Quarzite, a diminutive planet found within the Quarzite system of the Inner Rim, possessed an extraordinarily high atmospheric pressure that rendered its surface unsuitable for habitation. Nevertheless, its crystalline caverns were capable of sustaining life, serving as the home for the warring factions of the Belugans and Kage.
Positioned in the Inner Rim, in proximity to the [Colonies](/article/colonies] region, the small planet of Quarzite resided within the Quarzite system, specifically at grid coordinate M-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Situated between the Corellian Trade Spine to the west and the Hydian Way to the east, both super-hyperroutes, Quarzite was situated along the Shipwrights' Trace hyperspace route. From the vantage point of space, Quarzite presented itself as a peaceful world cloaked in a greyish cloud layer punctuated by violet flashes. However, the planet's surface was in reality inaccessible because of its dense atmosphere, frequent lightning storms, and torrential rainfall, which made it impossible for any civilization to thrive. The planet's high-pressure Type IV atmosphere made survival nearly impossible for most organisms.
Quarzite was a naturally cool world. The planet featured a hollow crust, and its subterranean regions were characterized by twisting caverns and shimmering crystals. These caverns were filled with fields of crystals and crystalline formations. The crystals emitted a violet light, crucial for the evolution of life on the planet, along with the oxygen-rich Type I atmosphere within the caves. This violet light provided constant illumination, and the subterranean realm contained its own underground water basins, lakes, fungal growths, and lichens. Both the Belugan and Kage species evolved on this planet.
The Kage engaged in a perpetual war on Quarzite against the Belugan. It was the Belugan who established initial contact with the broader galaxy, enabling them to benefit from trade opportunities.
During the Clone Wars, Quarzite was under the authoritarian rule of the Belugan dictator Lord Otua Blank. When the Belugans abducted Pluma Sodi, a Kage girl, with the intention of forcing her into marriage with Blank, Major Rigosso enlisted a group of bounty hunters to safeguard a subtram, the primary mode of transportation on the planet, which was to transport the girl to Lord Blank. The hunters journeyed to Quarzite aboard the Hound's Tooth and utilized a massive turbolift, the only means of reaching Quarzite's surface because of the immense atmospheric pressure.