The Corellian Trade Spine stood as one of the galaxy's five major super-hyperroutes. Originating on the planet of Corellia within the Core Worlds, it crossed paths with the Rimma Trade Route at Yag'Dhul found in the Inner Rim, and also the Hydian Way in proximity to Terminus. Initially established 25,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, yet not fully developed until 19,500 years later, the Corellian Trade Spine had a significant impact on galactic history, although to a lesser extent compared to the Corellian Run. Similar to its counterpart, it extended throughout all regions of the galaxy, encompassing both the Ison Trade Corridor and the Greater Javin.
Within the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories, the Spine was home to the Trade Spine League, a powerful union and privateer organization. The desert world Mataou served as a key access point for starships transitioning from the Corellian Trade Spine into the Ison Trade Corridor within the Anoat sector.
The Devaronian species were among the earliest to explore the eventual path of the Corellian Trade Spine hyperspace route. During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], the Alliance to Restore the Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry suffered the loss of eight members during a raid on an freighter. A funeral service was held aboard the Thunderstrike while in hyperspace, situated three light-years away from the Spine.
The Corellian Trade Spine was first conceived within Star Wars Legends for Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, a sourcebook authored by Jonatha Ariadne Caspian and published by West End Games in 1989. Its initial mention in canon appeared within the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.