Lagos was a human female cadet of the Mandalorian persuasion. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], she attended the Royal Academy of Government situated on Mandalore. While studying at the academy, Lagos formed a bond with Korkie Kryze, who was the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze of the New Mandalorians. Together with their companions, Amis and Soniee, they offered assistance to the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano as she investigated a black market conspiracy on their Mandalorian homeworld. After the Death Watch seized control of Mandalore, Lagos participated in a failed mission to free the imprisoned Duchess.
Lagos, a native to the planet of Mandalore, was born in an era where her homeworld had rejected its ancient warrior traditions. During the New Mandalorian government's rule, coinciding with the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Lagos was a student at the Royal Academy of Government. This institution was where Mandalorian cadets prepared for careers in politics. While there, she cultivated friendships with classmates such as Amis, Soniee, and Korkie Kryze, who was the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the New Mandalorians.

During the Clone Wars period, Lagos and her friends crossed paths with Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Tano arrived in Sundari under the guise of a guest lecturer at the academy, while secretly investigating claims of corruption within the Mandalorian capital [city](/article/city]. Concerned about the food shortages on Mandalore, Lagos was convinced by her friends to join their own investigation. With Tano's help, the cadets successfully exposed the illegal actions of Prime Minister Almec, including the establishment of a black market trading operation on Mandalore.
In 19 BBY, the Death Watch overthrew the New Mandalorian government, leading to the imprisonment of Duchess Satine. Consequently, Lagos joined her friends in a plan to rescue the deposed head of state from Maul's Mandalorian super commandos. Despite their best efforts, the group was unable to escape with the Duchess, who was later executed by Maul.

As a Royal Academy of Government cadet, Lagos was among the most promising Mandalorian youths, cultivated by the prestigious institution for a future in politics. Her cautious nature sometimes made her feel overwhelmed by her more adventurous classmates. However, depending on the situation, she possessed the courage to support her friends in dangerous circumstances.
Lagos was a human female with a height of 1.65 meters, or 5 feet and 5 inches. During her adolescence, she had [blond](/article/color] hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
During the attempt to rescue the Duchess, she carried a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol.
Lagos made her debut in "The Academy," the sixth episode of Season Three of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Her voice was provided by Ryan Templeton. Lagos later appeared in "The Lawless," an episode from the fifth season, but had no spoken lines.