Cellheim Anujo (on the left) served as an assistant to Senator Tundra Dowmeia.
An assistant, also known as an aide, was an individual or employee providing assistance to a person holding a high rank in political or military circles. Numerous senators within the Republic Senate, and subsequently, leaders of the Imperial regime, received support from aides.
Upon assuming her role as senator of Naboo, Padmé Amidala selected handmaidens to serve as her assistants. Among her recognized aides were Dormé, Versé, Cordé, and Teckla Minnau. Later, with the onset of the Clone Wars, Amidala appointed Moteé and Ellé to fill the positions previously held by Versé and Cordé, who tragically perished during an assassination attempt targeting the senator.
Near the conclusion of the Separatist Crisis, Taun We, functioning as the aide to Lama Su, who was the Prime Minister of the Ruling Council on Kamino, extended a greeting to Obi-Wan Kenobi upon the Jedi Master's arrival on the planet.
Bail Organa of Alderaan, a close confidant and ally of Amidala, also maintained a staff of senatorial aides, including Sheltay Retrac and, later, Organa's adopted daughter and Amidala's biological offspring, Leia Organa.
During the period of the Clone Wars, Cellheim Anujo fulfilled the role of aide to Quarren Senator Tundra Dowmeia.
Kilji vassals served as assistants to Kilji Illumine commanding officers and their masters, attending to all their needs.
Attendants within the Imperial Security Bureau functioned as aides to ISB Supervisors.
Flag Lieutenants acted in the capacity of personal aides to admirals within the Imperial Military.