Orlen Mollo

As Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic during the [High Republic Era](/article/high_republic_era], Orlen Mollo, a male politician from the Quarren species, governed alongside Chancellor Kyong Greylark circa 382 BBY.


Orlen Mollo with Char-Ryl-Roy

Governmental role

Hailing from Mon Cala, Mollo's experiences with warfare gave him insight into the unstable conditions on many planets within the Outer Rim Territories.

Co-Chancellor Kyong Greylark generally remained on Coruscant, the Republic's capital, whereas Orlen Mollo journeyed through the Galactic Frontier aboard his Longbeam-cruiser, the Paxion. He frequently collaborated with the Jedi to resolve disputes, making him a people-focused Chancellor. Mollo and Greylark adopted this approach to broaden their influence during a period of expansion and discovery.

Mission to Eiram and E'ronoh

Arrival and early negotiations

Mollo traveled to the Eiram system in 382 BBY on the Paxion. He had learned of a Jedi relief mission to the system, which was suffering from a five-year conflict between the planets Eiram and E’ronoh, who had recently agreed to a temporary ceasefire. Mollo's goal was to join forces with the Jedi and try to broker a lasting peace agreement, as the war was causing problems for other planets in the Outer Rim. Unfortunately, as the Paxion exited hyperspace, it collided with the Jedi’s Longbeam cruiser, the Valiant, which had arrived at the same moment. This collision sparked a battle between E’roni and Eirami starfighter squadrons, leading to Princess Xiri A’lbaran of E’ronoh crash landing on Eiram. Jedi Knight Gella Nattai prevented the skirmish from escalating into a full-blown war, and Mollo took the Paxion to the moon of Eirie orbiting between the two planets. There, Mollo convened with the Jedi team, including Master Char-Ryl-Roy, his padawan Enya Keen, and Master Creighton Sun. He shared his peace plans, and when Nattai disabled a jamming beacon interfering with their communications, they received a message from Eiram confirming Xiri's survival. Mollo decided to capitalize on Xiri’s return by the Eirami to invite Monarch A’lbaran of E’ronoh and Queen Adrialla of Eiram to a peace summit on the Paxion.

The initial day of negotiations proved unfruitful. Although Mollo urged both sides to reach an agreement, his attempts to influence the discussions irritated A’lbaran and Adrialla, who both disliked the idea of Republic intervention. The situation worsened in the following days. Mollo struggled to find common ground between A’lbaran and Adrialla, and the talks were continuously disrupted by sabotage from Viceroy Ferrol of E’ronoh and, unbeknownst to Mollo and the others, the extremist Force cult known as the Path of the Open Hand. Eventually, Mollo and the Jedi decided to display recordings of the suffering of the E’roni and Eirami people on screens throughout the ship. Soon after, Xiri proposed a marriage between herself and Prince Phan-tu Zenn, the Eirami heir, to ensure lasting peace between the planets. After some persuasion, both monarchs consented to the arrangement.


On the night the wedding was agreed upon, Phan-tu discovered the corpse of the E’roni captain Jerrod Segaru in his quarters. While Mollo, Xiri, and the Jedi investigated the incident, the Chancellor was surprised by the arrival of Axel Greylark, the son of Mollo’s co-chancellor, who had been dispatched by his mother to represent her interests in the matter. Soon after, the E’roni and Eirami delegations traveled to E’ronoh for Segaru’s funeral, but following the ceremony, the Eirami were attacked with stones by pro-war protestors known as the Children of E’ronoh. With pro-war factions clearly trying to undermine the peace talks, it was decided that Xiri and Phan-tu would embark on a tour of E’ronoh, accompanied by Nattai and Greylark, to gain support from the planet’s citizens and potentially expose any assassins.

The tour proved largely successful and revealed the Ferrols as the masterminds behind much of the disruption. The wedding was scheduled to take place in Erasmus Capital City on Eiram, and Mollo hosted the rehearsal dinner the night before, during which Kyong Greylark arrived. However, later that night, Viceroy Ferrol attempted to assassinate Axel Greylark in his quarters. Ferrol failed and was killed, while Greylark disappeared. Nattai reconstructed Greylark’s therapy droid, QN-1, and revealed holorecordings of Greylark conspiring with an unknown player to sabotage the peace process.

A royal wedding

While Nattai, Enya Keen, and the Jedi Knight Aida Forte searched for Greylark, the wedding proceeded as planned. Mollo officiated, but problems arose immediately when it was discovered that Greylark had left his personal beacon in a pot plant within the venue, falsely broadcasting his location to the Galaxy. Because he had a bounty on his head, this attracted many bounty hunters who attacked the Jedi guarding the venue to gain entry. Xiri instructed Mollo not to halt the ceremony under any circumstances, and the Chancellor complied, declaring the heirs married amidst the chaos of the fighting. Mollo then assisted the Jedi in repelling the bounty hunters.

As Mollo and the Jedi fought the bounty hunters, Nattai was unable to prevent Greylark from detonating two of the towers that maintained the dome protecting Erasmus Capital City. This caused widespread flooding, and the situation was worsened when Rev Ferrol and the extremist Children of E’ronoh also attacked, destroying the Paxion and causing it to crash into the sea. Despite this, the Jedi triumphed over the bounty hunters, Xiri defeated and killed Ferrol, and Nattai captured Greylark. With the crisis resolved, discussions were held to determine the location for signing the peace accords. Mollo suggested Coruscant, but Monarch A’lbaran rejected this, reminding him that Eiram and E’ronoh were not part of the Republic. Nattai then proposed Jedha as the location, which received unanimous support. Mollo and his co-chancellor departed for Coruscant together, with Mollo questioning her decision to send her son to monitor his actions, arguing that she should have trusted him.

Behind the scenes

Mollo was developed for the Star Wars: The High Republic project and was first shown in concept art by MinJi Yoon during a panel at Celebration Anaheim on May 26, 2022.

