Unidentified countess

A countess resided on the Core Worlds planet of Abregado-rae during the High Republic Era. The woman requested a saberfish from the Mid Rim planet Tibrin for her personal aquarium, and it was transported there by Byne Guild Captain Hedda Casset's Class A modular freight transport called Legacy Run. It was held in a water tank situated inside the primary compartment of the ship. Yet, upon its arrival, the countess's employees were at a loss as to how to properly care for the creature, leading to it becoming ill.

The countess made the decision to pay the Legacy Run to return the saberfish to Tibrin a mere three days afterward, a task which the captain's crew carried out with considerable difficulty. Later, in 232 BBY, Casset reflected on this event, inwardly praising the woman for saving the creature's life when many other nobles would have simply allowed it to die.

Behind the scenes

The character of the countess was mentioned within The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, a 2021 novel penned by Charles Soule as a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I. A preliminary excerpt from the novel, which was made available on IGN on June 22, 2020, originally indicated that the saberfish delivered to the countess's aquarium originated from the Core Worlds planet Spira; however, this detail was subsequently changed to Tibrin in the published version.

