The sentient reptilian species known as Teedos hailed from Jakku, a planet situated within the Western Reaches. Every member of this species, native to Jakku, was short in stature and possessed gray-green skin. To shield themselves from the intense heat of their home planet, they typically wrapped most of their bodies.
A unique aspect of Teedos was their lack of individual distinction, with each member simply referred to as Teedo. It's believed that the species shared a telepathic connection, enabling them to recall experiences of other Teedos. Their language was Teedospeak, and they revered a goddess called R'iia. The violent storms of Jakku were considered to be her breath, known as X'us'R'iia.
Teedos are sentient reptilian species characterized by their scaly, gray-green skin. On average, they weighed 28 kilograms and stood at a height of 1.24 meters. Although much of their bodies remained concealed by wrappings and masks, their cranial dome, hands, and three-fingered feet were exposed. They inhabited deserts and wastelands, and due to the scarcity of water on their homeworld, Jakku, they possessed a sophisticated system of filters and tubes that recycled bodily fluids.
Notably, they seemed to share a telepathic connection that allowed them to access the experiences of other Teedos.
The origins of the Teedos remain shrouded in mystery. While some scholars propose that the species evolved on Jakku, others suggest they migrated from a different star system.
Teedos were fiercely territorial scavengers who roamed the wastelands of Jakku. Known for their secretive and distrustful nature towards outsiders, they frequently clashed with other scavengers over salvageable machinery. As skilled mechanics and tinkerers, they possessed a knack for discovering valuable items on their harsh homeworld. The inhabitants of Jakku treated them with cautious respect due to their unpredictable behavior.

To shield themselves from Jakku's intense heat, Teedos wore protective wrappings that covered most of their bodies. They did not differentiate between individuals, referring to each member of their species simply as Teedo. Frequently, they rode luggabeasts, beasts of burden enhanced with cybernetics for increased stamina. They were armed with ionization spears capable of stunning or killing. They dwelled in tunnel systems accessed through trapdoors.
Their language was known as Teedospeak, and they worshipped a goddess named R'iia, believing Jakku's violent storms to be her breath, or X'us'R'iia. The Teedos maintained a relationship with the Sitter, providing them with food and water. A Teedo would invariably disperse any crowds that bothered the Sitter.
Prior to the Battle of Jakku, Brentin Lore Wexley, a former member of the Rebellion, and Rae Sloane, a former Grand Admiral, inquired with some Teedos about the whereabouts of Gallius Rax, the elusive head of the Shadow Council. Unfortunately, the Teedos were unable to provide any useful information.
During the New Republic [era](/article/new_republic_era], a Teedo was active near a Starship Graveyard resulting from the Battle of Jakku. In 34 ABY, this Teedo captured the astromech droid BB-8, but Rey, another scavenger, rescued it. The following morning, Teedo, along with two other bandits, attempted to steal BB-8 from Rey as she departed her home for Niima Outpost. Rey managed to evade Teedo by leading him into a crashed Star Destroyer, where his speeder bike was consumed by a nightwatcher worm. Like many Teedos, he wore a mask and rode a luggabeast.
The Niima Outpost Teedo was the basis for the creation of the Teedos in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Their initial unveiling and naming occurred through an exclusive digital trading card by Entertainment Weekly. In The Force Awakens, Kiran Shah portrayed Teedo in a suit, while David Acord provided the voice.