Xiri A'lbaran, a human female, held the dual roles of princess, as the designated successor to the E'ronoh planet's throne, and captain within the Thylefire Squadron. Her service took place during the High Republic Era. She participated in the war between E'ronoh and its sister world, Eiram, a conflict that extended across five years. Being the daughter of the ruling Monarch, she was of royal lineage. In 382 BBY, following an unplanned meeting, she proposed marriage to Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram at a summit. This event was arranged by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during a temporary break in hostilities, with the intention that their union might foster peace between their respective planets. Despite the wedding being fraught with challenges, the subsequent decision was made to formalize a peace treaty on the sacred moon of Jedha. However, this opportunity for reconciliation was shattered during the Battle of Jedha, leaving the two heirs responsible for managing the consequences. Subsequently, A'lbaran, Zenn, and the Jedi uncovered a scheme by members of the Path of the Open Hand cult to falsely accuse E'ronoh of possessing klytobacter, a bioweapon capable of devastating Eiram. In response, A'lbaran consented to accompany the Jedi on a diplomatic mission to Dalna to engage with the Path and probe their involvement in the ongoing conflict. However, the Path exploited this opportunity to launch an assault on them and the Jedi, resulting in a major confrontation known as the Night of Sorrow. She and Zenn successfully fled the planet and the battle in a damaged starfighter they located. With the assistance of Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo, the two then rallied their planets in a united front against the Path, shifting the momentum of the battle in favor of the Jedi, while simultaneously striving to establish a lasting peace for their worlds.
Xiri A'lbaran was the offspring of Monarch A'lbaran and held the position of second in line to the throne, following her brother Niko A'lbaran. Around 387 BBY, renewed hostilities erupted between E'ronoh and its sister planet Eiram when Prince Niko tragically drowned during a visit to Eiram. Consequently, Xiri ascended to the position of heir to the throne and was appointed as Captain of Thylefire Squadron, leading the E'roni starfighters in combat against the Eirami for a duration of five years. Throughout this period, her constant companion was her second-in-command, Jerrod Segaru, with whom she cultivated a strong bond of friendship.
After a half-decade of war, both E’ronoh and Eiram were in dire straits. Xiri negotiated a temporary cessation of hostilities to allow E’ronoh to receive a much-needed shipment of ice for its parched population, while Eiram requested medical assistance from the Galactic Republic. The orchestrated arrival of both shipments saw Xiri and her Thylefire Squadron scheduled to receive the ice shipment before the Eirami Navy under General Nhivan Lao engaged with the Republic mission. However, the hauler was delayed, arriving just before not one, but two Republic Longbeam cruisers – Chancellor Orlen Mollo himself had decided to journey to the system to facilitate a peace agreement. The Republic ships – the Valiant and the Paxion – collided, while the hauler, attempting to evade, drifted into Eiram’s gravity well. Xiri attempted to appease the agitated Eirami, but one of her pilots, Bly Tevin, lost control of his starfighter and opened fire on the Eirami before heading directly towards Eiram. This ignited a skirmish between the two forces until Jedi Knight Gella Nattai intervened, convincing Xiri and Lao to help rescue Tevin. Unbeknownst to Xiri, Nattai, and Lao, Tevin’s fighter had been sabotaged by the Path of the Open Hand, a Force cult seeking to perpetuate the war. As they slowed his descent, his starfighter exploded.
Xiri’s fighter was caught in the explosion, causing her to crash-land on Eiram, plunging into the Erasmus Sea near Erasmus Capital City. She was rescued from drowning by Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram, who used her ceremonial bane blade to free her from her cockpit. Initially shocked, Xiri attacked Phan-tu, holding her blade to his throat, but as guards approached, she turned it on herself, preferring death to capture. However, Phan-tu promised her an audience with his mother, Queen Adrialla, and Xiri realized her father would escalate the war if she died. She agreed to go with the Prince, giving him her blade as a gesture of trust.
Upon meeting Adrialla, Xiri learned that her father believed she was being held hostage. The Monarch had sent a holo threatening to destroy Eiram if his daughter was not returned. However, Eiram had also received a message from Chancellor Mollo and his Jedi companions, inviting both planets to a peace summit aboard Mollo’s ship, the Paxion. Adrialla suggested Xiri represent E’ronoh, and Xiri agreed, also sending a message to her father confirming her safety. Xiri traveled with the Eirami delegation to the Paxion that night.
Once aboard, Xiri sent a message to Jerrod Segaru, asking him to persuade her father to attend. Segaru succeeded, and Monarch A’lbaran arrived for the first day of negotiations. However, A’lbaran, influenced by the hawkish Viceroy Ferrol, spent the time accusing Adrialla, and when she refuted them, he stormed out. That night, Xiri realized that the initial messages she had sent to her father had not reached him. She suspected Ferrol, although Segaru was skeptical.
Over the next few days, negotiations stalled. Xiri developed a personal relationship with Phan-tu and Gella Nattai, both of whom she sparred with. While researching her planet’s history, she discovered past unions through marriage. When Mollo and the Jedi streamed recordings of the suffering of both peoples, Xiri decided to secure the peace herself. The next day, she proposed marriage to Phan-tu, met with approval from Mollo and the Jedi, but outrage from her father. Despite Ferrol’s efforts, Xiri persuaded him to accept the engagement. Even Segaru’s protests could not dissuade her, and Phan-tu persuaded Adrialla to accept as well.
Later that night, Segaru was found murdered in Phan-tu’s bed. Xiri accused Ferrol, but he was cleared. Axel Greylark, son of Chancellor Kyong Greylark, arrived to represent her interests. Nattai located the body of another E’roni soldier, Braxen, in space. The deaths were connected, but the perpetrator remained unknown. Nevertheless, Xiri and Phan-tu remained resolved to proceed with the marriage, and both delegations left the Paxion to travel to E’ronoh’s capital, the Rook.
Segaru’s funeral was held soon afterwards, but following the ceremony an extremist pro-war group known as the Children of E’ronoh pelted the Eirami contingent with stones. With Adrialla furious at the security issues and the Jedi revealing that a mysterious jamming beacon had been found on the surface of E’ronoh and Eiram’s moon, it was clear that the peace was being threatened by multiple parties. It was therefore decided that Xiri and Phan-tu should go on a tour of E’ronoh, accompanied by Nattai and Greylark, in order to curry support for the peace treaty and to potentially draw out its detractors.
Xiri, Phan-tu, Nattai, and Greylark traversed much of the planet aboard the Monarch’s sail barge, the Amaryliss. During these weeks, the group grew increasingly close as they opened up to each other, with Xiri and Phan-tu developing feelings for each other. At Barakat Outpost, while delivering relief supplies, Xiri was challenged to single combat by a dissatisfied miner named Bruzo. She accepted the challenge and managed to defeat him, being the first to draw blood three times. Flushed with victory, she promised to the villagers that she and her betrothed would fight for them every day.
While crossing E’ronoh’s Badlands, near the village of A’ranni, the group came across a group of Eirami soldiers pinned down in a cave by a detachment of E’roni, neither of whom appeared to have realised there was a ceasefire in effect. While reconnoitring the site, Phan-tu fell through the ground into a cave system beneath their feet, however the group had no time to wait for him. While Nattai distracted the E’roni, drawing their fire, Xiri and Greylark stunned them one-by-one. But when the Eirami survivors came out of hiding, they did not believe that a ceasefire was underway as Phan-tu was not visible and they therefore fired on Nattai before being gunned down by Greylark. When Phan-tu did finally emerge from the tunnels, he was covered in thylefire scorpions, a fact that amazed the captured E’roni soldiers.
Their last stop was the mining village of U’ronoh, but when the group arrived, they found that the Children of E’ronoh, led by Viceroy Ferrol’s son Rev, had taken the villagers hostage, demanding that Xiri and Phan-tu be handed over. The heirs agreed, allowing themselves to be taken aboard a shuttle that was set on autopilot to crash into the Rook. Luckily, Greylark and Nattai were able to sneak onto the shuttle just before it took off and rescue Xiri and Phan-tu, forcing Rev Ferrol to flee the scene. The group parachuted back down to ground and spent the night celebrating with the villagers.
Rev Ferrol’s failed attack at U’ronoh led to the imprisonment of his father, although little information could be gleaned from him. Xiri and Phan-tu had the first of their wedding ceremonies at the Rook on their return, however another assassination attempt was made – this time by Abda, a Kage who was secretly a member of the Path of the Open Hand. Before Abda could talk, she was herself poisoned in her cell. Nevertheless, Xiri and Phan-tu resolved to push on with the second part of the wedding ceremony, to be held on Eiram.
Once they had arrived on the aquatic world, Phan-tu and Greylark went to investigate an Eirami research facility on Arium Island and discovered that it was still producing poison, the very same poison that had been used to murder the would-be assassin, Abda. Xiri overheard Phan-tu confronting his mother about the facility’s existence, but Xiri stepped in and argued that it should be kept open as a failsafe, in case Eiram and E’ronoh were faced with threats in the future.
A few days later, following Xiri and Phan-tu’s rehearsal dinner, it was found that Greylark had disappeared from his quarters, leaving behind the dead body of Viceroy Ferrol and his damaged therapy droid, QN-1. Nattai rebuilt the droid and scoured its holorecordings to discover that Greylark had been working with the Path of the Open Hand to undermine the peace process the entire time. Again, Xiri and Phan-tu decided to proceed with the ceremony while Nattai went after Greylark. The ceremony was marred by Greylark’s efforts to sabotage it; he had left a personal beacon inside the venue that transmitted his location to the wider galaxy, causing large numbers of bounty hunters to converge on Eiram in order to collect on a bounty that had been put on his head. At the same time, despite the efforts of Nattai, he also managed to detonate explosions on the towers that projected Erasmus Capital City’s protective dome, causing mass flooding in the city.
Despite the chaos raging outside the venue, Xiri ordered Chancellor Mollo, the officiant, to proceed with the ceremony and she and Phan-tu were married. Xiri then rushed to her starfighter as, to make matters worse, Rev Ferrol and the remaining Children of E’ronoh had launched an attack from the skies and brought down the Paxion. Xiri called for an evacuation of the cruiser before engaging Rev with a mix of her Thylefire Squadron and Eirami pilots flying Eirami starfighters. Realising that her fighters were struggling to penetrate the armor of Rev’s E’roni drill ships, she began to bait Rev into pursuing her, asking over the comms whether he had told his soldiers that he had declined to challenge her to single combat. Angered, Rev followed Xiri into a manoeuvre known as the Kestrel's Dive towards the sea. The bulkiness of his ship meant that he was unable to pull up quick enough, while Xiri’s Eirami craft was able to plunge into the waters. Rev was killed as his ship plummeted towards the bottom of the ocean.
Xiri’s defeat of the Children of E’ronoh was followed by the quelling of the bounty hunters by the Jedi and Nattai’s capture of Greylark. In the days after the wedding, it was decided for the signing of the peace treaty itself to occur on the holy moon of Jedha, a neutral venue. Xiri, Phan-tu, and their parents were to remain in the Eiram system to oversee the rebuilding of the planets, sending ambassadors to sign in their stead.