Wan'yek Whett

Wan'yek Whett served as the captain overseeing a group of fishers aboard the vessel known as Grapnel.


Whett, a Besalisk with a beard, initially attempted fishing activities on the world of Sakavi Tar. However, Skoova Stev stepped in, negotiating an agreement with him and his team. As part of this arrangement, Skoova became a member of Whett's crew, on the condition that they refrain from fishing in Sakavi's waters. Eventually, he ascended to the position of first mate. Subsequently, Captain Whett abandoned Skoova in an escape pod after Skoova resisted using deadly methods while escaping from Quarren pirates. Later on, Whett and his crew violated their pact with Skoova, who discovered they had resumed fishing in the waters of Sakavi Tar. Skoova pursued Whett to the oceanic third moon of Antine, where they engaged in a duel. During this confrontation, Skoova released a horde of glumbrig eels in an attempt to overcome him, only to be impaled by a harpoon himself. Skoova survived the ordeal, and by the year 9 BBY, he had not received any updates regarding Whett's fate. Nevertheless, he confessed to Cal Kestis that he harbored a persistent suspicion that the Besalisk was still alive.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Wan'yek Whett occurred in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a game that was launched on April 28, 2023.

