Koboh Observatory

The Koboh Observatory, sometimes referenced as the Mountain Observatory or just the Observatory, functioned as a research center. This facility was situated on the planet of Koboh, which lies within the Outer Rim Territories. During the High Republic Era, the Observatory stood as the greatest financial undertaking on the planet.

During the High Republic period, the observatory's construction served Jedi and Republic scientists in their research endeavors, specifically investigating the many aspects of the enigmatic Koboh Abyss. Positioned near both the Basalt Forest and Prospector's Folly, the observatory was built above the mountain, not directly on it. This was achieved through a system of powerful repulsorlifts that held several platforms suspended among the mountain peaks. The Grand Oculus, a vast observation point designed for studying the Abyss, formed the core of the facility. This rotating oculus drew its power from the same Koboh matter source that fueled the Forest Array. The larger size of the Grand Oculus suggested that Republic scientists developed it as a prototype, leading to later, more compact and efficient designs.

In 9 BBY, a battle took place at the Observatory, pitting the Bedlam Raiders against the Galactic Empire. In this conflict, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and Bode Akuna ascended the Observatory to face the fallen Jedi Dagan Gera and seize the final navigational compass. This compass was crucial for navigating the Abyss and reaching the hidden world of Tanalorr. Kestis ultimately triumphed over Gera, killing him and successfully acquiring the compass.

