
Pijal, a terrestrial planet situated within the Inner Rim Territories' Pijal system, was linked to the hyperspace route referred to as the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor. This world possessed a moon of considerable size, almost rivaling Pijal itself, and experienced periodic solar flares emanating from its sun approximately every decade. The surface of Pijal was characterized by compact island continents, displaying hues of green and gold, surrounded by expansive oceans. Prior to the reign of the Galactic Republic by several millennia, the initial pilgrims to Pijal made their arrival. Following the establishment of the Pijali monarchy under a royal charter, these settlers erected the royal palace complex. Numerous hyperspace pathways connecting Pijal with neighboring worlds were then created, and the Czerka Corporation initiated commercial mining endeavors on both the planet and its moon. During its zenith, Pijal stood as one of the earliest adopters of planetary shield technology. However, centuries following the arrival of the planet's first settlers, the formation of the Byrnum Maw nebula caused disruptions in the hyperspace routes that connected Pijal to the broader galaxy, resulting in a state of relative isolation for the world and its inhabitants.

In the year 48 BBY, disagreements arose among the planet's courtiers regarding the selection of a regent to govern on behalf of the world's crown princess, Fanry, until she reached the age required to assume the throne as queen. Upon the Republic's request, the Jedi High Council dispatched the Jedi Rael Averross to Pijal to act as an impartial arbitrator. Over a span of several years, Fanry harbored a private resentment towards Averross's influence over her life and his decisions as lord regent. By this juncture, the Czerka Corporation had amassed substantial influence within the world's affairs, an influence that was further bolstered by Averross's unwavering support for their objectives. In 40 BBY, Republic scientists made the discovery that stabilizing a portion of the Byrnum Maw was achievable through the establishment of hyperspace anchors on Pijal and its moon, thereby enabling the world to re-establish connections with the wider galaxy. Averross then commenced collaboration with [Meritt Col](/article/meritt_col], the Czerka Sector Supervisor, to formulate the Governance Treaty, an initiative designed to diminish the power of the Pijal system's ruling monarchy and instead vest authority in a democratic Assembly composed of Pijali citizens.

The Opposition performance troupe, dissatisfied with the ritualistic language incorporated into the treaty's draft that would irrevocably solidify Czerka's dominion over Pijal, initiated protests against the Governance Treaty's signing. Fanry, unwilling to facilitate Czerka's exploitation of her world's populace, started devising revolutionary strategies to impede Averross's ambitions of installing her as a relatively powerless constitutional monarch following her coronation. With the aid of Deren, her royal guard captain, and Cady, her enslaved attendant, the princess reorganized a segment of her world's armed forces into a paramilitary unit known as blackguards. Subsequently, she orchestrated their aggressive attacks on Czerka vessels and installations throughout the Pijal system while simultaneously framing the Opposition for these incidents. As the strikes escalated sharply, Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan, were sent to Pijal to validate the signing of the Governance Treaty and investigate the perpetrators of the attacks.

Upon their arrival on Pijal, Jinn and Kenobi undertook several fact-finding missions to Pijal's moon to locate Opposition members, with the assistance of Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick, jewel thieves. Undeterred, Fanry conceived a fabricated assassination attempt against herself and devised a plan to sabotage her Grand Hunt, both of which Cady executed in the hope that Averross would, out of fear, cancel the treaty signing. Eventually, Jinn and Kenobi uncovered the fact that the performance troupe had been falsely accused of the attacks, but Averross declined to consider their evidence until after he had visited a blackguard base on Pijal. On the day of her coronation, Fanry ascended Pijal's throne as an absolute monarch and denounced democracy.

Following a failed attempt to execute Czerka supporters, she boarded her flagship, the Righteous, and prepared to assault the Leverage, a Czerka cruiser commanded by Col. When the queen persisted in seeking vengeance against Col despite the workers aboard the Leverage attempting to revolt against their enslavers, Cady became enraged and held her at blaster-point until she surrendered. Subsequently, Fanry abdicated as queen, which allowed her distant cousin Lamia to sign the necessary treaties, thereby ending the Pijali monarchy. Orth, the new Assembly's Governor, then canceled the planet's Czerka contracts. In the years that followed, Jinn and Kenobi came to regard their mission on Pijal as a pivotal moment in their relationship, marking the beginning of a genuine friendship.


Pijal's location in the Inner Rim Territories

Pijal, a terrestrial planet, was located within the Pijal system of the Inner Rim Territories and [the Interior](/article/the_interior], specifically in grid square L-8 of the Standard Galactic Grid. Before the [Republic Era](/article/republic_era] by millennia, the Pijal system was linked by several hyperspace routes. The formation of the Byrnum Maw nebula rendered these routes unusable, effectively severing most hyperspace travel to the world. In 40 BBY, a section of the Byrnum Maw was stabilized by hyperspace anchors, establishing the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor and reconnecting Pijal and neighboring worlds to the broader galaxy. Pijal had a sun and a richly forested moon almost as large as itself. Approximately every decade, the planet's surface was impacted by extreme solar flares from Pijal's sun.

The moon of Pijal cast a [silver](/article/color] glow across the world's night sky. Its atmosphere was Type I, breathable for numerous species. The temperate climate of Pijal encouraged the proliferation of lush green hills during its summer season. Small island continents of green and gold were positioned along its equator and tropics, surrounded by expansive, blue oceans. The coastlines of Pijal were primarily characterized by jutting cliffs of white stone and stretches of sandy beaches. Its topography encompassed numerous mountain ranges, caves, and meadows. While certain areas of Pijal featured rugged hills, others were typically muddy. Planetary scans indicated the presence of several deposits of mineable minerals.

The flora of Pijal included tall, slender [conifer](/article/conifer] trees commonly found in dense forests, high grasses covering grasslands, abundant underbrush flourishing in loamy woodlands, and thriving vineyards. The fauna comprised Pijal varactyls, crimson-feathered variants of varactyl suitable for racing. Seabirds were also part of the world's wildlife, frequently seen flying along Pijal's coastlines in the mornings.


Ancient times

Several millennia prior to the era of the Galactic Republic, the first settlers of Pijal journeyed to the world aboard spherical soulcraft starships. During their initial years, these pilgrims adopted a form of Force worship that emphasized frequent soulcraft voyages into Pijal's orbit to experience the darkness and weightlessness of outer space. Given the inherent dangers of space travel, the settlers constructed sacred Celestial Watchtower forts to oversee the soulcraft, and established the religious position of Skykeeper to manage the ships' docks and conduct related ceremonies. Over the subsequent centuries, the citizens of Pijal established the absolutist Pijali monarchy under a royal charter. Following this, the Pijali palace complex and its ceremonial Celestial Chalice temple were constructed near the world's capital city for use by the reigning monarch and their court. The planet's economy experienced growth as several hyperspace routes were established, linking Pijal to neighboring worlds. Around this time, the capital city expanded its infrastructure, adding numerous theaters and temples.

The Czerka Corporation commenced commercial mining operations on Pijal and its moon, further enhancing the world's prosperity. Due to the corporation's influence on the planet, the Pijali monarchy permanently granted a position at court to the current Czerka sector supervisor and allowed the company to sponsor coronation events for each ascending monarch. At its peak, Pijal became one of the first worlds to implement planetary shield technology, employing twelve clay-colored shield generators in orbit to protect its surface from the decadal solar flares.

Centuries after the arrival of the initial settlers, the explosion of a star led to the creation of the Byrnum Maw nebula, disrupting hyperspace routes connecting Pijal's region of space to the broader galaxy. Despite attempts by Republic scientists to identify a stable path through the nebula, these efforts proved unsuccessful. Over time, the planet became relatively isolated, causing its trading economy to decline due to the reduced hyperspace traffic. In the decades that followed, Pijal maintained minimal involvement in the affairs of the Galactic Republic while continuing business with Czerka. Meanwhile, Czerka constructed numerous offices and factories across the world, importing enslaved laborers to operate them.

Relative isolationism

Continuation of traditions

Utapau varactyls were imported to Pijal for a Grand Hunt by the Iltan clan.

The Iltan clan of Pijal imported varactyls from Utapau, a planet in the Outer Rim Territories, to gain an advantage in the Grand Hunt, a hunting event that served as a ritual rite of passage, symbolizing a ruler's capacity to provide for their people. Over several decades, Grand Hunt riders bred the varactyls into Pijal varactyls, an aerodynamic subspecies considered particularly well-suited for participation in sport racing events. During their isolation, the citizens of Pijal remained devoted to their traditions. Monarchs engaged in coronation events before ascending to the throne, which included hosting a Grand Hunt, holding a choral event outside the royal palace, and organizing other parties and festivals. The Czerka Corporation continued its commercial operations on Pijal, steadily increasing its influence over the world's leaders. By this point, Pijal's Celestial Watchtowers had fallen into disrepair, and the monarchy opted not to restore them, believing that soulcraft journeys had become safer.

At some point, a Pijali monarch ascended the throne and resided in the royal palace. Around 54 BBY, Princess Fanry, a relative of the ruler, was born and became the heir to Pijal's throne. During their reign, the monarch continued to welcome Czerka representatives into their court, allowing them to gain significantly more influence over Pijali affairs. In 48 BBY, the ruler died, sparking disputes among the planet's courtiers over who should serve as regent for Fanry until she reached the age to become queen. Eventually, the courtiers requested a neutral arbiter from the Republic, a request that was forwarded to the Jedi High Council.

Averross's regency

Rael Averross attended a meeting on Coruscant (pictured) as Pijal's representative.

Upon receiving the request, the Jedi Council chose to send Rael Averross, a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order, to serve as lord regent on behalf of the Republic. During his rule, Averross initially struggled to understand Pijali culture but later developed a deep fondness for the world, taking up varactyl riding as a hobby. While mentoring Fanry to become Pijal's future ruler, the Jedi also helped mediate disagreements between Czerka representatives and courtiers who opposed the company, such as Minister Orth. In 42 BBY, Averross represented Pijal at a meeting of Senate diplomats in the Galactic Senate Building on Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds.

As the years passed, Fanry grew resentful of Averross's micromanagement of her daily life and his decisions. The Jedi began aggressively promoting Czerka's agenda on Pijal by allowing them to privatize industries previously managed by the monarchy. With the regent's support, the company freely operated the world's penal system, resulting in the enslavement of Pijal's citizens as punishment for most crimes. Additionally, to further their commercial endeavors, Czerka rerouted energy from Pijal's planetary shields to power their factories. Although Fanry detested the cruelty inflicted on her people, she intentionally acted naive to her courtiers while secretly planning to help her planet once she became queen. The princess researched Pijal's past monarchs, discovering that they had all been powerless puppet rulers under Czerka's heavy influence.

A path through the maw

During Averross's regency, scientists working with the Republic discovered that a section of the Byrnum Maw could be stabilized by establishing a hyperspace anchor on Pijal and its moon. Kirames Kaj, the Republic Chancellor, was informed of this and supported re-establishing trade routes with Pijal's region of space. By this time, the Pijali native serving as Pijal's Skykeeper began accepting bribes from Czerka for commercial favors, much to Fanry's dismay.

As Fanry's coronation approached, Averross began collaborating with [Meritt Col](/article/meritt_col], the local Czerka sector supervisor, to draft a Governance Treaty that would strip power from the Pijal system's governing monarchy and grant it to a democratic Assembly of Pijali citizens. Col and her associates deliberately inserted ritual [language](/article/language] into their draft, making the Assembly unable to cancel existing contracts and effectively solidifying Czerka's power in the system. Reassured that the Assembly could use its authority to secure the opening of the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor, the regent allowed Czerka to continue drafting the treaty as they wished.

Governance Treaty unrest

Revolutionary protests

Around this time, the monarchy conducted a census of the system's citizens to determine representation proportions for the planet's new Assembly. After the census, Czerka officials falsified the results by underreporting the population of Pijal's moon to limit lunar citizens' ability to voice concerns about the company's practices. Averross sent the final draft of the Governance Treaty to the Republic on Pijal's behalf, securing Kaj's approval to proceed with the initiative. Fanry disagreed with the treaty, knowing that her regent's plan to install her as a powerless constitutional monarch would allow Czerka to abuse its influence unchecked in her system. However, she remained outwardly silent as Averross planned for her to sign the initiative after her coronation.

When a draft of the Governance Treaty was made available to Pijal's citizens, many felt disillusioned by the ritually binding language and the lack of representation for lunar natives. A group of theatrical performance artists known as the Opposition began protesting the treaty by staging informative shows in public temples and playing pranks. Led by Halin Azucca, an interpretive dancer, the artists often attempted to peacefully convey their displeasure with Czerka's influence on Pijal and highlight other social issues. In one instance, the Opposition planted balloons near the royal palace that would decry the company's tyranny on their labels when released. As members of Azucca's group continued their activities, Averross became infuriated, perceiving them as threatening Pijal's peaceful and prosperous future, and refused to listen to their concerns.

Paramilitary operations

Captain Deren's blackguards funneled royal funds through accounts on Scipio (pictured) to render them untraceable.

As Averross became increasingly fixated on the treaty's success, Fanry began formulating revolutionary plans to overthrow Czerka and thwart her regent's aspirations. The princess enlisted the assistance of Deren, her royal guard captain, to organize a portion of her world's armed forces into a secret division of soldiers known as blackguards. Under Deren's direction, the blackguards renovated one of Pijal's Celestial Watchtowers into a fortified base of operations, equipped with extensive surface-to-air weapons, laser cannons, droidekas, stealth shield generators, and numerous spacecraft from the world's royal fleet. To acquire these armaments, the paramilitary division funneled royal wealth through InterGalactic Banking Clan accounts based on Scipio, a planet in the Outer Rim, to render funds untraceable. They then used this money to purchase vessels and weapons from Corellia, a planet in the Core Worlds.

While Fanry spent increasing amounts of her time planning subterfuge, she conscripted the assistance of Cady, her enslaved attendant, to monitor Averross's activities and ensure he remained unaware of the princess's revolutionary plans. At court, Fanry maintained a naive facade and presided over several meetings concerning the upcoming Governance Treaty, including one discussing the construction of a traditionally styled Hall of Assembly building to house Pijal's future representative government. However, these meetings only strengthened Averross's resolve to coerce the princess into relinquishing her power.

Distressed by the ongoing suffering of her people at Czerka's hands, Fanry decided to violently seize power at her coronation and become a warrior queen. Anticipating that Averross would resist her ascension, she planned an evacuation route out of the palace's Celestial Chalice. The princess authorized the installation of additional shields and a retractable roof into the amphitheater, which she could use to escape via a royal troop dropship in an emergency. Now viewing the regent as her enemy, she instructed that the temple's shields be powered by kohlen crystals, which repelled Jedi lightsabers. Meanwhile, Deren contacted Thurible, a majordomo serving the Hutts on Teth, a planet in Wild Space, to discuss the sale of kohlen crystal–powered shields in a mutually beneficial arrangement. After this, under Fanry's directive, the blackguards began raiding caves on Pijal's moon to find more of the crystals for shield production.

Escalation of violence

As her frustrations grew, Fanry ordered Deren's blackguards to carry out several attacks across Pijal and its moon. Initially, the soldiers only bombed a few symbolic locations, but eventually, they began striking Czerka properties and Pijali government buildings throughout the system. With Averross focused on discovering the origin of the incidents, Fanry helped frame the Opposition for the dissidence caused by her blackguards. Azucca quickly moved the Opposition's operations into hiding on Pijal's moon, and the troupe's subsequent lack of official appearances helped further propagate the illusion of their guilt. At Averross's direction, Fanry kept royal audiences open for the Opposition to speak about their concerns, though Azucca and her group chose to remain silent for fear of repercussion.

Rael Averross got in touch with the Jedi Council (as shown) to ask for Qui-Gon Jinn to come help on Pijal.

With her coronation just a few days away, Fanry instructed her blackguards to escalate their attacks significantly, with the hope that Averross would cancel the treaty signing due to fear. As directed by Deren, the soldiers employed nanotechnology to destroy the roof of Pijal's recently built Hall of Assembly. They also continued to raid numerous mining and agricultural sites while they were empty at night. In a separate instance, blackguards released a crimson chemical substance into the atmosphere of Pijal's moon and defaced a temple with a painted message. These incidents left Averross and Pijal's courtiers both horrified and unsure of what to do. Ultimately, they decided to install a viewscreen in the palace's Grand Hall to review recordings of each attack after it occurred. Fanry was secretly delighted by the disruption her forces were causing and told Deren that his blackguards should keep creating chaos.

Shortly after, the blackguards set off an explosive android within a Czerka storage facility on the planet. When the clandestine unit launched an assault on a major Czerka manufacturing plant that produced food supplements on the moon, Averross's concern for Fanry's future led him to contact the Jedi Council. He sought their help in locating the Opposition, which he believed was behind the unrest on Pijal. Even though Czerka officials were suspicious of Averross's request for outside assistance, he remained confident in his plea for one of his associates, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, to clarify the situation.

Jedi investigations

Having received Averross's request, the Jedi Council consented to dispatch Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Pijal. Their mission was to investigate the Opposition and officially approve the Governance Treaty on behalf of the Republic. Kaj informed Jinn and Kenobi about the goals of their mission in her office and told them about the alleged actions of the Opposition on Pijal. The following day, the Jedi pair journeyed to Pijal aboard a Consular-class ship. In Pijal's outer atmosphere, they came across a struggling starship that blackguards had attacked using a plasma explosive. The two hurried to save the ship, using handheld lasers to extinguish the plasma flames on the ship's exterior. The Meryx, a Gozanti-class ship nearby owned by gemstone criminals Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick, aided their efforts by firing an antiplasma blast to counter the damage caused by the blackguards' plasma bomb.

After exiting the starship, Jinn and Kenobi were introduced to Averross on the Leverage, a Czerka ship of the Branch-class. Once on Pijal's surface, they were formally greeted by Fanry and her court. The next day, the Jedi pair began making fact-finding trips to Pijal's moon to find the Opposition after their briefing at the royal palace. Jinn and Kenobi scanned the moon's surface for signs of life that would indicate the Opposition's presence, using Maripher and Wick's ship, which was equipped with a field that blocks scanners to hide their true purpose. As their investigation continued, Jinn began experiencing intense visions through the Force regarding the upcoming coronation. He attempted to discuss what he had seen with Averross, but the regent was annoyed by his colleague's premonitions and dismissed them as mere dreams.

Growing increasingly desperate to postpone the treaty's signing, Fanry devised a false murder attempt on herself to blame the Opposition for violence against the monarchy. The princess instructed Cady to obtain nanotechnology weaponry in the form of a dart that can slice into systems and place it on a window ledge in the royal room. Fanry hoped that using this weapon would terrify Averross, whose former student had died in an event involving a slicer dart. The attendant then intentionally triggered the room's warning system while Fanry screamed. Jinn, Kenobi, and Averross rushed to her aid and subsequently launched an investigation into the "attack." Despite the Jedi's concern for her safety, Fanry continued to participate in coronation celebrations. During one of the palace events, one of the Opposition's pre-planted balloons emerged from the nearby sea, startling the princess's bodyguards with its anti-Czerka message.

Betrayal and deception

A crab droid that was modified (a regular crab droid is shown) acted as the prey in Fanry's Grand Hunt.

The evening before the Grand Hunt, Cady, acting on Fanry's orders, compromised the event's prey, a modified crab-like droid, by programming it to kill the princess. Unaware of the danger, Averross, Jinn, and Kenobi prepared to participate in the Grand Hunt and mounted varactyls. However, during the event, the sabotaged droid attacked Fanry. Although Averross was relieved that the princess was unharmed, he began to think that the Opposition was becoming increasingly violent. In the aftermath, Jinn and Kenobi searched for answers about who had reprogrammed the droid but were unable to identify the saboteur. Deren reluctantly provided the Jedi with recordings documenting the world's recent incidents for their inquiry, but he concealed some to protect the blackguards' true intentions.

As Averross's paranoia and concern for Fanry's safety grew, Jinn and Kenobi continued to search for Opposition members on Pijal's moon. During one of their trips, a group of blackguards attacked them. Several Opposition members, including Azucca, Reckly, and Bajjo, rescued Jinn and Kenobi and brought them to their secret base. Azucca claimed that her group of performers only engaged in harmless pranks. She informed Jinn about the ritually binding wording of the Governance Treaty and its detrimental effects on lunar citizens. The Jedi were intrigued by these claims and took note of the leader's insistence that the blackguards, not the Opposition, were responsible for the attacks on establishments on Pijal.

However, when the pair reported Azucca's information to Averross during a rally in the capital, he refused to believe them and defended the Governance Treaty contemptuously. Jinn hoped to avoid signing the treaty but failed to convince the Council to change his mission mandate. Much to Averross's displeasure, the Jedi Master announced that he would not serve as the Republic's representative to ratify the document, unwilling to support an initiative that would solidify Czerka's abuse of enslaved workers on Pijal. Kenobi disagreed with this decision and contacted the Council behind his Master's back, out of loyalty to the Jedi Code's principles. When the Council agreed to appoint Kenobi as the treaty ratifier, preparations for the coronation continued as planned. Although Fanry outwardly displayed childish amusement at court, she was privately furious that the treaty ceremony was still scheduled despite her best efforts to disrupt it.

Maneuvers and counter-maneuvers

While on Pijal's moon, the Jedi collaborated with Wick and Maripher to investigate a Czerka installation, but they arrived during a blackguard assault. During the skirmish, Wick was captured by the company's forces and forced into service after an RQ security android identified her as one of the organization's formerly enslaved workers. Having been alerted that the Jedi were in danger, Fanry sent Deren and several Pijali royal guards to assist them. When Averross discovered that Fanry had helped Jinn and Kenobi on the moon, he was furious and confronted her during her visit to the palace vault. However, she insisted that the monarchy's duty was to protect the Jedi while they remained on Pijal. Privately, Fanry respected Jinn's decision not to ratify the treaty and reflected that she had saved him from her blackguards' attack because he was willing to stand up to Czerka. Afterward, Deren escorted the Jedi back to Pijal aboard a palace ship.

Qui-Gon Jinn went to Czerka Corporation's main office on Pijal, hoping to negotiate for Rahara Wick's freedom.

Upon his return, Jinn met with Col at Czerka's Pijal main building and tried to bargain for Wick's release. However, Col refused to release the worker from the company's service. The Jedi Master was unwilling to accept this outcome, viewing Czerka's use of forced labor as cruel and immoral. To ease his conscience, Jinn planned to rescue the jewel thief with Maripher's help. On the day before Fanry's crowning, the day before the coronation, the palace staff hurriedly prepared for the next day's events. Meanwhile, Jinn finalized his rescue plans for Wick and ensured that his designated ship was ready for takeoff in the palace port.

Around the same time, Azucca and an Opposition video artist tracked a blackguard signal to Pijal's surface. They discovered the blackguards' Celestial Watchtower base and quickly recorded data about the installation onto a portable data storage device. Knowing that the Opposition was unequipped to investigate before the next day's coronation, Azucca surrendered to palace authorities to deliver her intel to Jinn. Her arrival alarmed Averross and Deren, both wary of the performance artist's intentions. Shortly afterward, Deren's guards took the Opposition leader into custody and brought her to the regent's personal room.

Watchtower raid

Inside the blackguards base, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn found proof of communication with a majordomo on Teth (shown).

In the office, Averross scolded Azucca for the crimes he believed she had committed. However, the artist remained calm and passed her datapad to Jinn, which she had protected with access using the Jedi's thumbprint. Kenobi and his Master reviewed the data, eventually convincing Averross to investigate the base. Before their departure, Deren warned the blackguards of their impending trip and instructed the soldiers to wipe all transmission logs and evacuate. Afterward, Deren and the three Jedi traveled to the renovated Celestial Watchtower. Upon arrival, Jinn, Kenobi, and Averross were shocked to discover the formidable armament at the base.

After navigating around the base's stealth shield generators, the group landed at the fort to investigate. Deren ordered his guards to destroy anything suspicious, despite Jinn's disagreement. Upon investigation, the Jedi soon discovered that the soldiers had wiped most comm logs, leaving behind only records in a deactivated android that helps with spaceships that led to Teth, Corellia, and Scipio. Kenobi and Jinn used the blackguards' astromech to contact Thurible. The majordomo informed them that he had been planning to procure lightsaber-deflecting barriers from Pijal but assured the pair that he had only intended to purchase from someone who had claimed to be a Pijali government official. Alarmed, Jinn considered the possibility that Deren had presented himself to Thurible as a Pijali representative in the past and had warned the blackguards to evacuate before their arrival that day. After ending the call, the Jedi returned to the palace.

Violent coronation

Denouncing democracy

Fanry tried to mess with Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber (shown) by switching out its crystal.

Shortly before her coronation, Fanry attempted to sabotage Kenobi's laser sword by replacing its kyber crystal with a kohlen crystal, hoping to make it unusable. The following day, she prepared for her crowning and entered the Celestial Chalice, pledging her allegiance to Pijal. After completing the necessary vows to confirm her position as queen, Fanry used a decorative sword to stab her Skykeeper while Deren activated a kohlen crystal shield around the central platform.

Having completed her seizure of power as an absolute monarch, she publicly denounced democracy and justified her violent actions as defending Pijal's citizens from Czerka's tyranny. Fanry berated her Skykeeper for accepting bribes from Czerka and ordered Deren to kill Col. Horrified, Averross left to find any guards still loyal to him, hoping to close the airspace above the Celestial Chalice. Deren aimed his weapon at Col, shooting her once before turning his aim toward Kenobi. The Czerka boss was only slightly burned by the blast and quietly fled the scene, escaping to the Leverage.

Jinn attempted to break through the platform's perimeter with his laser sword, but its blade bounced harmlessly off the temple's shields. Although Fanry was willing to spare Jinn because of his opposition to Czerka and the treaty, she ordered Kenobi's execution. Before the captain could carry out his orders, Kenobi used the orange blade projected from his sabotaged kohlen crystal lightsaber to breach Deren's shield, cutting him open. The sight of the injured guard prompted Fanry and Cady to escape through the Chalice's roof by using a cable that goes up attached to a harness to climb into a royal troop dropship, leaving Deren, the injured Skykeeper, and the palace's gem expert behind. Shortly afterward, Deren received medical care for his wounds.

A queen who is a fighter

Qui-Gon Jinn traveled on a Corellian corvette, capturing Fanry's main ship with a tractor beam.

Fanry and Cady boarded the Righteous, the recently renamed main ship of Pijal's royal group of ships. Once settled, the queen allowed her assistant to have a medical android remove her slave-tracking chip, freeing the attendant from Czerka. The newly crowned queen became furious upon learning that Col had escaped the ceremony but consoled herself that she was now what she had always wanted to be: a queen who is a fighter.

Meanwhile, Averross, Jinn, and Kenobi boarded a Corellian corvette and moved toward the Righteous. While aboard, the Padawan discovered that his lightsaber had been sabotaged via a crystal swap. Their corvette briefly met with the Meryx, with Kenobi disembarking to join Maripher on a rescue mission for the enslaved Wick, whom Czerka had put to work aboard the Leverage. Jinn then contacted Col, warning her that the Righteous was preparing to attack her vessel, exaggerating the magnitude of the threat as much as possible. When Col rushed to set the Leverage's sensors toward the Righteous, Jinn watched with glee as the Meryx slipped by their scanners undetected.

The Jedi Master instructed their corvette's leader to lock a beam that pulls things on the Righteous. Unable to break free, Fanry accepted a 3d picture call from Jinn and Averross from the command center of her flagship, brushing off attempts to negotiate a peaceful solution to the ordeal. Upon hearing Averross's voice, the queen berated him for his collaboration with Czerka and for treating her as a replacement for his former Padawan to alleviate his personal grief. Despite Jinn's best efforts, Fanry profusely refused to consider negotiating for peace, preferring war.

Fight in the sky

Obi-Wan Kenobi (shown) and Pax Maripher boarded the Leverage to save Rahara Wick.

Meanwhile, Maripher and Kenobi flew into the Leverage aboard the Meryx, slipping into an extra storage area. After landing, Maripher put on a stolen Czerka maintenance worker top and used a schematic device to navigate the vessel. Shortly afterward, he found Wick working with a group of enslaved workers on a device that compresses things lock line. When Wick refused to leave her co-workers behind, Maripher agreed to assist in leading a fight against authority for them to escape together.

As the jewel thieves began to cause chaos aboard the vessel, Col sent the Leverage into lockdown. Still in the cargo bay with the Meryx, Kenobi tapped into Czerka's internal communications and realized that the company's droids were headed his way to lock the bay's controls. He boarded the Facet, Maripher's small fighter ship, and accidentally initiated its automatic flying and targeting systems. Unable to find the shutoff, Kenobi attempted to steer the vessel as best he could while the fighter targeted Czerka's droids. The Facet continued to mow down more and more enemies, finishing its attack run on the Leverage's bridge after knocking Col off her legs.


Qui-Gon Jinn's attempts to find a peaceful solution with Fanry through a 3d picture failed.

Proceeding with her plans, Fanry coldly ordered her flagship and the rest of the royal fleet's ships to prepare to attack the Leverage, knowing that Col was in charge of the vessel. As the Righteous's weapons powered up, the flagship struggled against the hold of Jinn's tractor beam. The Jedi Master informed her in a second 3d picture call that the enslaved workers stationed aboard the Leverage were revolting against Czerka, imploring her to do the right thing and still spite the company. At Jinn's counsel, Fanry's bridge crew turned their attention to the Leverage's internal communications, witnessing the uprising.

Inwardly, the queen remained committed to her path of revenge, dismissing Averross's suggestion that she listen to Jinn. Displeased that her staff had followed the Jedi Master's suggestion, Fanry insisted on commencing her assault on the Leverage despite the innocent lives still on board and her own crew's disapproval. Although Cady initially believed that her queen would help the workers, she became furious at her former owner's selfishness. The attendant rebelled against Fanry and held her at laser gun-point until she surrendered, angered that she had done the monarch's dirty work for her to ensure the revolution came to fruition.

Afterward, the Jedi Master contacted Col and informed her that the current situation in the Pijal system was a major political upheaval, meaning the Republic would free every individual imprisoned against their will, including Czerka's enslaved workers. Col accused him of twisting the law to suit his needs, but before she could continue, she was bowled over by the Facet crashing onto the Leverage's bridge and knocking her over. After the revolt, Wick and Maripher helped register Czerka's formerly enslaved workers as Pijal people running from danger.

Forming an assembly

Qui-Gon Jinn declined to take Poli Dapatian's place (shown) on the Jedi Council, troubled by the moral problems related to slavery that he had faced on Pijal.

Less than two days after the coronation, after a Republic court ruling deemed Fanry's ascent to the throne through violent means illegal, she chose to abdicate her right to Pijal's throne. A distant cousin of Fanry's, Lamia, briefly ruled as Pijal's queen for a few hours to sign treaties transforming the world's monarchy into a democratic Assembly, establish the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor together with Republic officials, and outlaw slavery in the Pijal system. Upon being selected as the new leader of the Assembly, Governor Orth immediately canceled all of Pijal's Czerka contracts. As punishment for her failed revolution, Fanry was placed under house arrest in the Pijali palace for a sentence of four years. Many of Czerka's now-freed former workers chose to stay on Pijal, while others accepted funds from the Republic to settle uninhabited worlds. To the jewel thieves' surprise, Jinn gifted them his fire diamond from Mustafar as a parting gift.

Afterward, the three Jedi returned to Coruscant and reported to the Jedi Council. Jinn then declined an offer to join the Council as Jedi Master Poli Dapatian's replacement, troubled by the moral dilemmas with slavery that Czerka had confronted him with while on Pijal and the vision he had seen of Fanry's coronation. After Kenobi and Jinn had gotten to know each other better during their investigations, the former was pleased that his Master had decided to continue training him instead of accepting the invitation.

Mission's lasting effects

In the years following the Pijal mission, Jinn came to feel that he and his Padawan had developed a strong connection while on the world and that it was a formative turning point in their relationship when they overcame their differences to prevent a war. By the time of the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY, Jinn thought of how he had abandoned his Jedi mandate to ratify the Governance Treaty while on Pijal, considering it reflective of his closely held moral compass, especially when dealing with the evils of slavery.

After the Pijal mission, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi's relationship turned into a strong friendship.

After the passing of Jinn in that year, Kenobi went to his funeral on Naboo, a planet located in the Mid Rim, where he mourned his Master's death while contemplating their mission on Pijal. He reflected on how their assignment to that planet marked the true beginning of their friendship, following initial years marked by misunderstandings stemming from their conflicting personalities. Around 23 BBY, Dooku dispatched Asajj Ventress, his newly recruited Sith assassin, to investigate the whereabouts of his sister, Jenza. Upon locating Jenza, Ventress was informed about Dooku's conversation with Averross concerning the regent's mission to Pijal years prior. During a mission to Cato Neimoidia, a planet in the Colonies region, in 22 BBY, Kenobi reminisced about the Pijal mission with Jinn, realizing that in hindsight, he better understood his Master's decisions regarding the Governance Treaty.

In the second chapter of Skywalker: A Family at War (Skywalker: A Family at War (in-universe)), a comprehensive biography of the Skywalker family penned by the journalist Kitrin Braves and published sometime after the 35 ABY release of Beaumont Kin's (historian) The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire (book), Pijal received mention. Skywalker: A Family at War delved into Jinn's refusal to endorse the Governance Treaty because it would have legally sanctioned enslavement on Pijal, emphasizing his interactions with Wick, a former slave who had escaped, as crucial in shaping his anti-slavery stance. Furthermore, the biography explored how the Pijal mission influenced his views on the Republic and the Jedi Order's shortcomings, leading to his later encounter with Anakin Skywalker in 32 BBY, detailing both his disturbing Force visions on Pijal and his subsequent rejection of a seat on the Jedi Council. No earlier than 35 ABY, Ardis San Tekka, the Director of Creature Cartography for the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, noted the Iltan clan's importation of varactyls to Pijal in her journal, within an entry concerning varactyls.



Long before the Republic's era, pilgrims journeyed to Pijal aboard soulcraft and established settlements there. The planet's inhabitants eventually became known as the Pijali, and they founded the world's capital. While the population of Pijal was primarily human, the planet also had native citizens belonging to other species, including Abednedos, Duros, Ithorians, Nautolans, Pantorans, Sullustans, Twi'leks, Ugnaughts, and Wookiees. The Pijali communicated using Galactic Basic. By 40 BBY, the Republic regarded Pijal's population as relatively small in comparison to the planet's size and favorable climate.

The Pijali were recognized for their unwavering commitment to tradition, irrespective of the challenges they faced. Their religious beliefs permeated every aspect of their lives, which was greatly reflected in the monarchy's practices. When constructing the world's royal palace, the planet's settlers prioritized thoughtful, subtle details over extravagant external beauty. Despite their isolation from the rest of the Republic, they remained deeply devoted to the fundamental principles underlying their traditions, even when their practical relevance had diminished. At some point, the Pijali integrated ritual language phrases into the world's governing laws. One such phrase, "this shall be preserved as the sun preserves the moon," conveyed absolute permanence. Despite their differing political viewpoints, most Pijali were fiercely protective of the ruling monarch's safety.

Traditions and governance

Pijali culture emphasized inner beauty over outward grandeur. The infrastructure of the world's capital city exemplified these values by incorporating hidden, intricate details throughout. Pijal's settlers erected numerous statues and temples to honor Pijal's religion. The Pijali considered spheres and circles sacred, which they reflected in the spherical soulcraft vessels they used for religious rites in space. At some point, Pijali girls began covering their hair until they reached the age of fourteen, symbolizing their transition into adulthood. Fanry adhered to this tradition, faithfully wearing a headscarf until she came of age. The religious beliefs of the world's inhabitants were central to the functioning of its monarchy. The royal palace's treasury housed a collection of crowns from which an ascending monarch would choose, including one specifically for coronations. Furthermore, the palace's Celestial Chalice was built to honor Pijali gods and traditions and was exclusively used for ceremonies and coronations. During coronations, Pijal's religious leader, a Skykeeper, presented a ceremonial sword to the future monarch and asked them to swear to protect Pijal from its enemies and safeguard its independence. Averross believed that the Pijali were loyal citizens, despite their reluctance to embrace new ideas.

By the time of Averross's regency, not all Pijali supported an absolutist monarchy; some preferred a representative government. However, others, such as Orth, considered democracy a delusional way to govern a planet. Within Fanry's court, some individuals, like Deren, were willing to follow her orders without question. However, others, such as the members of the Opposition, strongly disagreed with the monarchy's collaboration with Czerka. During a rally in Pijal's capital dome, cheering Pijali citizens enthusiastically supported their future monarch. Some of the world's citizens also enjoyed choral events, singing traditional songs for Fanry. However, other Pijali became disillusioned with the monarchy due to its support of the Czerka Corporation, which enslaved criminals for minor offenses, sentencing them to life sentences of forced labor. The proposed draft of the Governance Treaty, released to Pijal's citizens, unnerved many due to its use of ritual language that enshrined its permanence.

Members of Pijal's court preferred to dine in style. Dishes served in the royal palace included shaak meat and fruit alongside lunar wine. Elsewhere on the world, the Pijali enjoyed the fruit punch beverage, as well as alcoholic drinks such as Port in a Storm and Corellian ale. In 34 ABY, a sandwich called the Pijali Wrap was offered at Ronto Roasters, a restaurant in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu. The clothing style of Pijal's citizens was outwardly simple but lined with fancy inlining whenever possible. As the world's crown princess, Fanry preferred to dress in her world's traditional style. She often wore tailored shimmersilk undergowns beneath her plain outer garments. The uniforms of her guards reflected the same aesthetic, maintaining utility while incorporating stylistic elements. Riding Pijal varactyls for sport became a popular Pijali pastime, which Averross took up during his mission to the world. During the world's relative isolation from the galaxy, the Pijali fervently upheld their traditions. Among these traditions was the Grand Hunt, a ceremonial rite for all future monarchs. Although the Pijali no longer hunted live game for survival by the time of Fanry's coronation, they considered the event symbolically necessary, despite the safety risks of hosting it for her.

Commercial endeavors

Following its initial settlement, Pijal's economy primarily relied on hyperspace traffic for trade. At some point, the Czerka Corporation commenced operations on the world to extract minerals from its surface for profit. The planet's economy experienced a brief period of prosperity, during which the Pijali began constructing the capital city's infrastructure. However, the formation of the Byrnum Maw disrupted hyperspace traffic to the world, forcing the monarchy to rely solely on Czerka to stabilize its economy. Consequently, the company gradually gained more influence over the world's leaders as Pijal became increasingly isolated. During Averross's regency, he permitted Czerka to manage Pijal's penal system. The company began aggressively sentencing most crimes with life terms of forced labor, enabling them to increase their profits. As Czerka established more facilities on Pijal, they also brought more enslaved workers, such as Cady, to live on the world, often for life.

Under Meritt Col's management, Czerka's factories began diverting energy from the world's planetary shield generators, significantly weakening them. The company meticulously crafted its draft of the Governance Treaty to permanently enshrine its contracts in the system, hoping that the opening of the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor would benefit it financially. At some point, the world's Skykeeper began accepting bribes from Czerka and allowed them to use sacred soulcraft docks for commercial purposes without the monarchy's knowledge. Fanry discovered this but was unwilling to concede similarly despite Col's insistence.

After forming the blackguards, Fanry sought ways to counteract Averross's potential attempts to prevent her ascension to the throne. The monarchy eventually developed kohlen crystal shields, which could deflect the Jedi's lightsabers. Although she and Deren briefly contacted Thurible to consider selling the shields to the Hutts, they ultimately decided against it. While gathering the resources needed to arm the blackguards, Fanry secretly accessed royal wealth and allocated it to the division. By this time, the world possessed a well-equipped fleet of royal ships with adequate armament. Other types of technology were also available on the planet, such as slicer darts and nanotechnology.

Individual Pijali

By 48 BBY, Pijal's court was plagued by infighting regarding who should serve as the world's regent for their crown princess. One of the court's members, the Pijali Minister Orth, vehemently opposed any candidate who supported Czerka and insisted on the continued importance of each of the world's traditions. When the Jedi Council dispatched Averross to Pijal, she and the regent engaged in bitter disputes over the company's involvement in royal affairs for several years. Conversely, other Pijali supported Czerka, such as the world's Skykeeper, who accepted bribes from the company. While Fanry was princess, Col served as Czerka's sector supervisor on the planet and spent most of her time in the Pijal system.

Pijal's Princess Fanry was born into Pijal's royal family during the reign of her relative, who was serving as the world's monarch. Fanry also had a distant cousin, Lamia, who eventually served as queen after the former chose to abdicate. The princess spent her early life secluded in the royal palace. Her royal guard captain, Deren, was devoted to the princess, and she was his sole priority. Although he privately disagreed with the formation of the blackguards, he dutifully assisted her in establishing the division without voicing his opinions. Deren was a staunch monarchist, willing to engage in subterfuge and murder on Fanry's behalf. Fanry and Deren collaborated to ensure she could ascend the throne as an absolute monarch without Averross's interference.

After the monarchy announced the upcoming signing of the Governance Treaty in 40 BBY, several Pijali natives, such as Azucca, Bajjo, Reckly, and several other performance artists, protested its phrasing. Although they spent some time on Pijal while operating as the Opposition troupe, they hid on Pijal's moon while being framed for the blackguards' attacks. Meanwhile, other citizens on the world exhibited apathy regarding the world's politics, such as a cantina's Wookiee bartender and its hostess Selbie. The monarchy also had a resident court jeweler and a tribune. Several Pijali served in the world's armed forces, including a captain, a security chief, and a comm officer. Within Pijal's royal palace, several enslaved workers, such as Cady, were attendants to the monarch and other nobles. The princess's retinue included several Pijali in groups of royal guards, honor guards, and, secretly, the blackguards under her command. During the blackguard campaign, a Pijali guard was stationed in the palace's Grand Hall to monitor the group's violent attacks.


Pijali palace

Pijal's royal palace was constructed by the world's settlers centuries before the Republic's era to honor their gods and traditions. Its expansive grounds were situated near a densely forested area outside the planet's capital city. The complex was carved into stone cliffs bordering Pijal's ocean, with only the Celestial Chalice rising above the treeline. The grounds of the royal complex featured neatly manicured lawns and iron fences. Inside, the palace was richly ornamented in subtle ways not immediately apparent, reflecting Pijal's emphasis on hidden internal beauty rather than ostentatious decor. Polished stone surrounded the main entry doors to the palace, which led onto a long walkway.

The palace included a Grand Hall leading to the monarch's throne room, which was adorned with intricate scrollwork. Kenobi found the palace's decor impressive compared to the royal palace of Alderaan on the Core Worlds planet Alderaan and the chief's fortress of the Outer Rim planet Lah'mu. The Celestial Chalice was constructed as an integral part of the Pijali palace and was used for ceremonies only a few times during each monarch's reign. In contrast to the rest of the complex's decor, gilding and blue tiles lavishly decorated the temple. The Celestial Chalice could be accessed through a set of doors in the palace's royal reception hall. While Fanry was crown princess, she authorized the renovation of the Celestial Chalice to install kohlen crystal–powered shields near its central dais and a retractable roof.

Inside its halls, the palace featured furnished living quarters for Pijal's monarch, regent, and various guests. Pijal's royal complex also had a cavernous, marble-tiled library, a dock hosting the world's royal fleet, and a formal dining room. Elsewhere on the complex's grounds, the monarchy maintained a private office for Averross to conduct formal business while on Pijal. The office fell into relative disrepair under the regent's care by the end of his stay. The world's royal treasury stored the crowns traditionally used in the planet's coronation ceremonies. As Fanry's coronation approached, she and other ladies of her court visited the treasury to peruse its database and select a crown for her ascension to the throne. A short distance away, the monarchy's Pijal varactyls were kept in stables, a short distance from the starting area for the Grand Hunt events.

Blackguard base

As her coronation neared, Fanry collaborated with Deren to form the blackguards and establish their base in a renovated Celestial Watchtower, a facility originally built by Pijal's first settlers to oversee their soulcraft journeys. Once completed, the base featured deep trenches around its central compound and landing pads for blackguard vessels. Anticipating that her future aspirations would require violence, Fanry approved the installation of extensive surface-to-air weapons, laser cannons, droidekas, and stealth shield generators.

During their campaign across Pijal and its moon, the blackguards stored royal fleet ships, repurposed for paramilitary use, at the site. Much of the establishment's armament was procured from Corellia, using royal wealth channeled through Scipio. In 40 BBY, the blackguards launched several attacks from their base, primarily targeting Czerka facilities and government buildings. When the Jedi Master, Kenobi, and Averross investigated the base, Deren instructed the blackguards to wipe all communications logs and evacuate. After discovering that the blackguards' kohlen crystal–powered shields repelled lightsabers, the Jedi returned to the palace.

Czerka facilities

Shortly after Pijal's first settlers arrived, the Czerka Corporation began commercial mining operations on Pijal. By the time Averross had been sent to the world in 48 BBY, the company had established numerous facilities across the planet's surface and rerouted power from Pijal's planetary shield generators to operate them. By 40 BBY, Czerka had relocated most of their operations to the world's moon, though they still maintained a warehouse near Pijal's capital city. That year, the blackguards rigged a droid to detonate the warehouse, leaving it engulfed in flames. Although the attack resulted in no casualties, the recording of the incident infuriated Averross.

Czerka's headquarters for the Pijal system were located near the royal palace. The establishment included a private office for Col, a guard station, and a work yard. Maripher brought an antigrav crate of kyber crystals to the headquarters, trading them with the sector supervisor for credits. Jinn later visited the offices, attempting to negotiate with Col for Wick's freedom, but she refused to release the enslaved worker. Around this time, several Czerka vessels, including the Leverage, remained stationed in Pijal's atmosphere while Col was on the planet.

Other locations

Soon after their arrival on Pijal, Pijali settlers constructed sacred docks for their soulcraft, which the world's serving Skykeeper managed. The docks were spacious enough to accommodate several soulcraft. By the time of Averross's regency, most of the Celestial Watchtowers had fallen into disrepair. During Fanry's childhood, she learned that Pijal's current Skykeeper had been accepting bribes from Czerka, allowing the company to use sacred docks for commercial purposes. Shortly thereafter, at her coronation, Fanry reprimanded her Skykeeper for his dereliction of duty regarding his religious position, including the bribes he had accepted.

By the time of Averross's regency, the Pijali monarchy operated several important government buildings on Pijal. Acting under Fanry's secret orders, the blackguards launched attacks against several of those establishments. During the strikes, the blackguards also targeted numerous religious temples where performing arts had previously been practiced. Sometime after the Governance Treaty's drafting, the Pijali monarchy constructed the Hall of Assembly building to house Pijal's future democratic Assembly. The spherical structure featured an entirely mirrored surface, causing it to shine like a star during each evening's sunset. Attempting to prevent the treaty's signing, Fanry instructed her blackguards to destroy the Hall of Assembly using corrosive nanotechnology to disintegrate the building. Subsequently, investigators reviewed surveillance footage of the event and later discovered the cause of the building's destruction.

Pijal's capital city was built near the royal palace by the world's initial pilgrims and prospered during the world's early economic growth. However, after the formation of the Byrnum Maw, the city's infrastructural progress stalled. At some point, a cantina operated on Pijal, as did several temples, with at least one being considered a primary religious site. By 40 BBY, it featured a large metropolitan capital dome hosting performances by the royal orchestras. The amphitheater had hover platforms, royal viewing boxes, and an antechamber near its rim. In 40 BBY, a festive concert rally was held for Fanry in the capital dome to celebrate her upcoming coronation.

Behind the scenes


Claudia Gray, Pijal's creator

Pijal was conceived for Master & Apprentice, a novel authored by Claudia Gray and released on April 16, 2019. The planet was initially depicted in a StarWars.com article unveiling an alternative cover for the novel on March 26 of the same year, which was exclusively available for purchase during the Celebration Chicago convention, held one week prior to the novel's widespread release.

Gray collaborated with Cavan Scott, the writer of the Dooku: Jedi Lost audio drama, which was released in the same month as Master & Apprentice, to ensure that their narratives accurately reflected their characters' personalities. Scott integrated Rael Averross's character into a scene in Dooku: Jedi Lost where the regent briefly attends a meeting on Coruscant on behalf of Pijal.


Master & Apprentice's events on Pijal heavily featured the Czerka Corporation, which Claudia Gray had included as a reference to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

In developing the plot of Master & Apprentice, Gray aimed to capture the relationship between Jinn and Kenobi during a period when their differing approaches clashed. The author sought to write their mission to Pijal in a manner that would provide additional contextual depth to brief moments depicted in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace). Gray drew a parallel between Jinn's encounters with slavery in The Phantom Menace and his interaction with Rahara Wick on Pijal, a former slave of the Czerka Corporation. By writing about Jinn and Kenobi's Pijal mission in Master & Apprentice, she aimed to enhance readers' understanding of their stories and hoped that their interactions in the novel would feel like a natural progression of their journeys.

The author believed that Jinn's moral compass caused him to feel conflicted about his Jedi mandate on Pijal to sign the Governance Treaty because it supported Czerka's enslavement practices. As Gray outlined her initial story frame for Master & Apprentice, she sought to identify an evil entity for the novel's characters to confront on Pijal. She requested permission from Lucasfilm to include the Czerka Corporation in her novel as a reference to the 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (video game), a Star Wars Legends video game, which was subsequently granted. Gray characterized the company as evil because it employed enslaved Pijali citizens for labor, despite the fact that droids were a cheaper alternative to organic workers.

