Mandalore resistance

The Mandalore resistance, also known by the names Mandalorian rebels or Death Watch loyalists, represented a faction of Mandalorians. This group emerged from the Death Watch at the dawn of the Mandalorian civil war during the Clone Wars. This resistance was in opposition to Maul's claim to the throne of Mandalore, and they later chose to support the Galactic Republic along with the Jedi Order, sharing crucial information around the time of, or following, the Battle of Ord Mantell.


Prior to the division

In the year 19 BBY, Death Watch, a Mandalorian organization known for both resistance and terrorism and commanded by Pre Vizsla, became a component of the Shadow Collective. This criminal syndicate was under the control of Maul, a rogue Sith Lord, and his brother Savage Opress, and included groups such as the Hutt Clan, the Pyke Syndicate, and the Black Sun. Subsequently, the Shadow Collective initiated a takeover of Mandalore by ousting the New Mandalorians. As a result, Death Watch publicly assumed control of the planet Mandalore, with the intention of Maul expanding his influence to countless other worlds under their protection. A power struggle then occurred, which resulted in Maul and Opress being imprisoned, and Vizsla becoming Mand'alor and leader of the Mandalorian people.

The split of Death Watch

Bo-Katan Kryze and two members of the Nite Owls

However, Maul and Opress managed to break out of prison and brought former Prime Minister Almec to their side. Following this, Maul challenged Vizsla to a fight, defeating him by decapitating him with the Darksaber and declaring himself the new leader of Mandalore and Death Watch. This event led to a schism within Death Watch, with members from units such as the Nite Owls, Airborne Troopers, Grappling Troopers, and Flame Thrower troopers either pledging allegiance to Maul or rejecting his authority. After a battle in the throne room of the Sundari Royal Palace, Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of the Nite Owls, led the rebels in a withdrawal.

Outbreak of civil war

Members of the Mandalore resistance pursued by Mandalorian super commandos.

With Death Watch divided into the Mandalorian super commandos serving the Shadow Collective and Bo-Katan's Mandalore resistance, also known as Death Watch loyalists and Mandalorian rebels, a civil war broke out around Sundari. Maul reinstated Almec as Prime Minister and continued his operations. The Mandalore resistance formed an alliance with supporters of Duchess Satine Kryze, the previous leader of Mandalore, who was being held in the royal prison. Rebel forces made an attempt to free her and alert Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the escape, the Mandalore resistance engaged in combat with the Mandalorian super commandos, the Death Watch members loyal to Maul. Despite Duchess Satine managing to reach the outskirts of the city and send a message to Kenobi, Satine and the resistance fighters were overwhelmed and she was recaptured, forcing the rebel forces to retreat.

Bo-Katan fighting alongside Kenobi

Kenobi later traveled to Mandalore to liberate Duchess Satine himself, but they were eventually caught again, and Satine was executed. As Kenobi was being taken to prison, Bo-Katan and her rebels succeeded in freeing him. Eventually, Bo-Katan and Kenobi fought their way through Maul's forces to a Kom'rk-class fighter/transport, where Kenobi departed to inform the Galactic Republic about Maul's takeover of Mandalore, while Bo-Katan hoped for a Republic intervention.

Allies within the Jedi Order

During the civil war, the Mandalore resistance provided the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic with intelligence, confirming the ongoing alliance between Prime Minister Almec and various crime syndicates. In time, Bo-Katan enlisted the help of former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano to capture Maul. Following Tano's suggestion, the resistance allied with the Republic to siege Maul's forces, thereby ending the rogue Sith Lord's dominion over the planet. Kryze was subsequently placed in charge of the world as regent until the Galactic Empire rose to power.

