Abda was a female Kage Kage affiliated with the Path of the Open Hand, holding the rank of Kage during the High Republic Era. In the year 382 BBY, she was inducted as one of the Mother's Children.
Born on Quarzite, Abda spent her formative years alongside a brother. As was typical within Kage society, she underwent rigorous combat training, a practice intended to honor their martial heritage. However, Abda perceived that she was treated with greater severity compared to her brother, recognizing her own limitations in matching his combat prowess. Consequently, on the occasion of her brother's wedding, she departed from her home planet in search of new opportunities.
Sometime before 382 BBY, Abda became a member of the Path of the Open Hand, a radical Force cult that opposed the use of the Force, arguing that its application constituted abuse, leading to conflict and fatalities throughout the Galaxy. This group was under the leadership of the Mother, who had a close-knit group of followers called the Children. These individuals were tasked with various secret duties and assignments. While Abda was not initially part of the Children, in 382 BBY she was assigned to accompany Serrena, another Kage and a member of the group, to E'ronoh, a desert planet. E'ronoh had been engaged in war with its sister planet, Eiram, for half a decade. Serrena's objective was to perpetuate this conflict, with Abda providing assistance in achieving this goal.
Abda and Serrena established their headquarters in a derelict dwelling situated in the Brushlands, located outside the Rook, E'ronoh's capital. Their relationship, however, was strained. As Serrena struggled to fulfil her objective, failing in her attempt to assassinate Princess Xiri A'lbaran of E'ronoh, Abda voiced her criticism, prompting Serrena to retort that Abda had not been selected as one of the Children. Shortly after this, Serrena was unsuccessful in coercing Queen Adrialla of the Eirami to produce more poison for the Path, an agreement that Adrialla had initially made with the Mother. Serrena's failure caused the Mother to contact Abda during the night. The Mother informed Abda of her new status as one of the Children and expressed her confidence in her abilities. Subsequently, Binnot Ullo, another member of the Path, rendezvoused with Abda in the Rook's marketplace. Ullo provided Abda with a vial of Eirami poison, warning her that Serrena's failures had allowed a peace arrangement to be drawn up between the two planets and the Jedi to gain prestige as brokers of that peace. Abda was instructed to not fail.
Driven by a desire to carry out the Mother's retribution, Abda began by using the poison to eliminate Serrena. She then gained access to E'ronoh's royal palace by posing as a member of the household staff, with the intention of infiltrating the preliminary ceremony celebrating the marriage of Princess Xiri to Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram. This wedding was intended to solidify the peace accord, culminating in another ceremony on Eiram. During the preparations, Abda collided with Enya Keen, a Jedi padawan, and was unable to conceal her disdain for the Force-user. Later, while serving beverages during the reception, she was once again bumped into, this time by Axel Greylark, the son of Chancellor Kyong Greylark and an individual secretly collaborating with the Path. After completing her duties, Abda discreetly made her way to Princess Xiri's private chambers via the palace laundry lifts. However, at the critical moment, she discovered that her vial of poison, which she had placed in her apron, was missing. To compound her problems, Padawan Keen was present, brandishing her lightsaber. Keen apprehended Abda, confining her to a cell to await interrogation. Imprisoned, Abda hoped for a rescue by members of the Path. Unfortunately for her, the Mother had instructed Greylark to eliminate any loose ends. Consequently, Greylark soon appeared in her cell and, encircling her throat with his arm, injected her with the Eirami poison, resulting in her swift demise.
Abda made an appearance in Convergence, a 2022 novel penned by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.