A Force-sensitive male Arkanian Offshoot named Dagan Gera served as a Jedi Knight and highly regarded explorer during the High Republic Era. He was a respected figure within the Jedi Order at the height of his abilities. During an uncharted journey through the dangerous Koboh Abyss nebula, he made the discovery of the idyllic planet Tanalorr.
Gera's ambition to establish Tanalorr as a Jedi stronghold in the Outer Rim and a training ground for initiates gradually transformed into an all-consuming obsession. Following the Nihil pirates' invasion of Tanalorr, the Jedi Council commanded the planet's abandonment, leading Gera to succumb to the dark side and betray the Jedi. Subsequently, he was confined within a bacta tank for a period of two centuries.
Waking up from his long sleep in 9 BBY during the Imperial Era due to the actions of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, Gera learned about the fall of the Galactic Republic and the destruction of the Jedi Order no more. Overwhelmed by a sense of betrayal, he aligned himself with the Bedlam Raiders. He then initiated a campaign to reclaim Tanalorr, which brought him into conflict with both Kestis and the Galactic Empire. Ultimately, Kestis, aided by Bode Akuna, defeated and killed the fallen Jedi.
Born in the High Republic Era, Dagan Gera achieved the rank of Jedi Knight by the time the Nihil conflict began, and became a well known explorer of the Outer Rim Territories. He also created a unique yellow double-bladed lightsaber that could be split, which became his go-to weapon.
During his time as a Jedi, he once fought the Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis, and was the first person to ever defeat him in combat. This earned him Rayvis's respect and loyalty.
During his time in the Jedi Order, the Jedi became interested in the planet Koboh and the nearby Koboh Abyss. While many had tried and failed to navigate the Abyss, Gera succeeded in making an uncharted flight through it, discovering the hidden paradise of Tanalorr, which captivated him. Master Santari Khri later used the knowledge from this journey to create the Abyss compasses, which allowed others to navigate the Abyss.

While trying to convince the Jedi Council to allow the training of initiates on Tanalorr with Khri's help, the Nihil invaded Tanalorr. Gera led the defense, fighting to hold off the Nihil for as long as possible, but the Jedi Council eventually ordered the abandonment of Tanalorr. They also refused to counterattack the Nihil and instead chose to destroy all devices that could navigate the Abyss.
This decision enraged Gera, causing him to fall to the dark side of the Force and betray the Jedi. He murdered several fellow Knights in a rage over the destruction of the Abyss compasses. He then returned to Khri, who tried to bring him back to the light while preventing him from taking one of the last compasses. However, Gera ignored her pleas, consumed by his obsession with Tanalorr. Santari activated her lightsaber as a warning, stopping Gera from grabbing the compass. Gera used the Force to push her aside and was about to take the compass when Khri severed his right arm, knocking him unconscious. Santari called for a medical droid and placed Gera in a bacta tank in the Forest Array's Rehabilitation Wing to be held in stasis indefinitely, hoping he would have a chance at a new life. Despite this, Gera felt betrayed by the person he trusted most.
Later, an Emergence on Koboh caused the Jedi to either leave the planet or die in the disaster, but Gera's stasis tank remained untouched.

Centuries after being imprisoned, in 9 BBY during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Gera was discovered by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and his droid BD-1, who had crashed on Koboh after a mission on Coruscant. When Kestis touched the tank, he saw visions of Gera's past, including the attack on Tanalorr. Near the end of the vision, Gera recognized Kestis through the Force and begged him to release him, which Kestis did.
After being freed, Kestis told him that the Galactic Republic had fallen and become the Galactic Empire, and that the Jedi Order had been destroyed. Then, his lightsaber was returned to him. Gera stumbled to a nearby terminal and explained the attack on Tanalorr to Kestis as he disassembled his lightsaber and bled his Kyber crystal. Kestis noticed the glow change from yellow to red as Gera became more agitated. He tried to stop Gera from bleeding the crystal, but failed. Now consumed by the dark side, Gera ignited his lightsaber, and the two Jedi fought in a lightsaber duel. The duel ended when Rayvis, his enforcer, arrived and took the fallen Jedi to the Bedlam Raiders' base.
Back on Rayvis's ship, Gera put on the golden Jedi robes he wore during the High Republic. He ordered the kidnapping of ZN-A4 "Zee," Santari Khri's droid, to get information on the compasses needed to return to Tanalorr. Suspecting that Khri had wiped the droid's memory, he decided to reprogram her to serve him.
During Cal Kestis's infiltration of the Bedlam Raider base to save Zee, Rayvis intercepted the Jedi and stole Santari Khri's tuner, giving it to Gera. Holding the device, Gera commented on his late friend's unparalleled work, regretting that she didn't face him herself instead of sending Zee. He was disappointed to hear that Kestis had escaped Rayvis and casually threatened to cut out his tongue when Rayvis suggested that the Jedi might be his equal, though Rayvis was unfazed due to his regenerative abilities. He then ordered one of Rayvis's men to activate the Forest Array and asked Rayvis to go to the Shattered Moon's array, knowing where Santari had hidden the last compass.

As Cal rescued Zee, Gera entered the room. While BD-1 helped Zee free herself, Gera warned Kestis to leave the ship while he could, before he killed Kestis as he had the other Jedi who opposed him. Kestis tried to reason with Gera, saying he couldn't change the past, but the ancient Jedi rejected his reasoning and tried to strike Zee, forcing Kestis to defend her and engage in a fierce duel. As Gera put Kestis on the defensive, he declared that the tuner, Zee, and Tanalorr all belonged to him before they both telekinetically fought over the tuner. However, Zee distracted him by saying that Khri should've left him in his tank to rot, allowing Kestis to reclaim the tuner. Gera retaliated by Force-pushing the three through the window before re-engaging Kestis on the platform below.
Near the end of the duel, Gera pulled part of the ship down on Kestis, who held it up with the Force. He then threw one of his lightsabers at Kestis, forcing him to block it with his own. Before Gera could use his other lightsaber to kill his opponent, Bode Akuna appeared and intervened, giving Kestis time to recover. Gera then retreated, saying the two had delayed him long enough.
After Rayvis activated the Shattered Moon array and died, Gera went to the Koboh Observatory on Koboh with a large army of Bedlam Raiders. This caught the attention of both Kestis and the Galactic Empire, who sent their forces to attack the Bedlam Raiders on Koboh. During the assault, Gera interrogated a stormtrooper about the Empire's objective before forcing him to activate his comlink and warn the Imperial commanders, then killing him. He later captured and executed another stormtrooper who had surrendered, expressing his disappointment in the soldiers who were supposed to have destroyed the Jedi Order.

In the Grand Oculus of the observatory, Gera watched a recording of Khri, in which she said that Gera could choose forgiveness with her or continue his obsessive pursuit of Tanalorr, and that the choice was his. As he finished watching, Kestis and Akuna entered the room and approached Gera. He told them that if Khri had stayed with him, they could have convinced the Council that Tanalorr was worth the sacrifice, but now that she and the Order were gone, he was free to raise a Force-sensitive army on Tanalorr to defeat the Empire. Kestis pointed out that he wasn't free, but alone. Gera countered by calling Kestis a failure for letting the galaxy fall and questioned why Kestis was pursuing him when the real enemy, the Empire, was elsewhere. While Kestis claimed that the Jedi weren't gone yet, Gera asked him who was truly chained by the past.
Declaring that he would turn the Bedlam Raiders into an elite army led by his own Force-sensitive disciples on Tanalorr before destroying the Empire with fire, Gera ignited his lightsaber and engaged Kestis and Akuna in a final duel. He quickly incapacitated Akuna, forcing Kestis to fight him alone.
Gera gained the upper hand with powerful Force illusions and struck Kestis across the chest with his lightsaber. As the fallen Jedi mocked Kestis for not using his aggressive emotions, Kestis began using Gera's own illusions against him, disguising himself as Santari Khri, judging him as unworthy of the Jedi title. Enraged, Gera struck at what he thought was his former friend, but was met by Kestis's blade. Kestis used the surprise to stab Gera through the chest, heavily wounding him. Gera began choking Kestis with the Force and screamed that Tanalorr was his before Akuna shot him in the back. Kestis used the opportunity to slash Gera across the torso, killing him. With Gera's death, his Force illusions, including the phantom arm he had conjured to wield his lightsaber, disappeared.
After Gera's death, Kestis and Akuna retrieved the compass, and Akuna secretly stole one of the ancient Jedi's lightsabers. Soon after, Akuna betrayed the Stinger Mantis crew to the Empire and went to Tanalorr with his daughter Kata, using the compass to reach the paradise world. Kestis pursued him and ultimately killed him in a duel, dreaming of making Tanalorr a haven for the Hidden Path.

Dagan Gera, a male Arkanian offshoot, had silver-gray hair, icy blue eyes, pale greyish-white skin, and dark vein-like lines across his face and body. He was also missing his right arm, which Santari Khri had severed.
Gera was arrogant, admitting to being impatient and lacking humility. He was extremely proud, which led him to betray the Jedi Order when they abandoned Tanalorr, a world he had become obsessed with. He was confident in his abilities and often scorned his opponents. However, he was also emotionally unstable and prone to anger when faced with challenges or criticism. When Rayvis suggested that Cal Kestis could match his power, Gera threatened to cut out Rayvis's tongue.
Despite his arrogance and pride, Dagan was capable of genuine connections and humility. He deeply cared for Santari Khri, calling her "the one I trusted the most," and her perceived betrayal of refusing to join him on Tanalorr and severing his arm caused him to fall to the Dark Side. He believed Khri was brilliant and intelligent. When they first discovered Tanalorr, Dagan spoke to Khri calmly and softly, unlike his angry tone with others, including his Jedi Masters. He even claimed he couldn't have found the planet without her, suggesting he had learned humility. It was implied he loved her; even when Khri refused to join him and drew her lightsaber on the Shattered Moon, Dagan only pushed her aside to get the Compass to Tanalorr instead of killing her like the other Jedi. Dagan's respect and hatred for Khri often led to his downfall. For example, when fighting Cal Kestis for the tuner key on the Lucrehulk, the mention of her name distracted him, allowing Kestis to take the tuner. Finally, during his final duel in the Koboh Observatory, the judgment of who he believed was Santari Khri enraged him, leading to his death.
Dagan Gera was incredibly strong with the Force and a talented lightsaber duelist, one of the Jedi Order's finest warriors. He was described as a ferocious warrior with a keen instinct for recognizing weakness. After two centuries of stasis, he could still stalemate Cal Kestis while missing an arm and weakened by inactivity. In their later battles, Kestis needed Bode Akuna's help to gain the upper hand. He was also the only person before Kestis to defeat Rayvis in single combat, who later required multiple Jedi Masters to defeat him.
Because his weapon was a split saber, Gera was skilled with both single-bladed and double-bladed lightsabers and practiced Jar'Kai dual blade fencing.
Gera was also skilled in telekinesis, controlling one of his lightsabers with his mind while dueling with the other, effectively using Jar'Kai with one arm. He often used telekinesis to make one half of his lightsaber orbit him while he dueled with the other, cutting off his opponent's retreat as he attacked relentlessly. His telekinetic power was so great that he could easily throw Cal Kestis and lift him by the feet during their last duel.
He could also use Force energy as an offensive attack. He was a master at manipulating and assaulting his opponents' minds using the Force and could create powerful Force Illusions, making false copies of himself, conjuring the illusion of a new arm from Force energy, and creating false scenarios to confuse Cal Kestis. Gera could also incapacitate Bode Akuna twice during their final duel simply by making eye contact.
As a Jedi Knight of the High Republic, Dagan Gera wore opulent golden Jedi robes with the crest of the High Republic on the chest. He also wielded an ornate yellow-bladed split saber, which he bled into a deep red after being released from stasis.

Dagan Gera was created for the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, where he is a major antagonist. He was played by Cody Fern.
He was first revealed, unnamed, in the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor teaser trailer at Celebration Anaheim in 2022. He was shown as a one-armed lightsaber wielder in a hooded robe, using an orange-bladed lightsaber to fight Cal Kestis. Gera quickly disarmed Kestis by slashing his lightsaber from his hand in three strokes. Gera was over 1.82 meters tall in the teaser trailer.
Matt Martin said that Gera's species was created for Jedi: Survivor and that the developers considered using existing species like Soikan for the character. However, Gera's species was later confirmed to be an Arkanian Offshoot in the Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia.