A handmaiden functioned as a personal assistant to a monarch or another political leader, offering support and companionship.
During the era of the High Republic, Princess Xiri A'lbaran of the E'ronoh royal family was served by handmaidens who wore distinctive uniforms. These uniforms were stark-gray and featured silver and red embroidery across the shoulder.

On the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, the elected monarch traditionally had a single royal handmaiden. However, their role as a bodyguard had diminished following the Gungan-Naboo dispute. Queen Padmé Amidala, at the suggestion of Captain Quarsh Panaka, revived the tradition, enhancing it by employing multiple handmaidens. This allowed for the use of body doubles, making it harder for enemies to detect the real queen. Subsequent Naboo queens continued this practice. During her time as a Galactic Republic Senator, Amidala retained handmaidens as aides; however, of the initial five handmaidens selected by Panaka, only Sabé remained in her service until the beginning of the Clone Wars.
Separatist senator Mina Bonteri of Onderon had at least a pair of handmaidens who provided assistance during the Clone Wars. They played a role in secretly escorting Amidala and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano to her home on Raxus Secundus for clandestine discussions aimed at ending the conflict.
When Lyra Erso gave birth to her daughter Jyn on the planet Vallt in the Keep, she was attended by handmaidens. They expressed excitement about meeting Lyra's husband, the scientist Doctor Galen Erso, and one of them greeted him upon his arrival at the keep following the birth of his daughter.
The House of Organa also utilized handmaidens. Princess Leia Organa had a handmaiden named Agira whom she once convinced to switch places with her. This allowed Leia to secretly venture into the nearby woods for shipspotting alongside her toy droid, L0-LA59.