquired whether Merrin enjoyed music, to which she responded that she did, and that some magick required it. She shared that her favorite piece of music was the Chant of Resurrection and asked if the crew would like to hear it. A flustered Dritus replied that he did not want to hear that song on his ship and that the only dead things he wanted to see on the Mantis would be on his plate.
With the Astrium in their possession, Dritus piloted the crew back to Bogano. During the journey to the planet, Dritus complained about Cordova, stating that he was putting real wear and tear on the Mantis. He also told Kestis that he needed to know something but would go easy on him about it. He told the Jedi that there had been a problem with the refresher and whilst he was not saying he knew who caused it - and having endured the smell he was not sure he wanted to - he asked them all to light a candle upon leaving the refresher. Merrin enquired as to whether he had a gundarks blood candle, to which the Lateron replied that he only had wasaka berry. He warned the crew that Lateros had a keen sense of smell and that if it happened again, he would throw the culprit off the ship himself.
After he offered to whip up some scazz steaks for the journey. Junda took the time to tell Dritus that they would not have gotten as far as they had without him, causing the Latero to become uncharacteristically bashful. When Kestis affirmed the truth of Junda's words, a still-bashful Dritus thanked them both and expressed his hope that they would retrieve the holocron safely. Merrin questioned the crew about whether locating the holocron was the best course of action, suggesting that the children on the list would inevitably be hunted by the Empire. Before the discussion could develop, Dritus interrupted to announce their arrival on Bogano. Merrin stopped him before he could enter the cockpit and told him she liked her steaks rare. A relieved Dritus exhaled and told the crew that now they were cooking.
Outside of the ship, Dritus told Kestis that the children from the holocron would be lucky to have him, but Kestis said they would be lucky to have them all. This pleased Dritus as he said the children would need to learn more than fancy magic tricks. He believed they would need practical guidance, a good role model, and someone to look up to. Dritus also mentioned that ship flying was a complicated art, and his teaching of the children would depend on whether he stuck around. He told Kestis that he believed him to be one tough kid and admitted that he knew then that Kestis was the real deal, banishing his initial doubts.
Kestis returned to the Mantis following his mission, but he did so without the holocron. After entering the Vault and placing the Astrium within it, he experienced a vision of the future, which showed the children being killed or captured by the Inquisitorius and himself succumbing to the Dark Side. He then dueled the Second Sister again, but she escaped with the holocron after Kestis touched her lightsaber and incapacitated himself. Junda accepted responsibility for whatever Suduri went on to do and said she knew where the holocron was being taken - to Fortress Inquisitorius on the water planet Nur. Junda informed the crew that this was the establishment she escaped from after she was captured and tortured following Order 66. Dritus was present and piloting the ship when Junda knighted Kestis whilst travelling to Nur.

As the crew approached Nur, Dritus expressed his concern, stating that the situation did not look promising. He knew that their usual tactics would not be sufficient to bypass the heavy Imperial presence blockading the planet. Merrin suggested that she could perform a cloaking ritual to conceal the ship. When Dritus voiced his skepticism, Merrin explained that the ritual would require a sacrifice to be successful, suggesting that one of his arms would suffice. She allowed Dritus to briefly indulge in his fear before telling him not to be so serious and to join her in the cockpit. Dritus watched in awe as Merrin's ritual cloaked the ship in green ichor, stating whatever she was doing was working. Kestis then asked him what he thought the odds of success were. Dritus turned to look at the Jedi and told him his money was on him. As Cal and Cere jettisoned the escape pods into the oceans of Nur, Merrin remained with Dritus aboard the ship to ensure it remained cloaked.
While Junda and Kestis completed their daring mission in the fortress, Dritus was unable to establish communication with either of them, leaving him and Merrin uninformed about their safety. He only managed to make contact with Kestis as the Jedi was escaping the base. Kestis informed him that he had secured the holocron but that Junda had not survived the mission. Unbeknownst to them all, Junda had survived her apparent demise and returned to save Kestis from his losing duel with Darth Vader. The pair managed to escape into the ocean after Kestis shattered a pane of glass in the base, and Merrin dove in to rescue them. Dritus then piloted the ship away from the planet and to safety.
Kestis took time to recover from the mission in his quarters and Dritus was by his side when he awoke. When he informed Kestis that Junda had recovered, Kestis ran into the common area where was greeted with a hug by Merrin, who told the Jedi she was glad he was OK and let him know that Dritus did not leave his side during his recovery. The crew gathered around the table in the seating area and Dritus asked what was next. Junda thanked him and said that they had reached the end of their charter and that his contract had been fulfilled. He replied that if it was all the same to her, he was thinking he would stick around and take them wherever they needed to go, quietly telling her that Kestis looked up to him.

Kestis then unlocked the holocron using the Force, and Dritus remarked that the Empire would now be hunting the next generation of Jedi, just as they were hunting them. Junda told the crew that the lives of every child on that list would be forever changed, but Kestis destroyed the holocron with his lightsaber, stating that their destinies should be trusted to the force. He looks at the crew around and asks where they should go next.
As the Mantis crew continued their shared journeys across the galaxy, their bonds deepened, evolving into a familial connection with the ship serving as their home. While each member held distinct motivations, Dritus advocated for a shift in perspective, urging them to relinquish the notion that the galaxy's fate rested solely on their shoulders and to instead focus on their individual desires. Over the preceding years, they had pursued numerous missions, but many promising leads had either failed to materialize or had fallen through, negatively impacting their morale.
The Mantis crew established a routine for their missions, with Dritus primarily responsible for ensuring the ship was prepared for swift departures. Due to Dritus' debts to the Haxion Brood and Kestis' triumph in their fighting pit, the gangsters persistently pursued the Mantis and its crew. Sometime between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, they encountered a Haxion Brood member who divulged the location of a Haxion Brood base on an asteroid in the Outer Rim. Destroying it, along with the many Brood who would be inside it after a raid, would grant the crew greater freedom and protect inhabitants of nearby systems that had been attacked by the Brood; thus, the Mantis crew decided to infiltrate it and blow it up later that month.

Kestis and BD-1 initially ventured to the asteroid to disable the base's shields, with Dritus having previously detailed the mechanics of the base's sensor system during a pre-mission briefing. Following this, Dritus piloted the Mantis inside the base to allow Merrin and Junda to disembark. The crew commenced their infiltration of the base while Dritus kept the ship's engines running. Merrin expressed her concern about the unusual quietness of the base's outer ring, to which Dritus speculated that the hunters were all intoxicated like skeezumps in the cantina. Merrin imagined the Latero back on the Mantis with his feet up on the dash, waiting for the rest of the team to finish their work.
As the explosive charges the crew had set began to detonate, the team hastily made their way back to the Mantis. Along the way, Merrin encountered a woman wearing stormtrooper armor. As Merrin threatened the woman, the Imperial began begging for her help. When Merrin removed the woman's helmet, she was surprised to see a Keshiri instead of a human. The Keshiri's expression of surrender led Merrin to release her, but she refused to endanger her crew to help a stranger who might be a spy. However, she silently considered doing so until Kestis and Dritus, who had been listening through the open comms, interrupted with a reminder to hurry up and escape. While the Nightsister was distracted by Kestis running her way, pursued by stormtroopers, the Keshiri woman disappeared.
As Merrin ran for the Mantis, she yelled to Dritus and Kestis that Junda was not on board as the ship lifted off, and Dritus responded that there were Imperial and Brood ships swarming all over his scopes. Kestis and Merrin used a combination of his lightsaber, the Force, and magick to fight back stormtroopers that were chasing the onrushing Junda. Merrin helped pull Kestis and Junda up the ramp, but Cere reached down to pull up the stormtrooper—the Keshiri woman, who immediately surrendered and removed her helmet.
Dritus immediately began to navigate a course off the planet and into atmosphere which was proving troublesome as the Mantis was not made for close-quarter combat. As the ship exited the asteroid belt, it was struck by a blast from a TIE Brute. Dritus continued evasive maneuvers as Junda confronted the Keshiri; despite having pulled her aboard. The Lateron was incredulous as he realized he nearly lost his ship so a stormtrooper could be saved. She quickly introduced herself as Chellwinark Frethylrin, or "Fret," and said she was an analyst, not a stormtrooper or an agent spying on them. With the ship still under attack and taking hits, Kestis' thoughts inexplicably turned to the independent gravcore he installed in the ship's terrariums, reasoning that without them, the plants that had been so carefully tended to by Dritus would be mulch. Frethylrin provided the crew with some insider knowledge of how to escape, which involved reestablishing gravity aboard the ship after the gravcore took a hit, as well as the Mantis performing a full turn on the vertical. Dritus would then need to fire off broadcast static across Imperial comms at the same time. The maneuver and distraction were successfully implemented by Dritus and Kestis and the ship jumped to hyperspace.
The crew gathered in the ship's kitchen as Frethylrin told a story of how she had supposedly deserted the Empire. Dritus warned the Keshiri not to consume too much of the ship's caf as he only bought the expensive varieties. Frethylrin then offered to pay her debt to the group by providing details of a job. Dritus and the rest of the crew discussed whether or not to hear out the proposal, with the Lateron vehemently against letting the Keshiri join the crew. At one point during the debate, he stubbed his toe on some ship scrap that he had pilfered from the Brood base whilst the others were infiltrating it. Kestis was annoyed that Dritus was sneaking around alleyways when the crew could have needed to make a getaway at any moment, but Dritus hit back saying that they could make some real credits from the cybernetic junk. Dritus was unsure that the risks the job potentially brought were worth it and questioned the crew on their long-term plans, and whether they should keep throwing themselves at random chances to put a small dent in the Empire's gigantic, impenetrable hull. Dritus wearily questioned why they were acting like the fate of the galaxy was on their shoulders, and whether there should not be a time when they count their wins and leave the fight. The Latero knew they had been lucky for a few years, and said that the crew needed to identify what their endgame was before they lost too much of themselves to a fight they could not win. Kestis knew Dritus had a point, but kept that to himself.
As their conversation grew more heated, Dritus' plan to drop Frethylrin on Batuu and send her off with a fruitcake went unheeded, as Kestis decided they follow Frethylrin's directions to set course for Chikua City on Hosnian Prime. During the journey, Merrin and Frethylrin's mutual interest grew to the point that Dritus wished they would hurry up and kiss.

Dritus was sure that their presence on Hosnian Prime was a mistake. For a crew of fugitives to land a conspicuous ship on a Core world seemed unwise, especially with a stormtrooper in their company. In the days after escaping the Brood base, he had executed several hyperspace jumps before landing just outside Chikua City, ensuring they weren't being followed. Frethylrin's complaints about the long walk to the city irritated Dritus. He figured that since he had the shortest legs, he should be the one complaining. He reminded them all that being arrested and subjected to torture in an Imperial prison would be far less pleasant than a short walk through the hanging gardens to the city center. Dritus found the location unimpressive, struggling to understand living on a planet so developed that a dedicated space for plants was necessary to remind people of their existence.
Dritus also persuaded his Jedi companions to disguise themselves with clothing that didn't immediately identify them as Jedi. During their walk, Dritus reflected on his debts, believing they were objectively worth more than his life. He mused that the galaxy was vast and empty, and he always felt like he was looking into a mirror when gazing out of his cockpit's viewport: an immense, empty void within himself, searching for something to make him feel alive, even briefly. Thrills came and went, leaving him unchanged. He recalled Junda's sacrifice of her valuable kyber crystal to the Haxion Brood to alleviate his debts, which ultimately led to Kestis' capture on Zeffo. He concluded that protecting his friends was the greatest thrill he could experience.
In Chikua City, Dritus and the others visited a supra-atmo skytower, one of the most magnificent places Dritus had ever witnessed, to meet Qeris Lar, Frethylrin's Omwati contact. Lar presented a plan he and Frethylrin had devised for the crew: to steal a datacard containing the only schematics for a cloaking device known as the Shroud. Lar claimed he would use the schematics and his resources to produce the Shroud for the rebels. Frethylrin revealed that the inventor wanted her to desert, but the Empire tracked and killed them. The datacard was secured in an Imperial garrison on Murkhana, and Inquisitors were en route to seize it as well. Back on the Mantis, Dritus voiced his objections to the mission, distrusting Lar and finding the Inquisitors' involvement a major red flag. Despite Dritus' reservations, the other three decided to accept the job.
During the journey to Murkhana City, Kestis inquired if Dritus ever wished he had been born elsewhere than Lateron, to which he replied negatively, as women from other planets didn't find him as attractive as Lateron ladies did. He then asked Kestis if he regretted becoming a Jedi, and Kestis eventually responded that he wouldn't have met Dritus otherwise. Secretly, Frethylrin confided in Merrin that she hadn't fully deserted, wanting to use her system access to acquire the Shroud. Merrin felt betrayed but kept it from the others, deciding to see how the mission unfolded.
Upon the Mantis' arrival, the crew began their mission briefing, with Dritus mapping out the prison facility they would infiltrate. During the mission, after Frethylrin opened a gate for Kestis and Merrin, Junda reported that the Keshiri had used that day's new security codes but decided the mission was too important to abandon. Dritus then used Frethylrin's tracker to constantly monitor her location.
During the operation, Junda remotely unlocked all the prison cells to create a riot, making it easier for the crew to blend in and find the plans. Following Junda's guidance into the cellblock, they discovered that the prison cell held Frethylrin's presumed dead Nikto ex-girlfriend, Irei, just as Junda warned them that the Fifth Brother had arrived with a squad of Purge Troopers. Irei agreed that she had to escape from the Empire so they could not rip her plans out of her mind.

The Mantis members fought their way through prison guards, prisoners, and Purge Troopers before Kestis told Merrin to leave him behind and protect Dritus and Junda on the ship. As she headed towards the Mantis, the Fifth Brother confronted Kestis. Dritus grew anxious when Kestis and Junda didn't answer his comms, unaware that Junda had rushed to Kestis' aid. Merrin seemed lost when Dritus asked about the others. As she explained, he grabbed her arm, assuring her she was doing the right thing for the team, and they needed to figure out what to do next. As they argued over who should stay with the Mantis or go back for the others, Frethylrin shouted for a medbay and limped towards them with Irei across her shoulders. Meanwhile, Dritus grabbed his blasters and left the Mantis to find Junda. He managed to avoid the stormtroopers, figuring a panicked Latero in a leather jacket wasn't their priority.
Meanwhile, after an altercation that left Kestis unconscious, Junda used the Force to restrain the Fifth Brother, trying to persuade him to return to the light side of the Force; Dritus was shocked by her desperation. Dritus begged her to stop and help him get the injured Kestis back to the Mantis. With Junda momentarily distracted, the Inquisitor broke free and summoned her lightsaber with the Force. Dritus, knowing his intention, leaped between them as the Inquisitor brought the lightsaber down, severed one of his four arms to save Junda from any guilt at the result of the Fifth Brother's attempt to kill Kestis. Merrin expected the trio to return together but instead saw Junda and Kestis supporting Dritus' lower arms as they carried him into the ship. She urged Frethylrin to fly them out, and Junda took over as co-pilot. Merrin and Kestis, in their own ways, reassured Dritus, confirming they had retrieved their objective.
After the Mantis jumped to hyperspace, Junda took Dritus to treat him but couldn't shake off her guilt for Dritus' injury, as she had refused to incapacitate or kill the Fifth Brother. After a day and a night of distance among the crew, Dritus emerged. He scolded Merrin for trying to help him balance and angrily confronted Frethylrin, accusing her of abandoning them and causing him to lose his arm.
Kestis' question sparked a larger confrontation, with Dritus continuing to blame Frethlyrin and then Junda for his lost arm. The crew began arguing about their conflicting motivations, and Dritus confessed he wasn't sure why he was there. Junda decided they would all rest and get medical attention for Dritus for forty-eight hours, then reconvene at the Mantis with clearer heads.
After Dritus landed the Mantis shakily in a village on Zimara, everyone went their separate ways to recharge and reflect. When it was time to return to the Mantis, Dritus was the only one missing. Junda and Frethylrin prepared to fly the ship if he didn't return, but as Junda ordered everyone to prepare for takeoff, Dritus arrived, half hour late. Someone in the town had altered his jacket, tailoring the empty sleeve to swoop around his arm. Junda noticed he looked hurt and older, but also good. Merrin, Kestis, and Junda rushed to hug him, to his secret delight.
Onboard, Dritus exaggerated his injury but knew it would significantly change his life. The crew discussed their plans for the Shroud and how to handle the shady Lar. Junda suggested giving Lar a fake prototype, and Dritus pointed out that the Omwati would want to kill Frethylrin. To solve the latter problem, Merrin and Frethylrin collaborated to create new armor from scraps Dritus had taken from the Haxion Brood base, pleasing the Latero. Kestis worked with Irei to rig an explosive faux prototype.
The crew returned to Hosnian Prime, where Kestis, BD-1, Merrin, Frethylrin, and Irei left the ship to meet Lar in his residence. With Dritus and Junda in low orbit over Hosnian Prime, they monitored the meeting through cams worn on the organics' outfits and on top of BD-1's head. Irei presented the fake prototype to Lar, asking him to guarantee her and Frethylrin's safety in exchange. As expected, Lar said they needed to "renegotiate," wanting the Shroud prototype and plans with Irei working for him to manufacture her invention. Lar fired a small but powerful blaster at Frethylrin's armored chest, sending her flying and knocking her out.
As the crew fought Lar's incoming Haxion Brood hunters, Kestis provoked the Omwati into revealing he had bought up most of the galaxy's mirkanite mines to sell the rare mineral to the Empire as it mass-produced the Shroud. Dritus and Junda recorded everything Lar said while engaging Haxion Brood ships and arguing about who was responsible for Dritus' lost arm.
The Fifth Brother jammed the group's comms, having located them using a tracker hidden on Irei without her knowledge. Kestis used the Force to throw the explosive at Lar, and the Inquisitor impaled Lar on his lightsaber. The Inquisitor's attempt to deflect it with his lightsaber triggered an explosion that caved in the room. Merrin was unconscious in the rubble as Dritus and Junda arrived in the elevator, and when she revived, the crew left to regroup on the Mantis.
Frethylrin and Irei decided to go into hiding together as friends, using the former's network and the latter's technical skills. Dritus flew them to Zimara, and after the Mantis landed, the farewells began, and the departing pair gifted Dritus a new plant seed for his terrarium. As Irei and Frethylrin walked away, the crew acknowledged they would never see them again and that, for the time being, they would be OK.
Sometime after the events on Murkhana and before 9 BBY, the Mantis crew went their separate ways. Dritus acquired a highly advanced prosthetic arm and traveled to the Outer Rim planet Koboh to escape the Empire and the Haxion Brood. He eventually settled in Rambler's Reach Outpost and took over a local saloon after its previous owner Abel Drongite ran afoul of the Bedlam Raiders, a gang of marauders led by the Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis. Cere provided the two thousand credits needed to purchase the saloon. Dritus hoped that if he made Granny Pyloon's famous casserole for Junda she might forget the debt.
After buying the saloon, Dritus named it after his great-grandmother Pyloon and began fixing it up, as it was in disarray. The interior was stained with old food and drinks, scattered with body parts, and he found a shiverpede nest, which he removed while the creatures tried to remove his head. Besides cleaning and making the saloon hospitable, it took two weeks to get reliable power and water. Since Koboh wasn't near any trade routes, Dritus had to make do with salvage to maintain the saloon. After taking over, he met the bartender droid M-6NK - also known as Monk - in a gambling den. When Monk escaped his previous employers, he became the bartender at Pyloon's Saloon, and the two shared a cantankerous relationship.
When not overseeing Pyloon's, Dritus explored the rugged planet. Once, he tried to explore an abandoned settlement but fled upon hearing creepy voices and never returned.
He became known and generally liked by the townsfolk, mostly prospectors, engineers, and technicians, except for Gulu and Gido, who preferred Drongite, believing him to be more lenient than Dritus. Local stable owner Mosey Cimmaron credited Dritus with inadvertently introducing the bogling species to Koboh after a stowaway on the Mantis mixed with the local wildlife.
In 9 BBY, Dritus and Kestis reunited after Kestis crash-landed the Mantis on Koboh, damaged during a raid on Coruscant. The Jedi sought out his old friend, as the Lateron was the only one who could properly fix the Mantis and replace its damaged gyro systems. When Kestis entered Pyloon's, Dritus hid in a back room, fearing the Bedlam Raiders had arrived. Upon seeing BD-1, Dritus warmly embraced Kestis, and they discussed the absent Mantis crew members, while the Lateron fretted about the cantina's cleanliness and the Mantis. Dritus worried that Kestis wasn't resting enough and directed him to a room below the saloon he had prepared for his visit.

After Kestis rested, Dritus said he had hoped he would arrive and take a break from his crusade. When Kestis became defensive and reminded Dritus that he had told the disbanding crew that someone needed to keep fighting, Dritus replied that maybe it was time for Kestis to be more than just a lightsaber. He urged Kestis to find a home and settle down, telling him he had to know when to walk away from a rigged game before he lost something irreplaceable. Despite their tense conversation, Dritus reiterated how good it was to see his old friend, and Kestis agreed to consider what the Lateron had said.
Dritus decided to reclaim his position as captain of the Mantis after Kestis confirmed that Tanalorr, the mythical planet of treasure, was real, having encountered the High Republic-era droid ZN-A4 "Zee" in the smuggler's tunnels beneath the saloon. Zee informed Kestis that her master Santari Khri knew of the planet, and, with his friend and mercenary Bode Akuna, he planned to find it. Despite feeling his best piloting days were behind him, he agreed to rejoin the crew after Kestis said he couldn't do the mission without him. Dritus immediately suggested that Cere Junda could help identify a lost Jedi temple or planet and provide details on Dagan Gera, a Jedi from the High Republic era whom Kestis had released from a hidden bacta tank after centuries inside.
Dritus was excited to fly again, and though it took a few flights to adjust, he felt comfortable back in the cockpit, minimizing the damage Kestis could do to the ship. He piloted Kestis, BD-1, and Akuna to Jedha, where Junda had established a secret base of operations with her old master Eno Cordova, intending to restore the Jedi Archives and serve as a node on the underground Hidden Path network. Upon landing, Dritus reunited with Junda and Merrin, who arrived after hearing that Kestis and Dritus would be visiting—the Mantis crew was together again.

Dritus told Junda he was surprised she had become a librarian, confidently telling her he was aging like fine Alderaanian wine, while quietly admitting he was mostly done with his gambling addiction. Despite his excitement, he disliked the Narkis Anchorites residing in the base, finding them creepy.
After researching information within archives, Cordova explained that while the archive had no direct knowledge of how to navigate the dangerous Koboh Abyss that enshrouded Tanalorr, he was able to find two mentions of Gera—records show that he had a retreat on Koboh's surface and frequently visited a laboratory on Koboh's Shattered Moon.
Dritus and the Mantis crew subsequently visited both locations. Kestis learned that Gera had betrayed the Jedi Order after they decided to abandon Tanalorr and had murdered his fellow Jedi for destroying a series of mysterious devices. He recovered the devices, and the crew returned to Jedha for Cordova to analyze them.
At the base, they learned that the devices were compasses that could navigate the Abyss safely. While the two Kestis discovered were destroyed beyond repair by decree of the Jedi Council after a band of marauders called the Nihil had attacked Tanalorr, the crew learned that one intact compass remained and decided to look for it.
Merrin rejoined the Mantis crew as they returned to Koboh. Immediately after disembarking, Turgle informed them that the Bedlam Raiders had kidnapped Zee from the saloon and were holding her within their base, the crashed core ship of the Lucrehulk-class battleship Primacy. Dritus immediately suspected Turgle's involvement, which Turgle vehemently denied. Dritus returned to the saloon to ensure it was maintained correctly, while Kestis and Akuna mounted a rescue mission to retrieve the droid. He suspected Monk was trying to covertly change the saloon to his own image and thought they should hire some muscle to protect their investment. Monk disagreed, stating the decision would reduce margins and bringing in protection could paint a target on the saloon. He believed they could only afford an ill-tempered Jawa. Kestis and Akuna eventually returned with Zee and with the information that Khri had hidden the final compass on the Shattered Moon.
Dritus, Kestis, and Akuna visited the Shattered Moon once more in search of the Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis, who Kestis hoped could tell them where Dagan was heading. While there, Kestis received a Force vision of Khri and Gera, learning that Khri had deceived the Jedi Council and kept one compass intact. Dritus remained with the ship while Kestis engaged Rayvis in combat, eventually triumphing. Rayvis told Kestis that the final compass was within Santari Khri's personal observatory in Koboh's atmosphere and that Gera was already on his way. With this information, Dritus piloted the pair back to Koboh to intercept Gera before it was too late.
Following a brutal battle with Gera, which ended in the fallen Jedi's demise, Akuna and Kestis retrieved the compass, damaged during the duel. They decided to return to Jedha to see if Cordova could fix it. Kestis contemplated using Tanalorr for the Hidden Path and raising an army to fight the Empire in secret, a thought Akunda heavily disagreed with. Nevertheless, the crew departed the observatory and returned to Jedha to reunite with the remainder of the team.
On Jedha, Kestis handed the compass to Cordova, who began repairing it. The Mantis crew held a bonfire in the desert outside Junda's base, with Dritus providing plenty of tea for the assembled team.
The next morning, Dritus was present when Kestis checked on Cordova's progress and learned that the compass had been repaired. Junda then received an alert that Imperial forces were incoming from all sides, and their location was compromised. Kestis told her to evacuate and turned to see Akuna pull a blaster on Cordova, apologizing to Kestis for what he was about to do. Akuna murdered Cordova and attempted to escape on a speeder bike with the compass, with Kestis giving chase on a second bike.

After Akuna betrayed them, Junda directed the archive's evacuation while Dritus prepped the Mantis for immediate departure. Cere, accompanied by BD-1, moved to safeguard the Hidden Path's contact codes after eliminating several Imperial walker units and stormtrooper groups. Tragically, Junda perished in a valiant battle against Darth Vader, who had arrived at the base due to Akuna's information.
Kestis retrieved the remains of both Junda and Cordova, which were respectfully placed in the hangar. Dritus, Merrin, and BD-1 returned to recover the bodies. Overcome with grief, Dritus rushed to Junda's side and wept, allowing himself time to mourn his friend. The remaining crew members reboarded the Mantis and resolved to find a more suitable resting place for their fallen comrades, shifting their focus to pursuing the deceitful Akuna. As Kestis processed the events, Dritus emphatically stated that Akuna alone was responsible for his actions, emphasizing that while the situation was unfair, individuals still have control over their choices.
Kestis recalled that Akuna's ship had a locator beacon, and he tried to trace it using the ship's holotable. The signal guided the Mantis crew to the Nova Garon system, revealing a concealed Imperial Security Bureau base within a frozen asteroid. Kestis infiltrated the facility, recovering a datadisc from Akuna's quarters. There, he encountered Bode's daughter, Kata Akuna, who had been instructed by her father to pack for a trip. However, Akuna managed to escape the base, taking Kata and the compass with him. Enraged and facing a swarm of Imperials, Kestis nearly succumbed to the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force until Merrin intervened, assuring him that the Mantis crew would keep him on the right path. Subsequently, Dritus piloted the crew away from Nova Garon aboard the Mantis.
During their flight, Kestis reviewed the datadisc he had found in Akuna's quarters, discovering it contained the same message from Khri that Gera had been studying in the Koboh observatory. Upon seeing the complete message, the Mantis crew discovered a final method for reaching Tanalorr: activating the three arrays—the Forest Array, lunar array, and observatory array—and aligning them to coordinates embedded in the message would create a safe passage through the Koboh Abyss. Upon hearing this, Dritus questioned whether they seriously expected him to fly the Mantis through a ship-devouring nebula using a narrow tunnel created by centuries-old technology. When Kestis, Merrin, and BD-1 confirmed their intentions, Dritus immediately changed his mind and declared his participation in the plan.
Dritus and the Mantis crew returned to Koboh, where he began ensuring the Mantis was properly prepared for what he feared might be its final flight. Meanwhile, Kestis accessed the Alignment Control Center, learning that someone needed to remain behind to operate the arrays while the Mantis traversed the Abyss. Zee volunteered to witness Khri's vision of Tanalorr come to life and complete the mission she had been assigned two centuries prior. Before the journey to Tanalorr commenced, Dritus, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task, nervously inquired about Zee's progress in aligning the arrays. Eventually, the droid completed her task, and the path through the Abyss opened, revealing a route filled with Koboh matter and resembling a perilous honeycomb.

Dritus initially struggled to navigate the Abyss due to the overwhelming number of moving obstacles, until Merrin urged him to stop simply piloting and start truly flying. Kestis diverted power from the Mantis’ shields to its engines. Dritus agreed, emphatically asserting that the Mantis was his ship, and with a confident and courageous cry, he began to maneuver through the Abyss toward the exit. However, the tunnel ahead began to collapse due to the arrays overloading. Before Dritus could panic, Kestis heard Junda’s voice in his mind, providing guidance. He instructed Dritus to make a blind jump into hyperspace, and despite his initial hesitation, Dritus trusted the Jedi and followed his instructions. Kestis complied, and the Mantis successfully made the jump, though Dritus screamed throughout the entire process until Merrin, who had shared a celebratory kiss with Kestis, silenced him with a smack. The crew emerged from the Abyss safely, with Tanalorr in sight.

Upon landing on the surface of the hidden planet, Dritus stated that he had not anticipated spending his final days on Tanalorr, especially with Akuna present. He remained with the Mantis to perform maintenance while Kestis and Merrin ventured to the planet's Jedi Temple to confront Akuna. The pair returned later, after Kestis had defeated Akuna in combat, accompanied by Kata, who had nearly been killed during her father's rage.
Dritus and the crew of the Mantis, now including Kata, held a funeral on the planet for Junda, Cordova, and Akuna. Merrin used her magick to ignite the funeral pyres, and the crew paid their respects. Dritus declared that they needed to continue the Hidden Path in Junda's memory, expressing his positive feelings about his found family and their future on Tanalorr.

Dritus, a straightforward Latero, was known for his outspoken nature and frequent complaints. He was unafraid to assert himself when necessary. However, Dritus was also among the most cautious members of the Stinger Mantis' crew. He often expressed reluctance when asked to travel to dangerous planets like Dathomir or Koboh's Shattered Moon, openly admitting his aversion to any remotely haunted location. He later confessed to being deeply intimidated by Nightsister Merrin, constantly referring to her deceased sisters as unsettling.
Despite his initial reservations about Kestis and Merrin, Greez grew fond of them over their time together, eventually viewing the Mantis crew as his family. Upon Kata's introduction to the crew after her father's death, Dritus immediately took a liking to her, promising to teach her how to cook and fly.
A passionate gambler, Dritus frequently found himself in trouble due to his habit and struggled to fully overcome it. After meeting Merrin, Dritus joked about introducing her to gambling, suggesting that a Nightsister would undoubtedly possess skills that could make them rich. When Junda questioned his reasoning, he claimed he was only kidding and remained terrified of her. He also mentioned that the Outlander Club was his favorite place, which he could no longer visit, recalling his memorable sabacc victories there.
He disliked nature, so during missions, Dritus would stay on the Mantis to perform maintenance and tune-ups.
He consistently prepared meals for the crew, considering it his primary role alongside being their pilot. He particularly enjoyed cooking scazz steaks, curried burra fish, Great Granny Pyloon's Umberhash, Greasy Greez-loaf, and Gelatin Surprise, taking pride in continuing his great-grandmother Pyloon's culinary legacy. Dritus could ambidextrously fry four desserts simultaneously when highly motivated, although Junda would force him to eat a protein bar, reminding him that dessert did not count as breakfast. During his time as the proprietor of Pyloon's Saloon, Dritus referred to himself as “the best chef this side of the Hydian Way”. He was fiercely protective of his cantina, proclaiming it to be "the finest dive this side of Zeltros," but often lamented the presence of the Bedlam Raiders nearby, suspecting that M-6NK was trying to reshape the cantina to his liking. He appreciated having a kitchen at the saloon—and hiding places—but admitted to missing the Mantis. Dritus dreamed of opening "Greezy's Cooking Academy" once the Empire was gone. He envisioned a cantina on Coruscant with a neon sign bearing his name, believing it would attract significant credits and make Pyloon proud. He told Merrin and Kata about the wild cantinas on Coruscant, but denied Kata's request to visit one. Despite his desire to own a saloon on the planet, the only thing he liked about Coruscant was the turbo dogs.
He expressed his desire to settle down, find love, and start a family after the crew retrieved the holocron and their mission was complete. Dritus believed love was the best feeling, but acknowledged that it required effort. He stated that a good relationship needed mutual admiration, devotion, attraction, and respect. Cere Junda was surprised by his insightful words, but Dritus explained that they came from experience, noting that someone as attractive as him was bound to steal a few hearts.
He described himself as a thrill-seeker in his youth, and while he used to seek a partner, he compared parenting to gambling, saying, “If you're gonna bet, bet big - but if you're not feeling it, there's no shame in walking away from the table.”
Although he disliked nature, Dritus maintained a terrarium on the Mantis behind a wall of Umbaran glass and was grateful when Cal Kestis collected seeds for it. Eventually, Kestis collected enough seeds for Dritus to create holos for the Galactic Botanists competition, though he did not intend to share any winnings with Kestis. Kestis remarked that he initially did not think Dritus was interested in plants. He would remark that the growth of his plants made him feel like a parent.
Dritus initially resented his prosthetic arm but eventually appreciated it because it allowed him to chop vegetables twice as fast, prevented burns, and was useful for self-defense.
Dritus strongly opposed the Empire because of their treatment of the people of Lateron and their tyrannical rule over the galaxy. He found Imperial propaganda repulsive and could not believe that people fell for it or followed it. However, he often wondered what life would be like on the other side of the Empire, assuming they lived through it.
Dritus was skeptical of Kestis when he first came aboard the Mantis after his rescue on Bracca, as was his nature. He was unhappy with the padawan’s attitude and was initially blunt with him, occasionally mocking his actions and goading him by saying he still thought they were fighting the Clone Wars. The further into the mission to retrieve the holocron the crew went, the more Dritus began to warm to Kestis. He would have close conversations with the Jedi regarding his relationship with Junda and also apologize for putting him in danger when the Haxion Brood captured him. He came to see that they were all in this fight together and stated that Kestis and Junda were the best things that ever happened in his life, as previously all he cared about was himself, but things had changed.
He complimented him on his skills when taking out the AT-ST on Zeffo and, despite originally not thinking that Kestis was ‘the guy’, by the time the crew reached Nur, Dritus had put all of his faith and trust in the Jedi. He believed the younglings on the holocron would be lucky to have Kestis as their mentor and even named one of his plants ‘Kid’, to honor his nickname for Kestis. Following the escape from Nur, Dritus remained by Kestis’ side as he rested and recovered following the mission. After he decided to stick with the crew following the destruction of the holocron, Dritus remarked that he believed Kestis looked up to him. However, Dritus did not always agree with Kestis’ motivations and goals, and the pair would often disagree on the jobs they should be taking in their crusade against the Empire.
Dritus was extremely happy when Kestis came to Koboh seeking repairs to the Mantis. Dritus’ warmth for his friend immediately came through and he convinced him to stay in the room he had prepared beneath the cantina, urging him to rest and take a break. Dritus loved Cal like he was family and thought of himself as the Jedi’s devastatingly handsome uncle in a lot of ways, but he feared that if Kestis was not careful, his all-in attitude would get them all captured or killed. Despite his concern, he would not let Kestis forget the misdemeanors he brought upon the Mantis in two thousand Latero sunsets. He eventually agreed to pilot Kestis, and Bode Akuna, on their mission to find Tanalorr, once again putting his full trust in his friend.
Dritus was extremely close with Junda following her hiring him to pilot her across the galaxy. He initially thought of the gig as a simple contract that would end in him getting paid but the pair quickly bonded during their travels together. They would often reminisce about fun times and close calls they had experienced together, including the time Junda attempted to make a Devaronian dish and almost burned the ship down, something Dritus would never forget. He would also encourage her to continue playing her hallikset despite them being on the run from the Empire. Upon rescuing Kestis on Bracca, Dritus informed him that Junda was in charge and he would need to listen to her. He believed that Junda and Kestis were the best things that ever happened in his life, as previously all he cared about was himself.
Whilst he knew little about the Jedi, Dritus would often ask questions about the Order, including whether a restored Order would have any impact or change for the better. He would ask if other Jedi would come out of hiding if the Order was restored, and specifically mentioned Jedi Master Yaddle, who unbeknownst to him was dead, saying they all had their dreams and to let him have his. When Junda described her favorite place that she could no longer return to, Dritus replied by saying his choice was the Outlander Club on Coruscant as he had won some memorable sabacc pots there previously.
Though he shared a close bond with Junda, Dritus was extremely annoyed and upset with her following the incident that resulted in him losing an arm. He believed Junda’s inactivity during the moment was the cause for his injury and it took him a few days to begin to forgive her. The pair were quickly back to old ways as they would bicker over the incident and Dritus would attempt to make her feel guilty.
When the crew reunited on Jedha, Dritus was thrilled to see Junda again, joking that she had become a librarian since they drifted apart. Along with the crew, the two shared tea in the deserts of Jedha, and Dritus jumped for joy when Junda announced she would be joining them on Tanalorr. Following Junda’s passing at the hands of Darth Vader, Dritus was overwhelmed by grief and regrets. He hoped she would forgive him for keeping the Mantis warm for her planned arrival before her fateful duel and felt sadness that she never got to visit the saloon that she helped Dritus purchase. He vowed to continue her work with the Hidden Path to honor her legacy.
Dritus was Initially hesitant and intimidated by Merrin upon their first meeting on Dathomir when she joined the crew but was always fearful of Merrin’s creepy sisters. He would refer to her as the Space Witch and constantly asked her not to use her magick aboard his ship for fear of being eaten by one of his plants. After a nap at one point, he heard someone in his room but when he woke up no one was there. He immediately questioned Merrin and was perturbed when she told him she does not watch people as they sleep. He told her he may not know much about the Force, but he could tell magick was dark saying that Kestis and Junda being worried was proof enough for him. To calm him, she told him a Nightsister could lose her mind if they did not master their skills, but Dritus responded by comparing it to the time he ate ten pounds of Umbaran flank steak so he could be let into a private cantina on Lateron which led to the establishment naming a drink after him.
Dritus could not understand how Nightsisters would cast spells but could not see the magic in the little things such as his cooking spoon. When she enquired if he used the spoon for conjuring, Dritus begged Kestis to tell him that she would not use his spoon to raise the dead. Owing to her Dathomirian upbringing, Dritus could not believe that Merrin had never tried moof juice or witnessed two dugs fight in a cantina over who their favorite drummer was. Kestis believed Dritus could show her all of the galaxy’s weirdest places.
He remained terrified in her presence as the crew searched for the holocron, but the feeling subsided in time and the pair shared a playful relationship as Merrin was not put out by Dritus’ attitude. The two eventually had a strong bond, with Merrin believing Dritus to be the best pilot she had ever met and enjoying his easy laugh and fierce, undeniable kind of love. Whilst he remained nervous about her, he was upset that he could not clean the Mantis for her before the crew reunited on Jedha.
Dritus, as the captain of the Stinger Mantis, was regularly entrusted with navigating the ship through numerous precarious and unfavorable situations. His foundational flying skills stemmed from his time at the Lateron Space Academy in his youth. He demonstrated proficiency in close-quarters extraction and brief dogfights, having engaged in defensive combat over Bracca and the Shattered Moon. Dritus also excelled at landing his unconventional ship in confined spaces, displaying an exceptional ability to identify suitable landing spots. Following the loss of one of his arms, Dritus' confidence in his piloting abilities wavered, and it took considerable time before he felt comfortable returning to the Mantis' pilot seat. Dritus also stands as one of only two known pilots to have successfully traversed and survived the Koboh Abyss, navigating the ship-devouring nebula en route to discovering the planet of Tanalorr.
He was an experienced mechanic who was able to disassemble and reassemble the Mantis. He regularly remained aboard the ship during missions to perform general maintenance and repairs for the increasing wear and tear it would receive. When the ship required a new gyro following Kestis' escape from Coruscant, the Jedi traveled to Koboh to utilize Dritus' skills of repair. He once told BD-1 that he was working on creating a new hyperdrive that would change the galaxy, though the droid eventually had him admit that the idea was just a blueprint on a datapad but he could still dream nonetheless.
Dritus was also an accomplished cook, having learned the art from his great-grandmother Pyloon at a young age, attributing some of his talent to his impeccable sense of smell. He believed food brought people together and it constantly reminded him of his home, his family, and Pyloon. By 9 BBY he had established a wide variety of dishes and recipes that he would prepare between missions and whilst left alone on the ship. Reception to his dishes was varied, Kestis and Merrin would often feign satisfaction with his concoctions, whilst Junda eventually came around to the Latero's cooking. After spending a short while with the Mantis crew, Bode Akuna heaped praise on Dritus' cooking skills.
Due to his species' four arms, Dritus carried four blasters. He rarely used them, preferring to stay away from the action and remain on the Mantis. However, he did draw his blasters during the skirmish of Murkhana and during the Imperial invasion of Junda's base on Jedha.
He wore a red and silver flight suit unzipped at the collar to reveal a gold-colored pendant attached to a black necklace, and a pair of black boots. Dritus had several identical sets of this flight suit which eventually were stored in Kestis' room beneath Pyloon's Saloon.
Later, Dritus would switch his outfit to a three-tone blue flight suit. The suit was adorned with a gold interior material completed by a purple, orange, and green patterned design. He accessories his outfit with a black holster and a brown belt with gold buckles. He also continued to wear his black boots with this outfit.
Following the loss of his top-left arm during the altercation with the Fifth Brother on Murkhana, Dritus sported a highly advanced prosthetic arm. The prosthetic had a silver hand attached to a gold forearm. Dritus initially resented his new addition but eventually learned to live with it.
Greez Dritus was introduced in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. According to the game's director Stig Asmussen, the inspiration for Greez Dritus was John C. Reilly and Ralph Furley from the sitcom Three's Company. He is played by Daniel Roebuck.