The Laa, alternatively referred to as the Fantailed Laa fish, represented a species of scalefish that inhabited both the planet of Naboo and the moon of Jedha. These creatures coexisted with six other scalefish species within the waters surrounding the city of Otoh Gunga in Lake Paonga. Additionally, they could be located in the Abyss, where they were indiscriminately hunted by the sizable colo claw fish and opee sea killers residing there. Minute yobshrimp established habitats inside the gills of tee scalefish; subsequently, laa would consume these yobshrimp by licking them out.
During 9 BBY, Skoova Stev, a Sakavian fisherman, captured a Fantailed Laa fish on Jedha. This specimen was then placed within a fish tank at Pyloon's Saloon.

Although initially unidentified, Laa made their debut in the film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Their identification was later officially recognized within the 2015 reference publication, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. The video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, created by Respawn Entertainment and released by Electronic Arts on April 28, 2023, formally identified the species as the Fantailed Laa fish.
The scalefish species Laa, doo, ray, mee, faa, see, and tee appear to allude to the real-world musical scale, specifically "Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do."