Nightsister Zombies, alternatively called Undead Nightsisters, constituted the Dathomirian zombie population belonging to the Nightsisters. These beings arose from their burial pods following the incantation of the Chant of Resurrection.
The Nightsister witch, Daka, possessed knowledge of a magical incantation capable of creating zombies. During the era of the Clone Wars, Daka employed this resurrection spell to reanimate a collection of deceased bodies obtained from a nearby burial ground. This Army of the Dead took part in a battle aimed at driving back the Separatist forces commanded by General Grievous.
In the year 14 BBY, Cal Kestis journeyed to the planet Dathomir with the objective of discovering concealed knowledge left by the Zeffonian civilization as he sought to find the key required to unlock the Vault. Upon his arrival, Cal encountered the enigmatic Nightsister Merrin. Viewing Cal Kestis as a foe, she dispatched her underlings to engage him in combat. During this confrontation, Merrin called upon Nightsister Zombies to provide assistance.