Binnot Ullo

A male Mirialan, named Binnot Ullo, who possessed Force-sensitivity, was a follower of the Path of the Open Hand. His adherence to the Path's tenets led Ullo to both despise and disavow his inherent Force abilities. In his younger years, he shared a deep, fraternal-like friendship with Axel Greylark. The year 382 BBY marked his encounter with Abda, one of the Mother's Children, on the planet E'ronoh. Following Greylark's brief collaboration with the Path on E'ronoh, which ended in betrayal, Ullo's affection turned to animosity. Despite this, he obeyed the Mother's instructions to rescue Greylark from a Republic Correctional Facility and escort him to the Path compound on Dalna, where Greylark met the Mother. In accordance with the Mother's scheme to establish Greylark as a sympathetic galactic leader, Greylark contacted his biological mother, Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark, whose response was to abdicate her chancellorship. Ullo, present at Axel's request to witness Kyong's reaction, reveled in the opportunity to inflict pain upon his former friend, an allowance granted by the angered Mother. He obliterated Greylark's cherished droid, QN-1, and forced him to participate in the Battle of Dalna as a combatant for the Path. Ullo aligned himself with Marda Ro's faction, the Path of the Closed Fist, during the conflict. During the aforementioned battle, Ullo presented Greylark with what he claimed was another chance to align with the Path. This "chance" involved Ullo executing a young Path member who did not wish to fight. He gave Greylark a blaster, but unbeknownst to him, Ullo had removed the cartridge. Greylark attempted to kill Ullo with the blaster, but failed due to the lack of ammunition. Ullo mocked the attempt, and prepared to shoot Greylark, whom he now saw as a failed soldier instead of a brother. But before Ullo could act, an explosion occurred that seemed to have killed Greylark for him, with Ullo bidding him an angry farewell. However, Greylark had survived the explosion and freed the captured Jedi Knight Gella Nattai. Together, they confronted Ullo in the Path caves as the battle drew to a close. Ullo, seemingly attempting to escape, displayed a range of emotions upon seeing Greylark - surprise, shock, confusion, and then relief. He then tried to act like he was innocent in regards to the attempted murder. While Greylark believed Ullo's remarks were lies, Ullo tried to connect with him as a brother and claimed they could create a new future, which tempted Greylark until he thought of QN-1. In what he suspected would be his final moments as the caves collapsed, Ullo tried to murder Greylark, who surprised his supposed brother by punching him twice. Greylark forced Binnot Ullo's poison glove into Ullo, killing the Path leader with his own weapon.

