Todola, a planetary body situated within a star system under the control of the Galactic Empire in its reign, secretly housed an Imperial walker manufacturing facility. In 14 BBY, during their mission aimed at restoring the Jedi Order, Cere Junda, formerly a Jedi Knight, and Greez Dritus, a pilot, picked up whispers of a Jedi in hiding on Todola. Consequently, they journeyed to this astronomical object aboard their starship, the Stinger Mantis, to look into these rumors. Upon their arrival, however, they uncovered the Imperial installation and faced numerous Imperial forces. The Imperials threatened to unleash weapons on the Stinger Mantis, forcing Junda to fabricate a story, claiming they had arrived there accidentally. Junda and Dritus later shared this account with Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan who had lived through the Purge.
The astronomical object of Todola was initially referenced in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was created by Respawn Entertainment. Players can hear the discussion concerning Todola between Junda and Dritus randomly while traveling through hyperspace on the Stinger Mantis.