Kyong Greylark

Kyong Greylark, a female human statesperson, held the position of Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic during the High Republic Era, jointly serving with Chancellor Orlen Mollo. Back in 382 BBY, she dispatched her son, Axel Greylark, to represent the Republic's interests while an investigation was ongoing regarding an assassination attempt targeting royalty from the planets Eiram and E'ronoh.


Kyong Greylark communicating with Orlen Mollo from Coruscant

Born into the well-known Greylark family residing on Coruscant, Kyong Greylark received her education at the Coruscant Academy, where she gained knowledge in self-defense, starship repair, statecraft, and diplomacy. She devoted the majority of her adult years to politics, eventually ascending to the role of Supreme Chancellor alongside the amicable Quarren Orlen Mollo by 392 BBY. Their combined strengths created a highly effective partnership.

While Co-Chancellor Mollo favored exploring the Galactic Frontier aboard his Longbeam-cruiser and engaging directly on the ground, Greylark concentrated on political strategies and negotiations, opting to remain on Coruscant—the capital of the Galactic Republic—making her a more dignified and polished Chancellor. This approach was chosen by Greylark and Mollo to broaden their influence during a period marked by growth and discovery.

During the Eiram and E'ronoh War, Chancellor Greylark dispatched her son, Axel, with whom she shared a strained relationship, as her representative. This move also aimed to oversee the fragile peace negotiations after his arrest on Coruscant, with the hope of positively influencing his behavior. Unbeknownst to Chancellor Greylark, Axel, feeling neglected due to his mother's focus on her political career, was secretly connected to the Path of the Open Hand, a clandestine cult instigating disturbances to undermine the peace talks. Following the negotiation of peace and the arrangement of a marriage between the heirs of both planets, Greylark attended the ceremony. However, Axel initiated a scheme to devastate Erasmus Capital City, where the ceremony was being held. After Jedi Knight Gella Nattai apprehended him, Greylark ordered her son's arrest.

Greylark desired to be present at the Summit on Jedha where the peace treaty between Eiram and E'ronoh was going to be formalized, but her security detail prevented her attendance. Greylark was presented with the option to have her son transferred to a less restrictive facility, but she insisted that he fulfill his complete sentence. Shortly after, Greylark received the disheartening news that the Summit had failed and escalated into the battle, leaving her and Mollo in shock. Subsequently, she and Jedi Grand Master Yoda jointly decided to dispatch Jedi Master Creighton Sun and Jedi Knight Aida Forte to probe the Path at their compound located on Dalna, as the cult was suspected of triggering the Battle of Jedha. She eventually sent a message to the facility where Axel was detained, instructing them not to proceed with his transfer, but this message was intercepted by Axel's associate Binnot Ullo, a prominent member of the Path of the Open Hand, who altered it to suggest that Greylark and Mollo were ordering Axel's transfer. After Axel escaped during the transfer, aided by the Path, Chancellor Greylark commanded his immediate recapture and imprisonment. Once Axel was taken to the Path's headquarters on Dalna, the Mother, the cult's leader, coerced him into contacting his mother and persuading her to visit Dalna, with the intention of leveraging her authority as Supreme Chancellor to further the Path's objectives and power.

However, Kyong recognized the trap set by the Path and, after consulting with Jedi Grand Master Yoda, surprised the Mother and Axel by immediately resigning from her position as chancellor and traveling to Dalna as a private citizen. She hoped that it would prevent them from exploiting her power and hoped Axel would see it as good will that she was prioritizing him over her political career. Upon her arrival, the Path compound was engulfed in chaos due to a conflict between the Path and the Jedi, later known as the Night of Sorrow. She engaged in the battle, assisting the Jedi in destroying enemy ships and firing on Path forces from above, until she realized that a group she was targeting included Axel and Jedi Nattai, whom Axel had helped escape after turning against the Path. While aiding Nattai in defending the bodies of Master Sun and Jedi Forte, she sustained a blaster wound. Nevertheless, reinforcements from Eiram and E'ronoh arrived to support the Jedi, and Eirami medics provided her with treatment. She swiftly recovered. Although Chancellor Mollo, now the sole holder of the office, urged her to reconsider her resignation, Kyong declined, assuring him that he was and would be a good Supreme Chancellor without her, intending to dedicate more time to mending her relationship with her son as he voluntarily returned to custody to complete his sentence. She also expressed her desire to establish a school to educate individuals about the galaxy, its politics, and its diverse populations.

Behind the scenes

Kyong Greylark's initial appearance was in the 2022 novel, The High Republic: Convergence, penned by Zoraida Córdova. She also featured in Lydia Kang's 2023 novel, The High Republic: Cataclysm, a sequel to Convergence. The character drew inspiration from Kang's mother, to whom Kang dedicated the novel, referring to her as "the original Kyong." Artist MinJi Yoon designed Greylark, incorporating elements of historical Korean clothing as a source of inspiration for the Chancellor's appearance.

