Korkie Kryze

Korkie Kryze, a Mandalorian male of the human species, held the rank of cadet at the Royal Academy of Government situated on the planet of Mandalore during the period known as the Clone Wars. As a member of House Kryze, Korkie was born into the Mandalorian political family of Duchess Satine Kryze, his aunt and the leader of the New Mandalorians. As the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems waged a civil war across the galaxy, Korkie aimed to emulate his aunt's leadership for Mandalore's future generations. Despite Korkie and his associates revealing the Mandalorian black market conspiracy which led to the arrest of Prime Minister Almec, his anticipated future was upended by the Death Watch's seizure of Mandalore.


Having been born into House Kryze, a prominent house within Mandalorian society, Korkie Kryze possessed a promising future in politics. As the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze, who headed the New Mandalorian faction, Korkie followed in his aunt's footsteps by training at the Royal Academy of Government in Sundari, the capital city of Mandalore, to become a future leader. He befriended fellow cadets Amis, Lagos, and Soniee within the student body.

Korkie Kryze was the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze, leader of the New Mandalorians.

During the Clone Wars, Kryze and his fellow students attended a lecture by Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, a guest speaker dispatched to the Mandalorian homeworld by the Jedi Order's High Council, regarding the relationship between politics and corruption. Kryze, inspired by Tano's teachings, motivated his friends to join him in investigating the dwindling supplies in the capital. However, their investigation ultimately uncovered evidence of corruption at the highest echelons of the Mandalorian government. Consequently, they became involved in Tano's own investigation, which revealed that Prime Minister Almec had conspired to expand the planet's trading opportunities through the black market system. As a result of their involvement, Almec was ousted from his position and imprisoned in the royal prison for his illegal actions.

As the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems continued their war throughout the galaxy, the Death Watch splinter group and their allies in the [Shadow Collective](/article/shadow_collective] overthrew Duchess Satine's government. The Duchess was taken prisoner by the new regime, which was now under the control of the renegade Sith Lord Maul. This prompted Korkie and his former classmates to attempt a jailbreak in order to free his imprisoned aunt. Bo-Katan Kryze, his other aunt, supported his plan by leading the Nite Owls in opposition to Maul's leadership. Despite their best efforts, Korkie was unable to complete the rescue mission. The Mandalorian super commandos recaptured Duchess Satine, and Maul subsequently executed her, while Mandalore was divided between opposing factions in a new civil war. Despite the capture of Satine, Korkie and his fellow cadets managed to escape. By approximately 9 ABY, Bo-Katan believed herself to be the last surviving member of her lineage.

Personality and traits

With the fall of the pacifist government, Korkie Kryze took up arms to protect his aunt Satine.

Kryze, a human male, had a height of 1.65 meters. He possessed blond hair, blue [eyes](/article/eye], and fair skin.

Korkie Kryze, as a young Mandalorian with a background in the political establishment, dedicated his early years to preparing for a career in public service. He was among the most promising individuals of his generation, having served as a cadet at the esteemed Royal Academy of Government, where Mandalore's future leaders were educated. In addition to his family's political influence, Kryze's sharp intuition and ambitious nature indicated his potential for success as a future leader on Mandalore.

Korkie had a close bond with his aunt, Duchess Satine Kryze, whom he affectionately called "Auntie Satine," as her nephew. Korkie sought to shield his aunt and sovereign from the Prime Minister upon learning of Almec's treachery. Korkie remained devoted to his aunt after Death Watch seized control of Mandalore, declaring that he would never betray her and even taking up arms to save her.

Skills and abilities

Korkie followed the same path as his Aunt Satine, studying government at the Royal Academy of Government in order to become one of Mandalore's future leaders. He also possessed investigative skills, working alongside his fellow cadets to expose Prime Minister Almec's black-market scheme.


Korkie received training in the use of a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol while he and his fellow cadets were rescuing Satine from the royal prison.

Behind the scenes

Korkie Kryze was initially featured in "The Academy," the sixth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season Three. Whit Hertford, the voice actor, played him, and he returned to the role in "The Lawless," the fifth season episode.

