Teedo was a scavenger of the humanoid variety, possessing green-skinned features. He made his living in the desolate wastelands of Jakku, a desert world, roughly three decades following the Battle of Endor. Similar to others of his species, also called Teedo, Teedo possessed a peculiar sense of self, resulting in him calling himself Teedo. For transportation and labor, Teedo utilized a luggabeast.
In 34 ABY, BB-8, an astromech droid, became ensnared in a net carried by Teedo's luggabeast. This prompted Rey, another scavenger, to liberate the [droid](/article/droid]. The subsequent day, Teedo, accompanied by two other brigands, tried to seize BB-8 from Rey as she departed her home en route to Niima Outpost. Rey managed to evade Teedo by luring him into the wreckage of a downed Star Destroyer, where a nightwatcher worm devoured his speeder bike.
Kiran Shah embodies Teedo in the 2015 cinematic release, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, while David Acord provides the character's vocal performance. To bring the character to life, Shah donned a complete body suit.