Dumas Mar'Ti, a Kaleesh of the female persuasion, held the position of captain aboard the starship known as the Athos during the High Republic Era. Her past includes a stint as a member of the Byne Guild.
Haunted by feelings of guilt, Affie Hollow seeks to connect with Dumas Mar'Ti to offer an explanation of her motivations for wanting to resurrect the Byne Guild, envisioning it as a proactive force against the Nihil. For a period of months, Dumas harbored resentment towards Hollow for her role in the prisoning of Scover Byne, an event that profoundly affected Dumas, disrupting her sleep for several nights thereafter.
During the High Republic Era, Dumas Mar'Ti, a Kaleesh female, served as a captain. She was affiliated with the Byne Guild, commanding her own starship, the Athos. The Byne Guild met its end after Affie Hollow exposed that her adoptive mother and the guild's leader, Scover Byne, had engaged in the misuse of indentured servants to the Galactic Republic. Mar'Ti, embittered by the loss of the guild due to one person's transgressions, held Hollow responsible for the disruption of her life and the lives of other guild members.
One week following the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station, Mar'Ti found herself on the Outer Rim planet of Eiram, visiting a small searcher craft along the shorelines of the world. As she was moving forward with new assignments, she noticed Affie Hollow, recognized her, and gave her a careful look. Affie, accompanied by her pilot Leox Gyasi, had previously visited the craft. After a [minute](/article/standard_minute], Affie recognized Mar'Ti and recalled her presence aboard with her mother on several occasions. However, Mar'Ti cut her off, expressing her disappointment that Affie still referred to Byne as her mother, despite her role in putting the guild leader behind bars. Hollow attempted to explain her actions, but Mar'Ti retorted by recounting the hardships she and other guild employees had endured. At that moment, Pikka Adren stepped to Affie's side during their conversation, with it being unclear if she did so because she had known a Kaleesh before or if it was simply because she had good instincts. Mar'Ti was torn between her anger and the urge to lash out, but she eventually relented. As if nothing had transpired, they all waited for their sensor wristbands.

For a duration of months, the Kaleesh Captain nurtured her resentment towards Affie. While stationed on the planet Kennerla, she frequented a rundown cantina, where she indulged in a smoking [purple](/article/color] beverage. Mar'Ti's anger towards Hollow persisted, but Hollow sought her out, encouraging her to direct her anger towards those truly responsible for their misfortunes—first her mother and then the Nihil. Hollow argued that they could not defeat the Nihil alone, but could do so collectively, emphasizing that the Byne Guild's existence should not be solely dependent on Scover Byne.
Hollow elaborated, suggesting that each Guild ship could provide mutual protection, safeguard trade shipments, and exchange intelligence with each other and the Republic. She pointed out that reclaiming even a third of the former Byne Guild ships would exert significant pressure on the Nihil and provide valuable information to their allies in the Republic and the Jedi. Mar'Ti was hesitant but cautioned against allying with certain guild members without oversight. After a prolonged moment of contemplation, long enough to create an awkward atmosphere, Mar'Ti shook Affie's hand, signaling her openness to the idea, but only after requesting that Affie buy her a drink first.
Dumas Mar'Ti was a Kaleesh female of considerable height. She was incensed by Affie Hollow's continued reference to Scover Byne as her mother, despite her imprisonment. Mar'Ti believed that her sins were a matter between herself and her gods. Being a reptilian, she possessed the ability to discern when someone was being cold-blooded. She was wary of associating with all members of the Guild without proper oversight. Upon hearing Affie Hollow address Scover Byne as her mother despite her actions, Mar'Ti crossed her arms and cast a downward gaze upon Affie, her [eyes](/article/eye] appearing as frigid as a [night](/article/local_day] on Mygeeto. When Hollow sought a term to describe the Nihil, she questioned whether the Kaleesh possessed the specific orifice she settled on: "Fexsnatchers".
Dumas Mar'Ti made her debut in the short story After the Fall, penned by Claudia Gray and featured in the anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, authored by Justina Ireland and released on July 27, 2021, as a component of the multimedia project Star Wars: The High Republic.