Chemical dispersion on Pijal's moon

In the year 40 BBY, Pijali blackguard soldiers released a chemical on the moon orbiting the Inner Rim planet Pijal. This action was part of a clandestine campaign orchestrated by Princess Fanry to sabotage the signing of the proposed Governance Treaty. This treaty threatened to remove power from the Pijali monarchy. For several days, the moon's atmosphere took on a crimson red hue due to the chemical, causing widespread panic among the Pijali populace.

The day following this event, the blackguards left a message on a temple located in Pijal's capital city. The message questioned whether their act of defiance was sufficient to prevent them from being forgotten. Later, Royal guard captain Deren provided Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, with a copy of the holographic recording showing the chemical release, during the Jedi's investigation into the recent upheavals occurring within the Pijal system.


In 40 BBY, Rael Averross, the serving lord regent of the Inner Rim planet Pijal, collaborated with the Czerka Corporation on an initiative known as the Governance Treaty. This treaty aimed to restructure the existing Pijali monarchy, transforming it into a largely symbolic constitutional monarchy, and transfer power to a representative Assembly. This was to be achieved by leveraging data from a census of the Pijal system to gauge the opinions of the native population. However, Princess Fanry of Pijal opposed the treaty, believing that Czerka was exploiting her people through unfair enslaving practices. She hoped to maintain her power as the future queen and therefore did not want to sign the treaty upon her crowning. Conversely, Averross believed that the Governance Treaty would bring economic advantages to Pijal if the Assembly decided to open the Pijal Hyperspace Corridor hyperspace route in conjunction with the Galactic Republic.

Ominous moon rising

Fanry, aiming to delay the treaty's implementation, secretly led a group of Pijali blackguard [soldiers](/article/soldier], supported by her royal guard captain Deren, to incite unrest across the Pijal system. As one of these acts, the blackguards introduced a harmless chemical into the atmosphere of Pijal's moon. This caused the moon to change from its usual golden-and-green appearance to a striking crimson red, which caused panic among the citizens as they watched it rise in the evening.


Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi investigated the upheavals in the Pijal system, including the chemical dispersion.

The morning following the chemical release, the blackguards left a painted message on a temple within Pijal's capital city. The message questioned if their act of defiance was memorable enough. This act of vandalism was attributed to the Opposition, a political performance group known for their protests against the Governance Treaty. Deren retained a holographic recording of the entire event.

Sometime days later, while Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were on Pijal investigating the recent upheavals in the system and attempting to locate the Opposition, Deren provided them with the recording of the chemical's deployment. Ultimately, following Fanry's failed attempt to crown herself during her violent coronation, the Opposition was exonerated of blame for the chemical incident and other related events.

Behind the scenes

The dispersion was depicted in a hologram in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel authored by Claudia Gray.

