Santari Khri

Santari Khri, a human individual, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. She shared a strong bond of friendship with the Jedi Knight Dagan Gera. Khri took on the crucial role of leading a collaborative scientific endeavor, uniting Jedi and Republic researchers in the study of the peculiar substance known as Koboh matter, while also pioneering methods for navigating the treacherous Koboh Abyss.


During the time of the High Republic Era, Santari Khri was responsible for the designs of several meditation chambers specifically for the purpose of training Jedi. A number of these chambers were located on the Outer Rim planet Koboh, where she established a laboratory within the Forest Array.

While conducting her research on the planet, Khri's attention was drawn to the Koboh Abyss, a dangerous nebula situated near Koboh. She hypothesized that Koboh matter originated from the Abyss itself, describing the substance as mysterious yet within their capacity to analyze and manipulate. Her conclusion was that, like everything else, the substance could be controlled and directed once it was understood. She made use of specialized wave technology to successfully disperse Koboh matter, which then allowed her and her team to gain further insight into the Abyss. Khri firmly believed that the combined efforts of the Republic and the Jedi would unlock the secrets of the galaxy and utilize them for the greater good, guided by the Force.

She shared a close relationship with the Jedi Knight Dagan Gera. When Gera discovered information about the hidden planet Tanalorr, Khri expressed her concerns about him traveling there alone, given the dangers of crossing the Abyss. She eventually conceded after Gera convinced her that she was the only one who could guide him back and aid in the creation of compass devices to safely navigate to the planet. Despite this, she was insistent that Gera return unharmed. After Gera's perilous journey through the Abyss, Khri and her team of scientists used the data from his flight to develop several compasses, enabling them to repeatedly and safely navigate the Abyss.

Later, she accompanied Gera on a visit to Tanalorr and was deeply impressed by its natural beauty and vibrancy. She jokingly told the Jedi that she would not allow him to name the next world they discovered. Gera founded an outpost temple on the hidden world with the intention of training future generations of the Order. Khri initially hesitated about the idea due to the planet’s difficult to reach location and told Gera a member of the Jedi Council must visit the planet to conduct studies as all communications were blocked due to the Abyss, and eventually Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis journeyed to the planet.

She maintained her trust in both Gera and the Council regarding the decision of what to do with Tanalorr. Khri was of the opinion that Tanalorr had the potential to defend against the enemies threatening the Republic and could serve as a symbol of hope and justice throughout the Outer Rim, ultimately viewing the idea as a vision of a brighter future. However, the planet caused division within the Council due to its location and the lack of communication, which frustrated Gera, who felt betrayed by the Council's lack of trust.

However, when the Nihil launched an assault on the planet, Gera, Khri, and Rancisis were forced to evacuate. The Jedi Council, fearing that the Nihil had stolen a compass, ordered the abandonment of Tanalorr and, fearing a Nihil invasion, ordered the destruction of the compasses, a decision that infuriated Gera.

Khri went back to Koboh to continue her scientific investigations, but Gera remained fixated on Tanalorr. She confided in her fellow Jedi that even though the Council had lost faith in him, she still knew who he truly was, even if he himself had forgotten. Gera became consumed by his obsession and later attempted to seize the last remaining compass, which belonged to Khri. Sensing his anger and inner turmoil, Khri expressed her despair for him and pleaded with him to surrender so that they could find a solution together. She realized that it was too late for her to accompany him and recognized that his pursuit of Tanalorr had fundamentally changed him. As Gera became aggressive, Khri refused to yield and activated her lightsaber as a warning. He believed that she wanted the same as him ultimately, but Khri was forced to sever his arm when he tried to take the compass forcefully. Khri placed him in a bacta tank to avoid having to kill him, but she did not inform the Jedi Council of her act of mercy. Khri left behind a holomessage for Gera upon his awakening, giving him the choice to either seek her out or continue his obsessive pursuit of Tanalorr.

During the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Khri was present on Koboh when its moon was struck by an Emergence, resulting in widespread damage to the planet's surface from the resulting debris. Before departing from the planet, Khri deleted all information about how to navigate the Koboh Abyss from the memory banks of the droid ZN-A4 (Zee), instructing her to retrieve the key to Tanalorr from the Forest Array. However, the droid became trapped in a chamber beneath the surface and was unable to fulfill her mission until 9 BBY, when she was rescued by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who eventually braved the Abyss to discover the hidden planet of Tanalorr.

Personality and traits

Khri was a highly respected, intelligent, and insightful member of the Jedi Order during the High Republic era. Her sharp intellect facilitated scientific progress, and her relationship with the Republic was essential for achieving many of her accomplishments. She was regarded as the very epitome of a Jedi during the High Republic era, due to her wisdom, courageous spirit, and kind disposition.

She was also instrumental in the creation of Jedi Meditation Chambers and the training of many Jedi. She believed the Force taught that the truth of the world is not always what is seen or touched, and as the world bent to the will of the Force, it would bend to those who choose to wield it.

Khri would teach that stillness leads to calmness, which in turn allows wisdom to emerge, and while the galaxy is rarely still, the motion can provide clarity. She advocated for allowing truth to flow like a river, carving new paths around any obstacle.

She believed that problems were often a matter of perspective. By shifting one's position, one's thinking would also shift, and thus a problem may not seem so daunting after all. Khri would teach Jedi that their mind was their greatest weapon, serving as both a blade and a shield against dark forces. She would say that the Force flowed through their thoughts and into their actions, and Jedi should allow this to guide them.

In 9 BBY, Khri's work, laboratories, and compasses were eventually discovered by Cal Kestis, which set him on a journey to reach the hidden world of Tanalorr. Before reaching the planet, he would defeat and kill her friend and confidante Dagan Gera in combat, ultimately using Gera's greatest fear, being rejected forsaken by his friend Santari Khri, to defeat him.

Zee stated the Forest Array was the outcome of Khri's work, and said that during the High Republic era, she had no equal. The droid acknowledged that there were other scientists and technicians at the time, but all the work completed on Koboh was Khri's doing one way or another.

Powers and abilities

As a recognized Jedi Master, Khri possessed sensitivity to the Force.


Khri used a blue-bladed lightsaber.

