The Ahch-To Jedi Temple, also known as the first Jedi Temple, represented an ancient edifice. The Jedi Order established and maintained it on Ahch-To circa 25,025 BBY. This structure served as a repository for a significant concentration of the light side of the Force. Functioning as the inaugural temples constructed across the galaxy, it was among the select few spared from demolition by the Galactic Empire. Following the destruction of his new Jedi generation and the descent of his apprentice and nephew, Ben Solo, to the dark side of the Force, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker sought refuge as a hermit near this temple.
The original Jedi Temple occupied a rocky island, later designated Temple Island, situated on the Unknown Regions planet Ahch-To. Perched atop a prominent precipice, the stone construction was roughly hewn into the side of a cliff. It encompassed at least one room, furnished with meditation platforms and an antique font featuring a floor mosaic illustrating the Prime Jedi in a balanced state of meditation. From this chamber, one could access a vantage point complete with a meditation ledge providing views of the powerful oceans dominating the planet's surface.
The concept of the first Jedi Temple was initially introduced in the 2015 sequel trilogy movie Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, penned by Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams. It made its formal debut in the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, a direct follow-up to The Force Awakens written and directed by Rian Johnson. Within Star Wars Legends lore, the Jedi Order's primary gathering spot was a cave located on the world of Tython.