Eiram royal familyCanonLegendsInfinitiesA royal family governed the world of Eiram throughout the High Republic Era. They were the planet's leaders. Genealogical Chart AppearancesThe High Republic: Convergence (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Tales of Enlightenment: A Different Perspective — Star Wars Insider 215 (also reprinted in Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment) (Indirect mention only) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha script (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic Adventures (2022) 6 (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Cataclysm (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Into the Dark (and audiobook) (First appearance) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: The Fallen Star (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown