The fingerlip garpon, alternatively known as Finger-Lipped Garpon or simply garpon, represented a species of scalefin fish that inhabited the oceans and lakes found on the planets of Ahch-To, Corellia, and Koboh. These fish displayed silver scales covering their bodies, along with distinctive long, slender lower jaws that stretched considerably beyond the broader upper jaws situated beneath their nostrils and dark eyes. A pair of fins extended from just behind their gills, in addition to a tail fin. Individuals such as the fisherman from Coronet City on Corellia, the fishman Skoova Stev, and members of the sentient Lanai race on Ahch-To, caught fingerlip garpons to be used as food. During the year 34 ABY, the Lanai caretaker matron Alcida-Auka prepared a garpon using a fish scaling knife in the Jedi village where Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and the scavenger Rey were living.
The fingerlip garpon initially made its debut appearance in the 2017 motion picture Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. While the film did not provide a name for the prop, it was later identified in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo that was released alongside the film. Subsequently, the prop was reused in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story.