The meditation ledge was one of the elevated platforms situated on the exterior of the first Jedi Temple upon Temple Island on Ahch-To. Throughout countless eras, it served as a place where numerous Jedi engaged in meditation.
Positioned outside the first Jedi Temple on Temple Island, which is located on the planet Ahch-To within the Unknown Regions, the meditation ledge was among the higher platforms. During her training period, Rey drew a comparison between the meditation ledge and the Sitter's pillar, which was revered by Teedos on Jakku. She voiced her discontent about having to perform a similar practice to master the ways of the Jedi.
Across the ages, numerous Jedi had utilized the ledge for meditation. The songs of the Lanais recounted tales of outsiders who had jumped from the peak, dying in the waves below, while others surrendered themselves and transformed into shadows, dissolving into the light and darkness from which all had been created.

On the initial day of her training under Luke Skywalker's guidance, Rey accompanied him to the meditation ledge situated outside the first Jedi Temple. There, he characterized the Force as a unifying energy encompassing everything, including both light and darkness. Following a brief misunderstanding, Rey extended her senses into the Force, finding herself drawn to a cavern saturated with dark side energy. Despite Skywalker's warnings, she was effortlessly attracted to the darkness. This caused Skywalker to retreat in apprehension, as Rey's innate strength in the Force reminded him of another gifted prodigy: his nephew, Ben Solo, who had fallen to the dark side. Concurrently, Rey detected nothing from the Jedi exile, realizing that Skywalker had severed his connection to the Force.
After imparting three lessons to Rey, Skywalker chose to reconnect with the Force upon the meditation ledge. He regained the Force abilities he had suppressed for years after he cut himself off, and reached out to his sister across the galaxy, who perceived his call. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, he resolved to conclude his exile and return alongside Rey.

Following a visit from the Force spirit of Yoda, Skywalker made the decision to confront his former student, Kylo Ren. He projected himself to Crait to provide the Resistance with time to escape, hovering a few centimeters above the ledge with surrounding pebbles. Projecting himself demanded an immense amount of Force energy, ultimately leading to his passing. However, Luke discovered inner peace and purpose in his final moments, as he observed Ahch-To's binary sunset and became one with the Force.