Jerrod Segaru was a male commander in the E'ronoh's military forces, hailing from the planet of E'ronoh. During the initial battle of the Eiram and E'ronoh War in 387 BBY, he sustained an injury that resulted in the loss of one of his eyes. In 382 BBY, he found himself serving under the command of both captain and Princess Xiri A'lbaran, whom he had mentored since her youth, and alongside her Thylefire Squadron when they became involved in a skirmish with Eiram in the space between the two planets. Following this event, the ruling Monarch of E'ronoh promoted him from the rank of lieutenant to captain. He subsequently became a member of the E'ronoh delegation dispatched to a summit held aboard the Galactic Republic cruiser Paxion. The purpose of this summit was to negotiate a peace treaty with the Eiram royal family, with the Jedi Order and Chancellor Orlen Mollo acting as mediators. After A'lbaran proposed marriage to Phan-tu Zenn, a prince of Eiram, he was consumed by rage at her choice, leading him to attempt to confront and potentially assassinate Zenn, but Rev Ferrol killed him first.