Toniray was a sparkling Alderaanian wine known for its teal color. Connoisseurs highly valued this rare beverage, particularly after the Galactic Empire destroyed Alderaan in 0 BBY, making it even more desirable.
Originating from the Core World of Alderaan, Toniray was among the various wine types produced there. The inhabitants of Alderaan were renowned for their dedication to the fine arts, and this wine reflected that. It was crafted using fruits harvested from a specific vine species, easily identified by its deep green foliage.
This sparkling wine, Toniray, possessed a distinct teal hue and a sweet flavor profile. Typically served chilled in slender flutes, it was sold in uniquely shaped bottles. A less potent cousin, only a shade lighter in color, also existed.
The diluted version was no longer required for the victor to drink after the Day of Demand was complete.
Sylvestri Yarrow received a glass of Toniray from Xylan Graf during a meeting with Professor Thaddeus Wolk on Coruscant. [Rael Averross](/article/rael_averross], during his time as Lord Regent of Pijal, occasionally enjoyed Toniray from an exquisite crystal goblet.
Tobias Beckett was once abducted by a queen from a far-off planet who wished to marry him. Val, his partner in crime, rescued him, and they celebrated by consuming an entire bottle of rare Toniray that Beckett had stolen from the queen.
Sabé accepted a glass of Toniray from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine at a soirée hosted by Bail Organa at Cantham House in 22 BBY. Sabé remarked that the Toniray was sweeter, and likely easier on her digestive system, than the alcohol she had grown accustomed to on Tatooine. Before departing the soirée, Sabé indulged in two additional glasses of Toniray.
Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan would sometimes serve genuine Toniray only to select guests at dinner parties where sensitive topics were discussed, while others received the less alcoholic imitation. The similarity in color made it difficult for most to distinguish between the two. This strategy was employed during a dinner party hosted by Organa at the Royal Palace of Alderaan in 3 BBY, attended by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.
Following the destruction of the Death Star, Inferno Squad received a bottle from Admiral Garrick Versio to toast both their formation and the success of their first assignment. Twenty-four years after the establishment of the New Republic, one of the last bottles of Toniray available off-world ended up in the possession of Rinnrivin Di. Di offered some of the wine to New Republic Senator Leia Organa, hoping to curry her favor. However, Organa had no interest in collaborating with the Kajain'sa'Nikto crime lord and had already planned his arrest.
Toniray was an available beverage at Oga's Cantina in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu during 34 ABY. In that year, Zade Kalliday visited the cantina upon arriving on Batuu. When his preferred Corellian wine was unavailable, he engaged in playful banter with Nanz, the bartender, and accepted her recommendation of Toniray, which was presented in a dusty bottle.
A tangible version of Toniray is sold at Oga's Cantina within the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge themed area. This teal-hued Chardonnay is crafted by Goldschmidt Vineyards, a Californian winery. Brian Koziol, the food and beverage concept development director for Walt Disney World, characterizes Toniray as having "citrus and orchard fruit flavors."