Skoova Stev

Skoova Stev, a male Sakavian, was a highly skilled fisherman originating from Sakavi Tar. He plied his trade on the planet of Koboh.

Life Story


Early Days on Sakavi Tar

Born on the planet of Sakavi Tar, Skoova Stev spent the majority of his formative years residing in a village. It was during this time that he experienced his first catch, a Mee fish, sparking a lifelong passion for fishing. His reputation grew, leading the inhabitants of Sakavi Tar to believe he would be the savior to end the Great Fish Famine that was devastating the planet. Ultimately, he was guided to Oondun, a massive creature dwelling within a cave on Sakavi Tar. During this encounter, Skoova was struck on the head by one of the creature's tentacles. It was from this experience that Skoova Stev "mastered the art of focus".

During his time on his homeworld of Sakavi Tar, a dire fish shortage plagued the land. Amidst this famine, a foreign fishing crew arrived, seeking to exploit the planet's resources for rare catches. Determined to protect his people from the foreigners' exploitation, Skoova Stev struck a bargain with them. He would guide them to rare fish, provided they ceased all fishing activities on Sakavi Tar. The group accepted, and Skoova embarked on a journey aboard the Grapnel, a ship commanded by Wan'yek Whett.

Service Under Wan'yek Whett

Almost immediately after the Grapnel entered orbit, it was intercepted by a barrack ship in pursuit of stolen goods believed to be onboard. Whett welcomed the authorities onto the Grapnel to conduct their investigation. However, once aboard, Whett used a harpoon to kill the lawmen. From that point forward, Skoova Stev adopted the harpoon as his primary fishing tool, abandoning the traditional rod.

Throughout his time on the Grapnel, Skoova consistently out-fished the rest of the crew combined. After a year of service under Wan'yek Whett, Skoova ascended to the position of Whett's second in command. Shortly after his promotion, they journeyed to Manaan to deliver goods. However, upon exiting hyperspace, they collided with a purrgil, resulting in a crash landing on Manaan's sea floor. There, they encountered a band of pirate Quarren known as the Filthy Zephyrs.

After escaping the wreckage of the ship, Skoova Stev and the rest of the fishing crew found themselves surrounded by the Filthy Zephyrs. The pirates demanded the fish stored within the Grapnel, but the crew refused. Attempting to flee through the murky waters, they were quickly apprehended and encircled by the gang. Turning to Wan'yek Whett for direction, Skoova Stev was unsure of what to do. Whett instructed Skoova to use his harpoon, but just as Skoova was about to comply, the glimmer of a glumbrig eel caught his attention. In an attempt to attract the eels, Skoova Stev tried to imitate a glumbrig eel mating call. Unbeknownst to him, his comm unit was not active, so only he could hear the call. However, the horrifying expression on Skoova's face startled the Quarren, causing them to drop their blasters, which gave Skoova and the rest of the crew the opportunity to escape.

The Quest for Wan'yek Whett

At some point following the events on Manaan, Skoova Stev was abandoned in deep space by Captain Whett, ejected in an escape pod and left to perish. After drifting in space for some time, Skoova witnessed the same purrgil that had caused their crash on Manaan emerge from hyperspace. The purrgil rescued Skoova, transporting him to an uncharted planet. On this new world, Skoova Stev prepared to return to Sakavi Tar.

Upon his return to Sakavi Tar, Skoova Stev discovered that Wan'yek Whett was violating their agreement by fishing in the waters of his home village and exporting the catches. Determined to save his people from starvation, Skoova embarked on a quest to find Wan'yek Whett. After months of searching, Skoova finally located Captain Whett on the third moon of Antine, engaged in a battle with a pack of glumbrig eels in the Garrachus Trench. Believing Skoova to be dead for years, Captain Whett impaled him through the chest with a spear. As his vision began to fade, Skoova mustered one final effort. He emitted the mating call of the glumbrig eels. Almost immediately, the eels swarmed Wan'yek Whett and his crew. Captain Whett was fatally stung by the eels, but Skoova Stev's consciousness began to slip away.

Skoova Stev floated to the surface and was rescued by a fisherwoman who helped him recover. The fisherwoman suggested he try a new world teeming with fish: Koboh. So Skoova Stev went, and along the way he realized why he loved fishing: He simply loved fish.

Life on Koboh

Skoova Stev by the aquarium in Pyloon's Saloon

In 9 BBY, Cal Kestis encountered Skoova Stev on Koboh and encouraged him to seek employment with Greez Dritus at Pyloon's Saloon. Skoova accepted and took on the roles of fisherman and aquarium maintenance worker for the establishment. He would often introduce new species of fish to the saloon's tank. Some of the aquatic creatures he added to the aquarium included see fish, viscid lurkers, fingerlip garpons, barbed hookfish, mee fish, frilled newts, blue-finned crayfish, big-mouth faa, glottsamcrabs, blinding rayfish, snakefish, and Fantailed Laa fish.

Once Skoova had gathered enough fish to populate the aquarium in Pyloon's Saloon, he began to worry about Wan'yek Whett's fate. Believing that Wan'yek Whett may have survived their encounter, Skoova resolved to return to Sakavi Tar to check on his people and to confirm Whett's demise.

Personality and Characteristics

Skoova Stev was a dedicated fisherman, completely consumed by his passion. He was known for his wisdom, expertise, and encouragement, particularly when the subject was fishing. Skoova also possessed a fondness for making jokes and sharing stories, although his repertoire was almost exclusively about fish.


Skoova Stev always had a diving suit readily available for any fishing expeditions. It consisted of flippers, a comlink, a waterproof suit, and a helmet.

Behind the Curtains

Skoova Stev made an appearance in the Star Wars video game Jedi: Survivor, which was launched on April 28, 2023. Stev's voice was provided by JB Blanc.

