
On the planet Koboh, Grock functioned as both a skilled tradesman and a mechanic, collaborating with Dana in the pursuit of valuable treasures. During 9 BBY, Grock met his death while attempting to pilfer a crucial fuel injector from Imperial controlled territory situated on Koboh.


Before the events of 9 BBY, Grock became a member of a mercenary group, where he would eventually encounter Dana, forming a friendship with her. Although the group showed promise, their attempt to deceive the Empire during a transaction ultimately failed. Consequently, Grock and Dana chose to leave the crew and initiate their own independent business, believing it would be more advantageous for them, especially considering the grim fates of their former crewmates who were either killed or imprisoned following the failed deception.

Eventually, Grock and Dana settled on Koboh sometime prior to 9 BBY. They both had aspirations of achieving success on the frontier and frequented Pyloon's Saloon, where they would ultimately cross paths with Jedi Knight Cal Kestis in 9 BBY. It became clear to Kestis and Dana that they possessed a shared aptitude for capitalizing on opportunities to generate profit, and they soon started accepting and executing jobs. On one particular assignment, the pair successfully acquired a drive core, however, Dana accidentally dropped a half-ton durasteel support beam on him when a shiverpede suddenly appeared, startling her. She claimed he became frightened at the sight of the creature, but he vehemently denied this, and she later apologized for the incident.

Although he initially expressed reluctance to risk his life working in gang-controlled areas such as Dredger Gorge, the pair eventually devised a plan to repair the gorge's dams. Their plan involved short-circuiting the central conduit and severing it through the emergency couplings to reactivate the sluice gates. Grock also intended to install new energy cores into the dams to restore their functionality - an idea that garnered praise from Kestis. This was a technique he had learned from a former associate, whom Dana described as a highly skilled engineer with an appealing demeanor. However, when that engineer cheated them out of their share after a successful venture, Grock anonymously reported the engineer to the authorities, leading to their capture.

The presence of the Bedlam Raiders on Koboh forced the duo to be cautious in selecting the jobs they undertook. While Dana was unwilling to leave the planet for work due to the threat posed by the Raiders, Grock expressed his willingness to leave Koboh before the situation worsened.

After deciding it was time to obtain a significant payoff, the pair embarked on a mission to steal an industrial fuel injector from the mountains, fully aware that other prospectors were too afraid to attempt such a feat due to the Imperial garrison stationed there. During the theft operation, Grock was killed by Imperial stormtroopers. Although he was unable to radio Dana and alert her to the danger, he managed to retrieve the injector before his death, which Dana later collected, referring to it as her bereavement tax. Upon discovering his body, she pledged to return and provide him with a proper burial.

Personality and traits

Grock possessed a reserved demeanor and was considerably less averse to taking risks compared to his friend and treasure-hunting partner, Dana. He was described as being strong, intelligent, and perpetually grumpy, but he never relinquished his conviction that he and Dana would eventually secure a substantial fortune and live comfortably.

He was also inclined to reminisce about the past, recalling his former crew members with affection, although his memories were not always entirely accurate. On one occasion, he mentioned a former work acquaintance named Kagh'rell, wondering about her whereabouts in the galaxy, until Dana reminded him that they had tampered with her sublights, causing her ship to explode in orbit, resulting in her death.

Despite his gruff manner, he explained to Cal Kestis that the happiest people reside in the space between their desires and their achievements, although Dana questioned the validity of this philosophy.

