Narkis Anchorite

The Narkis Anchorites were a collection of anchorites functioning on Jedha's moon during the Galactic Empire's reign. These anchorites, guided by Jedi Master Cere Junda, had the responsibility of reconstructing the Jedi Archives, which had suffered destruction during the Great Jedi Purge. Furthermore, they aided Master Junda in establishing contact with the Hidden Path, a clandestine organization dedicated to shielding Jedi and other Force-sensitives from the Empire's reach. Via the Hidden Path, Junda was able to meet again with the Stinger Mantis crew along with her past master, Eno Cordova, in 9 BBY. Nevertheless, the Empire discovered the Archive's whereabouts because of the Imperial spy Bode Akuna, leading to an Imperial raid that practically annihilated the Narkis Anchorites. Post-conflict, the remaining anchorites were dispersed throughout the galaxy.

