Klytobacter, a destructive bacterial agent, originated on the planet Eiram. The Path of the Open Hand cultivated a significant quantity of klytobacter to serve as a bioweapon, with the intent of decimating Eiram's ecosystem. This bioweapon was composed of bacteria that eradicated the smallest marine organisms, thereby disrupting the food chain and leading to the ecosystem's collapse. Klytobacter presented as a dark, inky fluid. Perceptions of its scent varied; some found it almost odorless, while others likened it to the stench of putrid seawater. The inhabitants of Eiram described its odor as the essence of death. The Mother devised a scheme to deploy this weapon against the planet Eiram to reignite the war that had occurred between Eiram and E'ronoh. To achieve this, the Path produced substantial volumes of the weapon within the Underground caverns located beneath their compound.