Force wielder

Force-wielders, sometimes written as Force wielders, were an extraordinary sentient species of beings profoundly attuned to the Force, possessing the remarkable ability to shapeshift. Their deep connection to the Force was legendary, leading some to regard them as beings akin to deities.

A family of Force wielders, known collectively as the Ones or the Mortis gods, sought refuge on the planet of Mortis, a world believed by some to be the very origin of the Force, where they lived in seclusion. These three beings—the Father, the Daughter, and the Son—withdrew from the temporal realm to prevent their immense power from destabilizing the galaxy. The Father maintained equilibrium between the Daughter and Son, who represented the light and dark sides of the Force, respectively. While immortal, the siblings' immortality was contingent on the Father's continued existence.

Despite the scarcity of knowledge about these powerful Force-wielding beings, the Father feared that the Sith would seek to exploit his family's power for their own purposes. He also believed that if the Son, who had succumbed to the dark side during Anakin Skywalker's mission to Mortis, were to escape Mortis, he would unleash devastation upon the galaxy and even the universe.

Biology and appearance

The Force wielders were an exceptionally intelligent and potent species so deeply connected to the Force that they were considered by some to be gods. They lacked a definitive physical form, capable of manifesting as any species they desired. Their origin was the planet Mortis, rumored to be the birthplace of the Force itself.


A painting of the Daughter, the Father and the Son at Lothal's Jedi Temple.

A family of Force wielders, comprising the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, appeared in the historical records of the Jedi Order, with depictions of the family found on murals in at least one Jedi Temple.

Sometime before the Clone Wars, the Father sensed that his death was approaching. Upon learning of the Chosen One's arrival, he understood that only this individual could maintain equilibrium between his Son, aligned with the dark side, and his Daughter, aligned with the light side. Consequently, in the second year of the Clone Wars, a transmission using a 2,000-year-old Jedi distress signal was dispatched and received by Admiral Nils Tenant in the Chrelythiumn system. The Jedi High Council then dispatched Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to investigate. Upon arrival, they were drawn toward the enigmatic Mortis monolith, which transported them to the planet of Mortis, where they encountered the Ones. Skywalker became separated from Kenobi and Tano, who attempted to return to their shuttle. Discovering its disappearance, Tano and Kenobi encountered the Son, whom they suspected of being Sith. They sought refuge in a cave, where Kenobi was visited by an apparition of his deceased master, Qui-Gon Jinn, who revealed that the Ones, like himself, believed Anakin to be the Chosen One. Tano was visited by a future apparition of herself, warning her of the dangers of remaining Skywalker's apprentice.

The Father tests Anakin Skywalker to see if he truly is the Chosen One.

Skywalker then met the Father at his monastery. Subsequently, Skywalker was confronted by the Son, who had assumed the form of Skywalker's late mother, Shmi. After Skywalker recognized the deception, he confronted the Father, who displayed his power by manipulating the end of Skywalker's lightsaber. The Father then revealed his belief that Skywalker was the Chosen One and decided to test him by having the Son and Daughter attempt to kill Kenobi and Ahsoka. Skywalker proved himself by controlling the Son and Daughter, compelling them to release Kenobi and Ahsoka. The Father then informed Skywalker of his impending death and the need for a replacement, but Skywalker refused and attempted to leave Mortis.

The Son attempted to persuade Skywalker to join him, but Skywalker refused. The Son managed to board the shuttle and take Tano to his cathedral, where he corrupted her, causing her to embrace the dark side. The Son visited his father, who disapproved of his embrace of the dark side, leading the Son to attack him in anger. The Daughter placed the Father in a bed to recuperate. Recognizing her brother's growing power, she agreed to assist the Jedi in defeating him, leading Kenobi to an Altar where a powerful Dagger was kept, which Kenobi retrieved.

The Daughter sacrifices herself in order to save the Father.

At the Son's cathedral, Skywalker attempted to rescue his apprentice but was forced to fight. Kenobi and the Daughter arrived, attempting to prevent the Son from succumbing to the dark side. As Kenobi assisted Skywalker in fighting Tano, the Son and Daughter battled each other. Sensing this, the Father traveled to the cathedral to end their conflict. Kenobi attempted to give Skywalker the dagger, but Tano intercepted it and gave it to the Son. Deeming her useless, the Son ended Tano's life and attempted to kill his Father. At the last moment, the Daughter intervened and was killed by the Son with the dagger. The Son departed in anguish, and the Father mourned his Daughter. Skywalker pleaded for the Father's help in saving his apprentice. The Daughter allowed her father to transfer her life essence to Tano. Using Skywalker as a conduit, the Daughter resurrected Tano before she died. The Father urged them to leave before the Son could use their shuttle to escape.

The Father stabbing himself

After the Father buried his Daughter, Skywalker visited him and offered to assist in dealing with the Son. Skywalker, after speaking with an apparition of Master Jinn, ventured to the Well of the Dark Side to confront the Son. However, the Son convinced Skywalker to join him by showing him his future. Witnessing these terrible visions, Skywalker abandoned Kenobi and decided to join the Son, attempting to take the shuttle. However, Tano prevented their escape. The Son, knowing Kenobi would seek out the Father, decided to retrieve the dagger from his sister's grave. The Father, despite the pain Skywalker caused, erased Skywalker's memories of his future visions. Skywalker and the Father were joined by Kenobi and Tano at the monastery. As the Son arrived, the Father took the dagger and stabbed himself. Overcome with remorse, the Son embraced and made peace with his father, just before Anakin Skywalker stabbed him with his lightsaber. As the Father died, he proclaimed Skywalker as the Chosen One but warned him to be mindful of his heart. The Father then vanished, and the planet disappeared.

Minister Veris Hydan seeing a picture of the Mortis gods.

In 1 BBY, following Sith Lord Darth Vader and his Inquisitors' discovery of a Jedi Temple on Lothal, the Mining Guild and Imperial forces under Minister Veris Hydan discovered a Painting on the Temple's wall. Hydan identified the figures as the Father, Son, and Daughter. The painting possessed the ability to open a portal to the World Between Worlds. When Rebel Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger attempted to open the portal with Sabine Wren's help, the painting moved, and the Daughter spoke to him and opened the portal. The Daughter and Father pointed towards the portal. As they pointed to the portal, Loth-wolves at the base of the painting moved to guide to the portal opening. Ezra used the portal to enter and while there he saved Tano from being killed by Darth Vader by pulling her into the World Between Worlds. The Sith Emperor Darth Sidious attempted to enter World Between Worlds, but failed. Ezra returned and exited the portal to Lothal, while Tano moved in another direction. Ezra then sealed the portal using the figure of the Son to do so. The painting moved, and the Son spoke to him and closed the portal. The Father's hand moved away from the portal, the Son's right fist on his left hand while looking at the Father. The figures of all three began moving down, and the temple began to collapse. The Loth-wolves moved back to the painting, and the Father clapped his hands, causing the temple to collapse completely.

