"The Academy" marks the sixth installment of the third season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It originally aired on October 15, 2010, serving as the conclusion to a two-part narrative arc that commenced with the preceding episode, "Corruption."
Ahsoka Tano is given the task of instructing a class at a leadership institution located on Mandalore. Shortly after her arrival, Duchess Satine's devoted nephew, Korkie Kryze, along with his fellow students, uncovers a sinister scheme. It is revealed that Prime Minister Almec is actively involved in the clandestine Mandalorian black market operation on Mandalore, and he endeavors to permanently silence Duchess Satine and the cadets before they can expose his corrupt activities. Ahsoka, along with the cadets, successfully thwarts Almec's plans before he can succeed.
Anakin Skywalker accompanies his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to Mandalore for a secret mission: to investigate corruption within the government and to educate future leaders on ethical and public-minded behavior. Her selection was based on her status as a learner and her young age so that she could be a role model for the students. Upon arrival, they are greeted by Duchess Satine herself, Prime Minister Almec, and the cadets Korkie (the Duchess' nephew), Amis, and Lagos. Due to Obi-Wan Kenobi's past encounters with the Death Watch on the planet, a strict no-weapons policy is in effect, forcing Ahsoka to hand over her lightsaber to her master, who then departs to meet with fellow Jedi Kit Fisto.
Ahsoka commences her teaching duties, instructing Korkie and his peers on the nature of corruption and their responsibilities as law-abiding citizens to fight against it. Later that night, Korkie, Amis, Lagos, and Soniee discuss Ahsoka's lesson, with Korkie expressing concern about the rationing of the Academy's food supplies. They secretly venture to a warehouse where they witness a secret meeting involving three Mandalorian officers, three Gotals, and a humanoid figure cloaked in robes, with his back turned to the young cadets. They manage to capture a holocam recording, but a mistake by Amis reveals their presence; they barely escape, but Soniee's laptop is discovered by the conspirators.
The following morning, the cadets meet with Satine to report their findings. Although Satine believes them, she advises caution, considering their youth and lack of experience, and suspects the conspiracy goes deeper. Dissatisfied with this response, the cadets decide to seek assistance from Almec. During class, Ahsoka notices their distraction and learns of their plans, but her well-intentioned warnings further discourage the young cadets.
That same evening, as the cadets prepare to meet with the Prime Minister, they are confronted by members of the Mandalorian secret service, who attempt to arrest them for treason and conspiracy. However, Ahsoka intervenes and repels them. By analyzing the holo-recording, the cadets and Ahsoka are shocked to discover that the cloaked figure from the warehouse is Almec himself. As they rush to inform Satine, they find her missing and her bodyguards dead. In desperation, the cadets look to Ahsoka for leadership, who formulates a clever plan: By feigning the arrest of the cadets and suggesting Satine's involvement, she seemingly gains Almec's trust but fails to ascertain the Duchess's location. While Almec departs to prepare a public statement, Ahsoka enters the prison under the guise of conducting an interrogation, informs the cadets of the revised plan, and uses a Force mind trick to persuade a guard to lead her to Satine's cell. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a trap; Almec has anticipated this, and the officers prove resistant to Jedi mind tricks. Ahsoka is struck by a stun blast and taken prisoner.
Almec then boasts about establishing the black market system on Mandalore, claiming it was done for humanitarian reasons. He tries to make the Duchess sign a confession of treason, but she refuses, so Almec has Korkie and the others brought in to pressure her. As he prepares to fit Korkie with a shock collar, Ahsoka and the cadets initiate a fight, and despite being outnumbered and handcuffed, they manage to subdue the guards and place a shock collar on Almec, forcing him to surrender. After the conspirators are apprehended, Ahsoka bids farewell to her new friends, rejoining her master in the war while exchanging their usual playful banter about her assignment.
The Mandalorian prison guards display a crest on their shoulders bearing the inscription "In Defense of Mandalore." This inscription is rendered in a Mandalorian typeface originally created for the Slave I display screens in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The complete text of the lesson displayed behind Ahsoka Tano is as follows: