A deity, alternatively called a god or goddess, represented a being with supernatural abilities or qualities, in whom a group of people placed their faith and offered adoration. The primitive Ewoks from Endor, upon their first encounter with the gilded protocol droid C-3PO, mistakenly identified him as a god and commenced worshipping him, despite the fact that his programming did not include impersonating a divine being. The Force wielders residing on Mortis, due to their significant capabilities, were perceived as godlike entities, and Darth Sidious once used the term deities to describe the "Mortis gods".
Dumas Mar'Ti, a Kaleesh, held beliefs in a collection of beings that she referred to as her gods. She considered her sins to be a private matter between herself and these deities. The Holy Mother was a deity referenced within the Aakaash system. Quinlan Vos, captivated by the sight of Asajj Ventress dressed in gala dress, mused that she resembled "a goddess of love, war, hope, and ecstasy." Count Dooku once characterized Florrum as a "planet forsaken by the gods." Instead of worshipping a god, the Church of the Force and the Acolytes of the Beyond venerated specific aspects of the Force.
Trandoshans revered a goddess known by the name of the Scorekeeper. The Scorekeeper would grant a "Jagannath point" to a Trandoshan for each kill they achieved during a hunt. This system functioned as a type of game, where Trandoshans would capture unique species from across the galaxy and transport them to Island Four on the moon Wasskah, which orbited their homeworld, Trandosha, to observe how effectively each hunter could appease the goddess when pushed to their breaking point.
The Teedo people worshipped a deity by the name of R'iia, an aggressive deity who would unleash their anger upon the planet Jakku. They were convinced that R'iia was responsible for the Battle of Jakku, causing the Imperial Star Destroyers to crash in the deserts. Supposedly, R'iia breathed severe sandstorms onto the planet, which the Teedo called X'us'R'iia. It was believed that R'iia was the source of an unending storm that was causing widespread destruction, all due to the sins committed by the Teedo. Occasionally, individuals with considerable Force abilities, such as Sith, were regarded as gods.