In the year 9 BBY, a significant battle unfolded on the planet Koboh, specifically at the Mountain Observatory. This conflict pitted the forces of the Bedlam Raiders against those of the Galactic Empire. The Raiders swiftly gained the advantage, proving too powerful for the Imperial troops; their leader, the former High Republic Era Jedi Dagan Gera, even mocked the Empire by using a Stormtrooper's comlink. Simultaneously, members of the Stinger Mantis crew, including Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, journeyed to the Observatory with the aim of confronting Gera. This decision stemmed from their recent learning from Gera's Lieutenant [Rayvis] that Gera intended to use an Abyss compass at the Observatory to navigate the treacherous Koboh Abyss and ultimately reach the hidden planet Tanalorr. After successfully defeating the entire Imperial garrison stationed there, Kestis observed aerial battles between the raider's vuture droids and the Imperial's TIE fighters, while his companion Bode Akuna engaged both sides using a Z-95 Headhunter.
Kestis battled his way towards the Observatory's summit, encountering both stormtroopers and raiders engaged in conflict. He and Akuna noticed the skies were clearing after Kestis's victory over Urgost, a raider known as the "Fist of Rayvis," and started to fear that Gera had located the compass. Upon reuniting, Kestis and Akuna realized that the raiders had overwhelmed nearly all Imperial forces. Fighting their way to the top of the Observatory, Kestis and Akuna finally confronted Gera. This encounter led to a lightsaber duel during which Gera employed the Force to mess with Kestis's mind, attempting to disorient him by exploiting his fears. However, Kestis turned this tactic against Gera, manipulating the shared hallucination to make himself appear as Jedi Master Santari Khri, Gera's former partner, and ultimately killing Gera. Consequently, the Abyss compass, albeit slightly damaged, fell into the possession of Kestis and Akuna. The Jedi then decided to utilize Tanalorr as a haven for the Hidden Path network, training its members to resist the Empire. Subsequently, the pair departed the Observatory, setting their course for the moon Jedha.