Dagan Gera's lightsaber, a split lightsaber with a yellow blade, was the weapon of choice for this Jedi Knight during the High Republic Era. Following his release from suspended animation in 9 BBY during the Imperial Era, Gera corrupted the kyber crystal with the dark side, causing it to bleed and the blade's color to shift to red.
After Cal Kestis and Bode Akuna brought about Gera's demise, Akuna secretly took one of the lightsaber blades for himself, carrying it after his betrayal of Kestis.
This lightsaber, crafted by the well-known Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, featured an elaborate hilt design that was typical of the period in which it was made. The lightsaber emitted yellow blades when Gera was a Jedi. But, during the Imperial Era, Gera bled the crystal, and the saber's blades became a deep crimson color.
The weapon was a split saber, meaning that it could be used in both single and double-bladed configurations.
At the height of the High Republic Era, a time of great prosperity for both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, Dagan Gera built his lightsaber. He once engaged the Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis in a one-on-one fight and won, making him the only warrior to have ever accomplished this at the time.
During the Nihil invasion of Tanalorr, Gera wielded the saber, leading the Jedi's defense of the world. Gera used the lightsaber to murder a number of his fellow Jedi after the Jedi Council gave the order to abandon Tanalorr, which enraged him.
After Gera sustained serious injuries and lost his right arm in a fight with Santari Khri, she placed half of the lightsaber in the Forest Array's Rehabilitation Wing, along with Gera himself, who was submerged in a bacta tank for preservation at Khri's direction.
After being in stasis for two centuries, Gera was freed from his captivity by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who told him about the destruction of the Jedi and the rise of a Galactic Empire from the Republic's ruins. Kestis then gave Gera back his lightsaber. Gera telekinetically disassembled his lightsaber after staggering to the closest flat surface and poured his rage and hatred for the Jedi Order, whom he believed had betrayed him, into the crystal, bleeding it until it was a deep red.
During the fallen Jedi's journey to return to Tanalorr, Gera used the saber to fight Kestis numerous times. After Kestis and his friend Bode Akuna killed Gera, Bode secretly took half of the lightsaber.
Akuna betrayed Kestis and the Hidden Path to the Empire, revealed himself as a former Jedi, and attempted to reach Tanalorr on his own with his daughter. He used Gera's blade to duel Kestis on two separate occasions. While he was victorious in their first battle, Kestis ultimately defeated Akuna in their second encounter, and the lightsaber was knocked from his grasp. Kestis then killed Akuna when he refused to listen to reason. The saber was then abandoned in the temple on Tanalorr as Kestis and the Stinger Mantis crew conducted a funeral for Akuna, Cere Junda, and Eno Cordova.