Alderaanian wine was considered an extravagant alcoholic drink originating from the world of Alderaan. Different varieties of Alderaanian wine were produced, such as Toniray and Alderaanian white. A red variety of Alderaanian wine was also known to exist.
By 19 BBY, a time when Alderaanian wine was becoming scarce, Count Dooku enjoyed a glass of Alderaanian wine with a floral aroma on Raxus Secundus. This occurred during a celebration acknowledging him.
Following the destruction of Alderaan by the Galactic Empire, Alderaanian wine's rarity and price increased substantially. During the era of the First Order-Resistance War, Derla Pidys reportedly sold more than a hundred "final bottles" of Alderaan wine to various people, including those who were aware that her claims were false but still valued the narrative.