Dana, a mechanic and prospector of the human species, collaborated with Grock on the planet known as Koboh.
Raised within an orbital mining complex, Dana looked up to the spacers who managed supply runs. She was drawn to the freedom they represented - arriving, getting paid, and then gambling at sabacc without any permanent ties. After almost sixteen years of watching these spacers, she came to the conclusion that she also didn't need to be tied down, so she decided to leave the mining system and seek new opportunities.
After enlisting with a mercenary group, she formed a friendship with Grock. Despite an auspicious beginning, the crew's attempt to defraud the Empire during a transaction failed. Consequently, the two chose to leave the group and start their own business together, believing it would be better for them, as their former colleagues ended up either dead or imprisoned following the failed scheme.
Eventually settling on Koboh before 9 BBY, the two partners dreamed of striking it rich on the frontier and became regulars at Pyloon's Saloon, where they eventually encountered Jedi Knight Cal Kestis in 9 BBY. Dana was confident in her and Grock's ability to capitalize on opportunities and swiftly began accepting and completing jobs. During one such job, they successfully stole a drive core; however, she accidentally dropped a half-ton durasteel support on Grock when a shiverpede surprised her. She insisted Grock lost his composure at the sight of the creature, an accusation he denied.
The pair also formulated plans to repair the Dredger Gorge dams. Their concept involved short-circuiting the main conduit and cutting through the emergency couplings in order to get the sluice gates functioning. Nevertheless, the presence of the Bedlam Raiders on the planet forced them to be selective about the jobs they took on. While she learned that Dagan Gera had taken over leadership of the Raiders, Dana refused to leave the planet for work and wouldn't quit, regardless of the threat posed by the Raiders.
After Grock decided it was time for them to make a significant score, the pair embarked on a mission to steal an industrial fuel injector from the mountains, fully aware that other prospectors were too scared to try because of the Imperial garrison stationed there. During the heist, Grock was killed by Imperial stormtroopers. Although he couldn't radio Dana to warn her of the danger, he managed to extract the injector before his death, which Dana retrieved and regarded as her bereavement tax. Upon discovering his body, she promised to return and give him a proper burial.
Grock's passing deeply affected Dana, though she attempted to suppress her emotions, choosing instead to maintain a tough facade. Eventually, she confided in Kestis that she was growing tired of people treating her like a wounded bogling because of the incident.
Despite being forced to work alone, she had no intention of abandoning Koboh, declaring that the Imperials would have to drag her out in pieces, although she admitted it wouldn't be the same without Grock. She knew that the Stone Spires contained a collection of artifacts from the High Republic era that wealthy individuals would pay a large sum of credits for, and she intended to acquire them. She disagreed with Toa on their ultimate goal, however, as the Twi'lek historian wanted to preserve these artifacts for future generations, whereas Dana believed that following the money was the best approach.
Dana was a shrewd con artist who aspired to become wealthy through her prospecting ventures with Grock. She possessed a bold attitude towards most people and favored direct, honest communication. When receiving her fortune from Tulakt, the enigmatic words confused her as she tried to understand them. She was willing to betray associates who double-crossed her, as she and Grock had once done to an engineer they had worked with, but she assured Kestis that real friends wouldn't be treated that way.
She expressed her happiness at having left her home when she did, as she would never have met Grock otherwise. The two frequently disagreed and argued, but their bond always remained strong. Despite her abrasive demeanor, Dana was willing to apologize for her mistakes, as she did when she dropped a durasteel brace on Grock, though he wasn't quick to accept it. She tried to project a tough image after Grock's death but couldn't conceal her pain when discussing her partner with Kestis.