The aquarium of Senator Christo on Coruscant
An aquarium is essentially a water-filled container specifically created for housing aquatic life forms. These aquariums exhibited a great range in their dimensions, from smaller varieties suitable for placement in offices or interior spaces to the transformation of a substantial portion of a massive freighter into a aquatic habitat.
During one particular journey of the starship Legacy Run, which took place during the High Republic Era, a significant part of the ship's cargo bay was repurposed into an aquarium. This was done to facilitate the transportation of a giant saberfish from the planet Tibrin to a privately owned aquarium situated on Abregado-rae. After the creature fell sick, the countess who commissioned its transport covered the costs to return it to its original habitat on Tibrin.
Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore had an aquarium constructed within her personal chambers located in the city of Sundari. This aquarium was unfortunately destroyed when Prime Minister Almec launched an attempted coup against her. Korkie, Kryze's nephew, along with his companions, discovered the corpse of one of Kryze's protectors amidst the wreckage of the tank, with the surrounding area flooded with water.
Senator Christo from the Galactic Republic also chose to have an aquarium built inside his residence on Coruscant. Similarly, Alderaanian viceroy Bail Organa had one installed within his office at the Royal Palace of Alderaan, with the intention of entertaining his adopted daughter, Leia, during her early childhood.
The initial appearance of aquariums in canon occurred in "The Academy," an episode from season 3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.