The Ones

The powerful family of Force users known as The Ones, also referred to as the Mortis gods, made their home on the planet of Mortis. This family was comprised of the Son, an adherent of the dark side of the Force, the Daughter, who followed the light side of the Force, and the Father, who embodied the balance of the Force. The Son and Daughter both possessed immortality as long as the Father remained alive. Only the Dagger of Mortis could bring about their demise.

In the year 20 BBY, the family came into contact with Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, and Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan. During this encounter, the Father attempted to persuade Skywalker to take on his role in maintaining the balance between the Son and Daughter. However, the Son tried to prevent Skywalker from accepting this role, which led to a conflict that resulted in the deaths of the Daughter and the Father, who sacrificed himself so that Skywalker could defeat the Son.

A painting on the Lothal Jedi Temple depicted this family, and it functioned as a portal to the World Between Worlds. Furthermore, on the extragalactic planet of Peridea, sculptures of The Ones were carved into a rocky mountainside, overlooking a valley that faced a peak adorned with stars.



The legend of the Ones, as depicted on Lothal

The Ones were inhabitants of the ethereal realm known as Mortis, which was situated on the spiritual plane within the remote Chrelythiumn system in Wild Space. The family possessed Force-sensitivity and represented the various methods of connecting with the Force. The Son, who embodied the dark side of the Force, and the Daughter, who embodied the light side of the Force, were both immortal as long as the Father remained alive and prevented the Force from becoming unbalanced. The Son had the ability to transform into a gargoyle, while the Daughter could shapeshift into a griffin.

Mortis served as both a haven and a prison for the family; it was also believed to be the origin of the Force and acted as a conduit for everything connected to it. This allowed the Father to monitor the balance of the Force throughout the entire galaxy. However, the midi-chlorians, which tied all living things to the energy field and its will, originated at the Wellspring of Life, located near the center of the galaxy. While the Daughter remained devoted to the Father, the Son succumbed to the corruption of the dark side and sought to overthrow his Father, thus threatening to disrupt the balance.

Before the Imperial Era, a painting depicting The Ones was located on the Lothal Jedi Temple, which functioned as a portal to a spiritual realm known as the World Between Worlds. Moreover, The Ones were recognized on the extragalactic planet of Peridea in the Far galaxy, where sculptures representing them were carved into the face of a rocky mountain that overlooked a valley facing a peak adorned with stars.

The Chosen One

Anakin Skywalker meeting the Father.

During the Clone Wars, the Father received word that the Chosen One, a figure prophesied in Jedi lore to bring balance to the Force, had been discovered. The Father lured the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, to Mortis, which sparked the curiosity of both the Son and the Daughter. The Father initiated his plan by using a 2,000-year-old Jedi distress signal to attract Skywalker, along with his companions Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, and Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan, to the Chrelythiumn system. There, the Jedi's shuttle was drawn into a massive crystal structure known as the Mortis monolith.

Shortly after they landed, the Daughter revealed herself to Skywalker and his Jedi comrades and offered to escort him to the Father. Along the way, the Son separated the Daughter and Skywalker from Kenobi and Tano by causing a rockslide. Despite the Daughter's request for him to wait, Skywalker decided to send Kenobi and Tano back to their ship to request assistance. Kenobi and Tano returned to their landing site only to find the shuttle missing. The Son introduced himself to the two Jedi, questioning Kenobi about whether Skywalker was indeed the "Chosen One."

Later that night, Skywalker journeyed to a monastery where he encountered an elderly man who turned out to be the Father. After Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano experienced individual visions (of his mother, Shmi, the Force Ghost of his deceased master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and a future version of herself, respectively), Skywalker confronted the Father, who introduced himself and his children. After explaining the identity of the Ones, the Father informed Skywalker that he and his Jedi companions were free to leave once Skywalker had completed a test to prove that he was indeed the Chosen One and to confront his own feelings of guilt.

The following morning, Skywalker faced this test: the Son and Daughter had abducted Tano and Kenobi, and Skywalker was forced to choose which one to save. Skywalker utilized Mortis's Force-amplifying properties to compel the Son and Daughter to release their hostages and assume their humanoid forms. After praising Skywalker for passing the test, the Father invited the Jedi Knight to embrace his true role as the balance between his children but cautioned that he would jeopardize the galaxy if he chose to leave. Despite his reservations, Skywalker chose to depart.

The Son goes rogue

The Daughter sacrificed herself to save the Father from the Son.

Before the Jedi visitors could depart in their starship, the Son set his plans into motion. After failing to persuade Skywalker to embrace the dark side in a dream, he kidnapped Tano and took her to his cathedral. There, the Son infected Tano with the dark side, corrupting her. While Skywalker headed to the cathedral to rescue his Padawan, Kenobi sought out the Father. Meanwhile, the Father argued with the Son, urging him to abandon the dark side. The Son refused and attacked the Father with Force lightning before fleeing.

Kenobi arrived at the Mortis monastery and attempted to persuade the Daughter to help him prevent the Son from leaving Mortis. Although the Daughter refused to raise her hand against her brother, she showed Kenobi the Dagger of Mortis, the only weapon capable of harming the Son. At the Son's cathedral, Skywalker was forced to fight a corrupted Tano, who had been turned into a pawn of the Son. Kenobi accompanied the Daughter to confront the Son. The Daughter resolved not to let her brother leave the planet. While Kenobi went to help Skywalker, the Daughter faced down the Son in a contest of Force powers. Despite his weakened state, the Father also entered the fray and ended the fight between his children. The Son gained the upper hand over the Father, overwhelming him with Force lightning.

During the fight, Tano managed to take the Dagger from Kenobi before he could hand it to Skywalker. The Father was horrified that the Daughter had revealed the existence of the Dagger to the offworlders. Tano then passed the Dagger to the Son. Having outlived her usefulness, the Son then drained her life force, killing her. An enraged Skywalker attacked the Son but was repelled by the powerful Force wielder. Before the Son could stab the weakened Father with the Dagger of Mortis, the Daughter threw herself between, taking the blade meant for her Father. Overcome by the guilt of fatally wounding his sister, the Son fled.

In her final moments, the Daughter used Skywalker as a conduit to resurrect Tano from the dead, while also purging the darkness with her. Due to the death of the Daughter, the balance of the Force was upset, and Mortis begin descending into darkness. The grieving Father implored the Jedi to leave before Son can take their ship to escape the planet. He also warned them that with the balance disrupted, the dark side and the Sith would gain the upper hand in the galaxy. He warned the Jedi to escape before the Son could escape offworld in their starship. The Jedi then left him to mourn his fallen Daughter.

Fall of the Mortis Gods

The Father and the Son embrace each other in their final moments.

While laying the fallen Daughter to rest in her crypt, the Father expressed regret for believing he could control the future. He also laid the Dagger of Mortis on her chest. After sealing her tomb, the Father was met by Skywalker, who offered to help. The Father declined Skywalker's offer, fearing that his Son would use the Jedi Knight's Force powers to tip the balance of the Force, wreaking havoc in the galaxy. The Father resolved to kill the Son in order to stop him from endangering the galaxy. Before Skywalker left, the Father told him that the Force would not decide their fates and to search inside himself for the answer to what must be done.

After receiving guidance from the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn, Skywalker travelled to the Well of the Dark Side in the depths of Mortis to confront the Son. The Father later traveled to the Jedi starship and told Kenobi and Tano about Skywalker's whereabouts. Despite the Father's warning not to interfere, Kenobi departed on his speeder bike to aid Skywalker and tasked Tano with guarding their ship. The Son tried to convince Skywalker not to fight him and showed him a vision of the future. In that vision, Skywalker witnessed his fall to the dark side, the death of his wife Padmé Amidala and transformation into Darth Vader. The Son appealed to Skywalker to join him to prevent this vision from coming to pass.

Kenobi reached the Well only to discover that Skywalker had been corrupted. Skywalker tossed Kenobi's speeder bike into the magma and warned Kenobi that the Jedi would be an obstacle to ending the Clone Wars. The Son struck Kenobi with Force lightning. After Skywalker left on his speeder bike, the Son told Kenobi that Skywalker was his now. Under the Son's influence, Skywalker returned to the Jedi shuttle. However, Kenobi had warned Tano about Skywalker's fall to the dark side and told her to disable the ship. Tano then stole Skywalker's speeder bike and rescued Kenobi from the Well of the Dark Side.

Skywalker briefed the Son about the situation. Fearing that the Father and the other two Jedi would be too powerful for them, the Son departed to recover the Dagger of Mortis from the Daughter's crypt. The Son confided his familial love for his fallen Sister. In the Son's absence, the Father confronted Skywalker, who explained that he had joined forces with the Son to prevent the terrible vision of the future from happening. Fearing that this vision would destroy balance and affect the future, the Father purged Skywalker's memories of the vision stating that his Son "broke the laws of time" and showed him what he never should have seen.

The Father brought Skywalker to the Mortis monastery and explained that he had erased his memory of the future vision. Shortly later, Skywalker was joined by Kenobi and Tano. Skywalker resolved to stop the Son. The Father agreed but warned that they had only one chance. The Son soon arrived at the monastery. The Father pleaded with the Son not to leave for the last time. The Son countered that Mortis was not his destiny. The Father warned that the Son's actions would destroy all that is good. Unwilling to reason with his Son, the Father told him that he must do what was necessary.

The Jedi attacked the Son but he swept them away easily with his Force powers. The Father then proceeded with his plan to stop the Son by plunging the Dagger of Mortis into his own chest. The Son was horrified by the Father's suicide. Mortally wounded, the Father explained that his Son's powers were connected to his mortality. In the Father's final moments, the two Force wielders embraced each other. This moment allowed Skywalker to kill the Son with his lightsaber, with the Son exclaiming that his father had betrayed him. With his dying breath, the Father told Skywalker that he was the Chosen One who would save the galaxy. Subsequently both the Son and the Father fell to the ground, with the latter disappearing, leaving behind only his robes.

The death of the Father caused the realm of Mortis to disappear, bringing the Jedi back to their galaxy. Skywalker, Kenobi and Tano learned that only a moment had passed since they had lost contact with Rex's Jedi cruiser.


Sculptures of the Father, the Son and a damaged Daughter on the extragalactic world of Peridea.

Before the Liberation of Lothal, Imperial and Mining Guild forces led by Minister Veris Hydan discovered a painting of the Ones (whom he called the "Mortis gods") during their excavation of the Lothal Jedi Temple. Emperor Palpatine believed that this painting served as a portal to a mystical realm known as the World Between Worlds. Hydan also believed that the painting could help unlock the secrets of the Lothal temple. With the help of the Mandalorian rebel Sabine Wren, the Jedi Ezra Bridger was able to unlock the painting, which created a portal to the World between Worlds.

Hydan captured Wren and interrogated her about unlocking the portal. During their interrogation, Hydan also discussed the Mortis gods, describing them as prominent figures in Jedi history. Hydan and Wren realized that the figures of the Ones held the key to the gateway's locking mechanism. Inside the World between Worlds, Bridger saved Tano from being killed by Darth Vader on Malachor by pulling her through a portal. The two then escaped Palpatine, exiting through different portals. Back on Lothal, Bridger sealed the gateway with the help of fellow rebels Garazeb Orrelios and Chopper. Their actions caused the Lothal Jedi Temple to collapse back into the planet, locking away its secrets from the Empire. Hydan also perished during the collapse.

During the New Republic era, the former Jedi General and mercenary Baylan Skoll sensed something stirring on the extragalactic world of Peridea. During his quest, Skoll came across two sculptures of the Father and the Son carved into a mountain. While standing on the outstretched arm of the Father, Skoll stared at the mountains beyond towards the apparent source of the power calling to him; a flashing beacon of light off the farthest mountain.

