The seven varieties of scalefish
The scalefish represent a collection of different fish species that originated on the planet of Naboo. With the exception of the mee, known for its poisonous spines, and the faa, a particularly aggressive carnivore, they were generally considered to be benign. The group also included the doo, laa, ray, see, and tee types. A multitude of brilliantly colorful scalefish inhabited Lake Paonga near the city of Otoh Gunga, as well as the deep waters of the Naboo Abyss. Predators of the scalefish included colo claw fish, opee sea killers, humans, and the Gungan race, who consumed them as a food source.
The initial appearance of scalefish was in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, released in 1999, which was the first movie in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. The 2015 reference manual, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, provided the first formal identification of these creatures.
It seems the names given to the scalefish are a nod to the musical scale that we know, specifically the solfège system: do, re, me, fa, sol, la, ti.