Prospector's Folly

Prospector's Folly, situated in the Koboh Mountains on the planet Koboh in the Outer Rim, was located in proximity to both Rambler's Reach Valley and Rambler's Reach Outpost. The name "Prospector's Folly" originated from the numerous priorite seekers who died while attempting to scale the peaks of the area. It was said that the region presented itself as a daunting challenge to those daring or unwise enough to climb it.

Within this area, a Jedi chamber from the High Republic Era, known as the Chamber of Detachment, was rumored to exist. By 9 BBY, the Galactic Empire had established an Imperial post, with garrisons stationed along the twisting paths that led up the mountain.


Prior to 9 BBY, prospectors seeking wealth established small, functional settlements in the foothills of Prospector's Folly. Indeed, various structures and lifts were constructed in the vicinity, including technology designed for prospecting. For example, within the Fogged Expanse one could find a seismic detector that used small pulses to locate small objects, such as priorite deposits. Water storage containers and discarded prospecting tools were also scattered along the ascent.

At one point, two prospectors, one named Shana, embarked on a perilous climb up the mountain. In the Foothill Falls area, while observing a waterfall, Shana lost their footing. Their companion rescued them, and they both had to overcome their fear before continuing. In the Fogged Expanse, the pair encountered a mogu that attacked them, resulting in Shana's death. Shana's companion, now alone, questioned their ability to complete the climb without Shana. Despite this, they pressed on and reached the Summit Ridge. Overcome with exhaustion, they reflected on their journey, commenting that Shana would have appreciated the view. The prospector perished at the summit, and their remains remained there until at least 9 BBY.

In 9 BBY, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and his droid companion BD-1 journeyed through Prospector's Folly, where they encountered Skoova Stev, a Sakavian fisherman, and discovered the wreckage of a TIE fighter. Upon arriving at the Fogged Expanse, Kestis and BD-1 faced off against Imperial Stormtroopers and KX-series security droids. They spotted a recently crashed Lambda-class T-4a shuttle on a ledge, still burning. As they progressed, they battled a mogu and additional Imperial forces before entering the crashed shuttle. While inside, the ship shifted, causing it to tilt and trapping them with a security droid. Kestis and BD-1 crawled towards the cockpit, leaping across a chasm that had split the shuttle. In the cockpit, BD-1 discovered a component in the flight controls that allowed him to fire electrodarts. When testing this new ability, the force generated caused the cockpit to begin to fall off the ledge, sending the body of a deceased Purge Trooper down the cliff side. Kestis used his ascension gun to reach safety before infiltrating the Imperial Post 8L-055. Inside the main hangar, Kestis encountered significant resistance from Imperial forces before ascending a lift into the post. He then came across a Stormtrooper and security droid guarding the controls to a locked door, protected by 15 centimeters of Imperial-manufactured transperisteel. Kestis used a Jedi mind trick to persuade the Stormtrooper to open the door and let him pass. Further inside the facility, Kestis met Rick the Door Technician. Kestis then ascended another lift and proceeded to the Summit Ridge, which provided him and BD-1 access to the Mountain Observatory.

Also in 9 BBY, Grock, a tradesman and mechanic, was killed by Stormtroopers in the Mountain Ascent region. He had decided to make a big score, and set out with his partner, Dana, to steal an industrial fuel injector from the mountains, fully aware that other prospectors were too afraid to attempt the action because of the Imperial presence. Grock was caught by the Stormtroopers, but was able to extract the injector before his death, which Dana collected and referred to as her bereavement tax. Upon finding his corpse, she vowed to return and bury him properly.

