Czerka Corporation factory

The Czerka Corporation oversaw operations at a manufacturing plant situated on the moon of the planet Pijal, located within the Inner Rim. This facility employed a workforce dedicated to the production of nutritional supplements throughout the Republic Era. However, in 40 BBY, blackguards, acting upon the orders of Pijali Princess Fanry, obliterated the plant. The blame for the destruction of the manufacturing plant was ultimately assigned to the Opposition acting troupe, under the assumption that they were demonstrating against the Pijali monarchy's Governance Treaty proposal. As a consequence of the factory's demise, Lord Regent Rael Averross sought assistance from the Jedi High Council to ensure Fanry's safety until her coronation.


During the Republic Era, the Czerka Corporation ran a factory that produced nutritional supplements on the moon orbiting the planet Pijal in the Inner Rim. The defenses in place to protect the facility were minimal.


For a period of time, the factory produced nutritional supplements for the Czerka Corporation, with workers operating the facility during the day. However, one night in 40 BBY, the factory was destroyed by an explosion. This explosion was secretly arranged by the Pijali Princess Fanry and executed by blackguard soldiers under her command. One of Pijal's satellites captured the factory's destruction and broadcast it to a viewscreen within the Grand Hall of the Pijali palace, where a royal guard on duty witnessed it. This guard believed that members of the Opposition performance troupe were responsible for the explosion, given their history of protesting the impending signing of the Pijali monarchy's Governance Treaty. He informed Lord Regent Rael Averross and Fanry about the incident, who then hurried to the Grand Hall and viewed holographic recordings of the factory's devastation.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (pictured) investigated the factory's destruction.

Upon seeing Averross's anger over the incident, Fanry feigned horror, despite her involvement in planning the attack. The regent's anger subsided after royal guard captain Deren assured him that no one had died in the explosion. This event led Averross to request protection for Fanry from the Jedi High Council located on Coruscant. Consequently, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were sent to Pijal to offer assistance. The Jedi duo commenced an investigation into the origins of several attacks within the Pijal system and obtained the recording of the factory's destruction from Deren to aid their efforts.

During their investigation of the Opposition, both Jedi were informed by their leader, Halin Azucca, that another group had carried out the attacks on Czerka facilities and subsequently framed her performance artists. Several days later, the blackguards' involvement in the factory's destruction became public knowledge on Pijal. This revelation occurred after Fanry publicly denounced Czerka in her coronation speech and admitted responsibility for the actions of her blackguards.

Behind the scenes

The Czerka Corporation factory appeared in a hologram in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel authored by Claudia Gray.

