Jedi temples functioned as operational hubs for the Jedi Order, erected across numerous worlds throughout the galaxy. These structures served as training centers where Force-sensitive individuals were instructed in the Jedi ways, and The Force. Along with basic residential spaces, these temples housed diverse facilities essential for training Jedi Initiates. While other facilities were frequently present, their nature and quantity depended on factors like size and location. Furthermore, these temples were often situated in serene areas abundant with kyber crystals for harvesting. Jedi Outposts represented a specialized subset of these buildings. Essentially, they were smaller, more widespread versions of Jedi temples, strategically positioned in a network across various planets.
The First Jedi Temple was constructed on Ahch-To, an aquatic planet. However, the Jedi Grand Temple on Coruscant served as the primary operational center for the Jedi Order until the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY. Notably, it was built upon the remnants of an ancient Sith shrine, a common practice among the Order. This practice aimed to cleanse locations corrupted by the Dark side. The Jedi believed that constructing structures for Jedi gatherings atop Sith monuments would infuse the area with their Light side energy, effectively overpowering the opposing Dark side energy.

Internally, some temples shared common elements such as living spaces, meditation chambers, conference rooms, lightsaber training areas, libraries, medical bays, and dining halls. Select temples also included vaults, speeder hangars, laboratories, and gardens.